
Creating a Fairer Scotland - What Matters to You: A Summary of the Discussion So Far

The report presents a snapshot of the key issues raised by those who took part in Fairer Scotland discussions.

Our Approach

Our aim was to engage and speak to as many of you as we could through this process, with a focus on those whose voices aren't heard as often. To achieve this, we did things a little differently than we would normally do.

There were around 200 events, including a series of in-depth discussion events, run in eight locations across the country, discussing some of the emerging themes. We encouraged you to have your own discussions and feedback to us. We also encouraged you to contribute online via our dedicated Fairer Scotland social media platforms.

We asked you to identify the issues that matter to you most and suggest what could be done to make Scotland fairer. We got a broad range of opinion from individuals, organisations and groups of people who came together to take part in fairer Scotland discussions.

Everyone's voice is equally important to us and so every contribution was treated in exactly the same way, whether it came from an individual person or a major organisation. We read or listened to your feedback, whether it was a postcard, a video, an email, a written summary of your event or a comment on social media. However you got in contact, we gave your feedback the same attention.

We categorised each piece of communication received into a broad range of topics, from taxation to transport, equalities to education, and housing to health. A full list of the topics raised is included at the end of this report.

In summarising the wealth of information received, we identified five core themes that we think reflect your views. These are:

  • Work and living standards.
  • Homes and communities.
  • Early years, education and health.
  • Community participation and public services.
  • Respect and dignity.

The remainder of this report discusses these themes in more detail and highlights the key issues you raise.


Email: Paul Sloan

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