
Creating a Fairer Scotland - What Matters to You: A Summary of the Discussion So Far

The report presents a snapshot of the key issues raised by those who took part in Fairer Scotland discussions.


When we launched Fairer Scotland in June 2015, our intention was to speak to as many people as possible… through events, online and in person… to hear first-hand the issues that matter to you and how we can become a Fairer Scotland by 2030.

Since then, over 7,000 of you have taken part in Fairer Scotland public events and locally organised discussions. Even more of you have engaged with us online, with the number of visitors to our social media platforms edging towards 17,500.

At the very outset of this journey, we committed to having an open and transparent discussion and to ensure that everyone's voice was listened to and heard.

We have been working hard over the past few months to ensure that this has happened, reaching out to a wide cross-section of society, and covering many areas of the country, from Stornoway to Dumfries.

I'd like to thank everyone who has taken part in Fairer Scotland, either online or through the many discussions that have happened in communities across the country.

Your insights and contributions have been both uplifting and humbling, thought provoking and stimulating. Most of all, they've been invaluable in helping us understand the issues that matter in communities across the country and in suggesting how to make Scotland fairer.

You've told us that this has been a positive process in enabling you to present your views and we've tried to ensure that everyone who wants to have a say has been able to do so. We recognise that this is just the first step on part of a longer journey and that we need to continue to work with you as we go forward.

This brief report presents a snapshot of what we have heard so far. I hope you find this of as much interest as I have and continue to work with us to make Scotland a fairer place to live.

Photo of Alex Neil Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Communities and Pensioners’ Rights
Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Communities & Pensioners' Rights


Email: Paul Sloan

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