CPN 1/2018: Construction Procurement Handbook

Update for contracting authority staff involved in the planning and delivery of public works projects.


This construction policy note (CPN) draws attention to the publication of a Construction Procurement Handbook which provides guidance on the procurement of construction-related contracts.

Key message

The Construction Procurement Handbook is available.

Target audience

This note is intended for all those contracting authority staff involved in the planning and delivery of public works projects. 

Outline of guidance

The Construction Procurement Handbook is the first in a series of handbooks which will form the new Construction Manual. It covers the procurement phase of construction projects and consists of the following chapters:

  • Chapter 1: introduction and overview
  • Chapter 2: creating the project brief
  • Chapter 3: route selection
  • Chapter 4: preliminary market consultation
  • Chapter 5: contract selection and procurement strategy (to follow)
  • Chapter 6: construction procurement route 1
  • Chapter 7: construction procurement route 2
  • Chapter 8: abnormally low tenders
  • Chapter 9: feedback to candidates
  • Glossary 

Other handbooks covering the following aspects of construction will be published in due course:

  • project Initiation and business cases
  • contract management 


Please bring this construction policy note to the attention of all those staff involved in the procurement or delivery of construction activities.

CPN 1/2018 construction procurement handbook


Construction Procurement Policy Unit
The Scottish Government
3B South
Tel:  0131-244-8492
E-mail: PropertyandConstruction@gov.scot

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