
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's Strategic Framework

This document sets out our strategic approach to suppress the virus to the lowest possible level and keep it there, while we strive to return to a more normal life for as many people as possible.

8. Conclusion

This new framework sets out our strategic approach to ensuring we suppress the virus to the lowest possible level, enabling us to minimise the protective measures required, and in turn the impact on individuals, communities, and businesses. It seeks to ensure we maintain maximum transparency around our approach, and public confidence in what we are doing, and why. To succeed, it needs everyone's help and adherence.

We recognise concerns and difficulties with continued protective measures – on what people can do, and who they can see; at times, our very way of life. But we have seen the impact of the crisis so far on our health and social care system, as they heroically worked to quickly redesign services the ensure the necessary capacity and systems were in place to manage the crisis. We have witnessed the toll it has taken on individuals and communities, deepening inequalities and exacerbating social issues such as exclusion and isolation. And we have seen the devastating effects for businesses and workers.

But so too did we witness the tremendous community spirit and collective action to see us through the crisis. Communities rallying together to support the most vulnerable to harm and ensure vital supplies of food and other goods. We have seen every day workers going above and beyond, continuing to work so we could retain some semblance of normality and have access to deliveries, groceries and other basic necessities. Businesses repurposing their operations to provide vital equipment. And emergency services staff continuing to risk their lives to ensure ours were safer.

As we move forward we must retain that collective courage and resolve to do our part so our health and care services, communities, and economy can best be protected. By following the necessary protective measures and playing our individual part, taking care of ourselves and looking out for each other, a better future lies ahead.



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