
Child Poverty Action Group - advice, information and training services: evaluation

Evaluation of Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland’s second tier advice, information and training services.

2. Method

This section details the research method used to produce the key findings of this evaluation.

The evaluation involved two main components:

1. Secondary data: Analysis of monitoring and evaluation data collected by CPAG to provide insight into, for example: how widely used CPAG's services are, who the various services are reaching, advisers' and frontline workers' views on the services and the impact services have on their level of knowledge and ability to provide accurate advice, areas for improvement

2. Primary data collection, through a questionnaire and follow-up qualitative interviews, of the views of a wide range of service users (including service managers, advisers and frontline support staff) on awareness/accessibility of the services provided by CPAG in Scotland as well as topics covered and where additional support is needed, impact of services, support for accreditation to National Standards and future needs/services that could be provided.



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