
Creating a Fairer Scotland - What Matters to You: A Summary of the Discussion So Far

The report presents a snapshot of the key issues raised by those who took part in Fairer Scotland discussions.

About this Report

1. The aim of this report is to provide a snapshot of the key issues raised during the Fairer Scotland discussions. Given the breadth of those discussions, this report includes many ideas about policy reserved to Westminster and proposals for business and other sectors, as well as covering issues devolved to the Scottish Parliament.

2. It does not present a national or representative view. While we promoted the idea of the whole country talking about Fairer Scotland, we appreciate that not everyone did! Therefore, it's important to be clear that this is a snapshot of views from the many of you who did get involved.

3. We haven't responded in the report to the ideas and issues you put forward. We've received so much information that we need time to give careful consideration to your views. We plan to publish a social justice action plan later in 2016. In the meantime, we will continue to address the issues highlighted in the discussions.

4. The report does not contain every comment received. We've worked hard to capture every view offered but it is not practical to reproduce everything that was said during Fairer Scotland in a concise report. Our hope is that you recognise the key themes and issues from your involvement in the discussion even if your specific point doesn't feature in this report.

The report addresses five key themes and highlights ideas and suggestions under each. These are:

  • Work and living standards - this theme covers ideas around income and employment; pay and conditions; benefits; childcare; and poverty.
  • Homes and communities - this theme covers ideas around housing affordability and access; housing quality; and community environment.
  • Early years, education and health - this theme covers ideas around childcare; education; parenting; mental and physical health; health and social care integration; and carers.
  • Community participation and public services - this theme covers ideas around local democracy; grassroots participation; and the role, design and accessibility of public services.
  • Respect and dignity - this theme covers ideas around respect and dignity for all; public attitudes; and specific issues concerning equalities groups and minority groups.


Email: Paul Sloan

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