
Creating Hope Together - suicide prevention action plan 2022 to 2025: easy read

Easy read version of Scotland's Suicide Prevention Action Plan - Creating Hope Together - 2022-2025.

Delivering the actions

The Scottish Government and COSLA will make sure all this work gets done. We will now start work on a detailed plan which will show how we will carry out the actions we have set out in this document.

There is already a strong suicide prevention community in Scotland and we want to make this even stronger. People, communities and organisations will all be supported to take action.

We will set up a Delivery Collective. This is a group of people and organisations that will connect and work together to carry out the plan to prevent suicide.

Teams will work together and share what they know locally and nationally.

The Scottish Government has promised to double the amount of money it spends on suicide prevention by 2026, to £2.8 million.



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