Coronavirus (COVID-19): Scotland's Strategic Framework

This document sets out our strategic approach to suppress the virus to the lowest possible level and keep it there, while we strive to return to a more normal life for as many people as possible.

Annex 1: Protection Levels Framework

Strategic Framework

Socialising Rules

(different rules apply for children – see guidance)

Level 0

  • 8/3 indoors (limited exceptions)
  • (i.e. max 8 people from up to 3 households are allowed to socialise indoors)
  • 15/5 outdoors

Level 1

  • Socialising rules will be kept under review. Currently:
    • No in-home socialising in some locations - this will be kept under review
    • Max 6 people from 2 households in indoor public places and 8 people from 3 households outdoors

Level 2

  • No in-home socialising (limited exceptions)
  • 6/2 outdoors and in public places, e.g. hospitality settings

Level 3

  • No in-home socialising (limited exceptions)
  • 6/2 outdoors and in public places, e.g. hospitality settings

Level 4

  • No in-home socialising (limited exceptions)
  • 6/2 outdoors and in public places


(Food & drink)

Level 0

  • Level 0 hospitality measures apply – see Hospitality Table

Level 1

  • Level 1 hospitality measures apply – see Hospitality Table

Level 2

  • Level 2 hospitality measures apply – see Hospitality Table

Level 3

  • Level 3 hospitality measures apply – see Hospitality Table

Level 4

  • Level 4 hospitality measures apply – see Hospitality Table


(Hotels, B&Bs, Self-catering, Caravan and Camp Sites)

Level 0

  • Open – socialising and hospitality rules apply

Level 1

  • Open – socialising and hospitality rules apply

Level 2

  • Open – socialising and hospitality rules apply

Level 3

  • Open – socialising and hospitality rules apply
  • Guidance advises non-essential (leisure/tourism) use only by locals
  • Essential, e.g. work-related use can continue

Level 4

  • Essential only, e.g. work-related (No tourism)
  • Socialising and hospitality rules apply


Level 0

  • No non-essential travel to/from level 3 or higher areas in Scotland and equivalents in rest of UK
  • Exemptions for essential travel for work, education, shopping, health etc; outdoor exercise; weddings and funerals; shared parenting and transit through restricted areas
  • International quarantine regulations apply
  • Otherwise unrestricted

Level 1

  • No non-essential travel to/from level 3 or higher areas in Scotland and equivalents in rest of UK
  • Exemptions for essential travel for work, education, shopping, health etc; outdoor exercise; weddings and funerals; shared parenting; and transit through restricted areas
  • International quarantine regulations apply
  • Otherwise unrestricted

Level 2

  • No non-essential travel to/from level 3 or higher areas in Scotland and equivalents in rest of UK
  • Exemptions for essential travel for work, education, shopping health etc; outdoor exercise; weddings and funerals; shared parenting and transit through restricted areas
  • International quarantine regulations apply
  • Otherwise unrestricted

Level 3

  • No non-essential travel into or out of any Level 3 local authority area including to other Level 3 areas
  • Exemptions for essential travel for work, education, shopping, health etc; outdoor exercise; weddings and funerals; shared parenting and transit through the area
  • International quarantine regulations apply to essential travel abroad

Level 4

  • No non-essential travel into or out of any Level 4 local authority area including to other Level 4 areas
  • Exemptions for essential travel for work, education, shopping, health etc; outdoor exercise; weddings and funerals; shared parenting and transit through the area
  • International quarantine regulations apply to essential travel abroad


Level 0

  • Active travel (walk, run, cycle, wheel) where possible
  • Avoid car sharing with people outside extended household wherever possible
  • Face coverings compulsory on public transport

Level 1

  • Active travel (walk, run, cycle, wheel) where possible
  • Avoid car sharing with people outside extended household wherever possible
  • Face coverings compulsory on public transport

Level 2

  • Active travel (walk, run, cycle, wheel) where possible
  • Avoid car sharing with people outside extended household wherever possible
  • Face coverings compulsory on public transport

