
Creating Hope Together: suicide prevention strategy 2022 to 2032

Scotland's Suicide Prevention Strategy covering the period from 2022 to 2032.

Where we are now – our current suicide prevention approach and priorities

Every Life Matters established the NSPLG with the role of driving implementation of the action plan. The NSPLG is supported by an Academic Advisory Group (AAG), Lived Experience Panel (LEP), and the newly created Youth Advisory Group (YAG).

Delivery Leads, reporting to NSPLG, are based in a range of organisations and undertake work to deliver the actions in the action plan.

A summary of the range of work which has taken place to deliver the ten actions in Every Life Matters is set out at Annex A (Table 1). Our engagement and consultation with people with lived experienced and stakeholders has confirmed these actions remain relevant and necessary to prevent suicide, and therefore these areas of work will continue to be a focus within this strategy and action plan, building on the achievements to date.

In addition to these key areas under Every Life Matters, other work has also been taken forward in response to new issues, such as COVID-19. This includes: work to address locations of concern, the development of guidance for instances of suicidal clusters, and feedback on the UK Government’s online safety white paper[7].



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