
Coronavirus (COVID-19) recovery - public health, public services and justice system reforms: consultation analysis

Independent analysis of the responses to the consultation on supporting Scotland's recovery from coronavirus. This relates to the Coronavirus (Recovery and Reform) (Scotland) Bill.


1 An easy read version of the consultation created for the workshop can be found at: Covid recovery consultation: easy read version - (

2 A total of 2,978 responses were received, but 73 were identified as duplicates (submitted by duplicate email addresses) and removed during data cleaning. The most recent version of each response was kept. No responses were excluded due to being out of the scope of the consultation.

3 Five organisations submitted a total of 11 responses. These were all included in the analysis as they were considered to represent different views across the organisations.

4 For questions H4 and P17, support represents backing for the proposals to be developed.

5 Data for individuals only has not been included as individuals represent 96% of the total sample.

6 Hereafter referred to by its more commonly known name, Police Scotland.

7 These first three organisations supported an extension in relation to the provisions of section 99(4) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002.

8 Topics P2, P4 and P18 had two options for permanence and two options for support. These have all been combined into % support in Table 1; full details are available in the main report.

9 Topics H4 and P17 asked respondents if proposals should be developed or not. The figure for support in Table 2 represents those who supported developing the policy; oppose represents those who thought it should not be developed.

10 Topics P2, P4 and P18 had two options for permanence and two options for support. These have been combined into Permanence and Extension respectively in Table 2. Full details are in the main report.



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