Level 3

  • Active travel (walk, run, cycle, wheel) where possible
  • Avoid car sharing with people outside extended household wherever possible
  • Avoid non-essential use of public transport
  • Face coverings compulsory

Level 4

  • Active travel (walk, run, cycle, wheel) where possible
  • Avoid car sharing with people outside extended household wherever possible
  • No use of public transport, except for essential purposes
  • Face coverings compulsory


Level 0

  • Open

Level 1

  • Open

Level 2

  • Open

Level 3

  • Open

Level 4

  • Non-essential retail closed (click & collect and outdoor retail permitted)

Close Contact Services

(e.g. hairdressers, barbers, tailors and beauticians)

Level 0

  • Open
  • Mobile close contact services permitted

Level 1

  • Open
  • Mobile close contact services permitted

Level 2

  • Open
  • See guidance on which mobile close contact services are permitted

Level 3

  • Open, but may be subject to additional protective measures
  • See guidance on which mobile close contact services are permitted

Level 4

  • Closed
  • Mobile close contact services not permitted

Stadia & Events

Level 0

  • Outdoor events permitted (restricted numbers)
  • Indoor events:
    • seated and ambulatory permitted (restricted numbers)
    • indoor grouped standing not permitted
  • Stadia – open with restricted numbers

Level 1

  • Outdoor events:
    • seated and open space permitted (restricted numbers)
    • outdoor grouped standing not permitted
  • Small seated indoor events permitted
  • Stadia – open with restricted numbers

Level 2

  • Events generally not permitted
  • Drive-in events permitted
  • Stadia closed to spectators

Level 3

  • Events not permitted
  • Stadia closed to spectators

Level 4

  • Events not permitted
  • Stadia closed to spectators

Places of Worship

Level 0

  • Open – restricted numbers (50)

Level 1

  • Open – restricted numbers (50)

Level 2

  • Open – restricted numbers (50)

Level 3

  • Open – restricted numbers (50)

Level 4

  • Open – restricted numbers (20)

Life Events

(weddings and civil partnerships, funerals)

Level 0

  • Weddings/civil partnerships – 50 person limit
  • Funerals – 50 person limit
  • Post-funeral gatherings and receptions permitted, subject to 50 person limit

Level 1

  • Weddings/civil partnerships – 20 person limit
  • Funerals – 20 person limit
  • Post-funeral gatherings and receptions permitted, subject to 20 person limit

Level 2

  • Weddings/civil partnerships – 20 person limit
  • Funerals – 20 person limit
  • Post-funeral gatherings and receptions permitted, subject to 20 person limit

Level 3

  • Weddings/civil partnerships – 20 person limit
  • Funerals – 20 person limit
  • Post-funeral gatherings and receptions permitted, subject to 20 person limit

Level 4

  • Weddings/civil partnerships – 20 person limit
  • Funerals – 20 person limit
  • Post-funeral gatherings permitted subject to 20 person limit
  • No receptions

ELC/Formal Childcare

Level 0

  • Open – with standard protective measures in place

Level 1

  • Open – with standard protective measures in place

Level 2

  • Open – with standard protective measures in place

Level 3

  • Open – with enhanced protective measures in place

Level 4

  • Open, subject to targeted intervention which may impact on capacity

Informal Childcare

Level 0

  • Permitted in line with household/numbers restrictions (See Socialising)

Level 1

  • Permitted in line with household/numbers restrictions

Level 2

  • Permitted in line with household/numbers restrictions

Level 3

  • Permitted in line with household/numbers restrictions

Level 4

  • Essential childcare only (see guidance)


