COVID-19 Nosocomial Review Group minutes: 4 June 2020

Minutes from the fifth meeting of the COVID-19 Nosocomial Review Group.

Items and Actions

  1. The group considered a  Review of international IPC practice in hospitals which also compared the Scottish response to COVID-19 with other countries. It was found that Scotlands guidance is aligned with the countries featured in the document. Two countries had considered the use of temperature checking for screening patients so the evidence around this was further discussed. Noted that this was a scoping document of policy and guidance and did not evaluate the impact of the interventions highlighted.  
  2. A rapid review of thermal imaging in health and care settings from NSS ARHAI unit was considered. This had been considered in the light of what other countries were using. The review points to an absence of evidence for their use in hospitals and concerns about the effectiveness. PHS noted that they do not recommend them for wider settings either- they may have some limited use in airports pre boarding but not exiting.
  3. Recent evidence in the Lancet and BMJ was considered, which pointed to use of masks more widely and the importance of consideration of interventions in the and evidence of effectiveness in the pandemic response, noting that the evidence was not always strong but needed to be certain enough to consider for inclusion in guidance.
  4. Remobilisation of the NHS and IPC assessment in the healthcare built environment needs were discussed and a UK 4 country FAQ document produced in lieu of formal guidance, due to rapid need of information quickly.  This has been shared with all of the boards in Scotland to support remobilisation.
  5. Review of over 70s data and next steps for admission screening The group were updated on progressed work based on previous considerations.  The group agreed that there was little evidence to support continuation of this policy and that an options appraisal for future policy should come to the next meeting for recommendations to the CNO.
  6. Current hospital data was reviewed and it was noted that hospitalised cases of COVID-19 continued to decline. The importance of capturing data to include the start and end of the patients journey through the healthcare system was noted as was the importance to consider post discharge and readmission data for future reporting.
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