Level 0

  • Open – with standard protective measures in place

Level 1

  • Open – with standard protective measures in place

Level 2

  • Open – with standard protective measures in place

Level 3

  • Open – with enhanced protective measures in place

Level 4

  • Open – with enhanced and targeted protective measures


Level 0

  • Blended

Level 1

  • Blended

Level 2

  • Blended

Level 3

  • Restricted Blended

Level 4

  • Restricted Blended


Level 0

  • Blended

Level 1

  • Blended

Level 2

  • Blended

Level 3

  • Restricted Blended

Level 4

  • Restricted Blended

Sports & Exercise

Level 0

  • All permitted

Level 1

  • All permitted except age 18+ indoor contact sports (professional permitted)

Level 2

  • All permitted except age 18+ indoor contact sports (professional permitted)

Level 3

  • Indoor: individual exercise only (exemption for under 18s)
  • Outdoor – all except adult (18+) contact sports (professional permitted)

Level 4

  • (Indoor) Gyms closed
  • Outdoor non-contact sports only (professional permitted)

Leisure and Entertainment

Level 0

  • Open with the exception of adult entertainment and nightclubs (unless permitted events) Level 0 Hospitality rules apply

Level 1

  • Open with the exception of adult entertainment and nightclubs (unless permitted events) Level 1 Hospitality rules apply

Level 2

  • Cinemas, amusement arcades, bingo halls can open (Level 2 Hospitality rules apply)
  • Following closed: soft play, funfairs, indoor bowling, casinos, theatres, snooker/pool halls, music venues, nightclubs and adult entertainment

Level 3

  • Closed

Level 4

  • Closed

Driving Lessons

Level 0

  • Permitted

Level 1

  • Permitted

Level 2

  • Permitted

Level 3

  • Permitted

Level 4

  • Not permitted

Visitor Attractions

Level 0

  • Open

Level 1

  • Open

Level 2

  • Open

Level 3

  • Open with protective measures

Level 4

  • Closed

Public Buildings

– e.g. libraries

Level 0

  • Open

Level 1

  • Open

Level 2

  • Open with protective measures

Level 3

  • Open with protective measures

Level 4

  • Closed

Public Services

(Health following NHS remobilisation plan)

Level 0

  • Open

Level 1

  • Open

Level 2

  • Open but reduced face-to-face services

Level 3

  • Essential face-to-face services only (online where possible)

Level 4

  • Essential face-to-face services only (online where possible)

Unregulated (Children's) Activities

(e.g. youth clubs, children's groups)

Level 0

  • Permitted

Level 1

  • Permitted

Level 2

  • Differentiated restrictions apply

Level 3

  • Differentiated restrictions apply

Level 4

  • Indoor activities not permitted

Support Services

(mental health, counselling, day services, child contact centres)

Level 0

  • Permitted

Level 1

  • Permitted

Level 2

  • Permitted

Level 3

  • Permitted/online where possible

Level 4

  • Essential only/online where possible

Offices & Call Centres

Level 0

  • Working from home (WFH) advised

Level 1

  • Essential only*/ WFH
  • * See guidance for definition of essential workplaces

Level 2

  • Essential only/ WFH

Level 3

  • Essential only/ WFH

Level 4

  • Essential only/ WFH

Other Workplaces

Level 0

  • Open – working from home (WFH) default where possible

Level 1

  • Open – WFH default where possible

Level 2

  • Open – WFH default where possible

Level 3

  • Open – WFH default where possible

Level 4

  • Only limited other workplaces should remain open including:
    • Essential workplaces (e.g. Critical National Infrastructure)
    • Outdoor workplaces
    • Construction
    • Manufacturing
  • (See guidance for further exceptions**)

New Shielding Rule

(more details available)

Level 0

  • Level 0 shielding

Level 1

  • Level 1 shielding

Level 2

  • Level 2 shielding

Level 3

  • Level 3 shielding

Level 4

  • Level 4 shielding

**See guidance for definition of essential workplaces

Note: All restrictions will be kept under review to ensure that they remain proportionate and necessary to address the ongoing public health emergency.

This table is for reference purposes only and may be adjusted. Regulations in relation to each level will be published on and relevant public health advice (such as physical distancing and enhanced hygiene measures) applies. Find relevant guidance on



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