Creating Hope Together – Year 2 Delivery plan (2024-26)

Year 2 delivery plan of Creating Hope Together, Scotland's suicide prevention strategy for 2024 to 2026.

Outcome 1

The environment we live in promotes conditions which protect against suicide risk. This includes our psychological, social, cultural, economic and physical environment.

Short term outcome: Key priority Scottish Government policies (based on Annex A in the Action Plan 2022- 25) increasingly incorporate and deliver actions designed to contribute to both suicide prevention and tackling the inequalities that affect suicidal behaviour.


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Indicative budget to support delivery

1.1 – Whole of Government and society approach

  • Developed discussion paper, framework and hosted workshop to establish priority actions for focus on year one
  • Engaged with leads across Scottish Government to build opportunities to progress the Whole of Government and Society actions
  • Developed framework for prioritisation of actions with partners and advice from NSPAG
  • Work with Suicide Prevention Policy Team to follow up on commitments made in Appendix A and progress work further
  • Identify and build engagement with policy teams across government to influence policy strategy to tackle inequalities and wider determinants
  • Lead a service design principles approach to develop policy interventions that can have the greatest impact on reducing suicide risk
  • Support engagement across COSLA policy teams
  • Ensure approach to tests of change across the Outcomes includes whole society approach

Summer 2024

  • Review progress against Appendix A commitments
  • Revisit plan for cross government engagement
  • Analysis of evidence and insight gathered throughout year one which will support prioritisation paper, on priorities across the 10 years of the strategy

Autumn 2024

  • Test of change developed to support delivery of policy interventions which will have the greatest impact

Winter 2024/25

  • implement delivery plan for priority policy interventions and to inform further cross-government work

Scottish Government Suicide Prevention Policy Team Other relevant policy teams COSLA Samaritans Scotland


Short term outcome: There is increased multi-agency and cross sectoral awareness and action nationally and locally to restrict access to methods of suicide.


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Indicative budget to support delivery

2.1 – Access to means – cross sector action plan to address locations of concern

  • Held a series of regional events to consider approaches to locations of concern which will influence national plan
  • Hold national stakeholder event
  • Share learning from local stakeholder events
  • Develop a delivery plan to support implementation of national guidance on Locations of Concern which supports existing local guidance
  • Develop a range of measures to support local work and share best practice

Summer 2024

  • Develop a proposal for action following national event

Autumn 2024

  • Engage with national stakeholders
  • Gather and share examples of best practice

Winter 2024/25

  • Test national guidance

PHS Suicide Prevention Implementation Leads Local Suicide Prevention groups Local decision making structures


2.2 – Access to means - consider priority actions from Delphi study

  • Delphi study phase 2 delayed due to requirement for additional ethical approval and work carried over to 2024/25
  • Utilise learning from Delphi study phase 1 to support work of action 2.1
  • Following publication of Delphi study phase 2 in Autumn 2024, agree plan of implementation of recommendations where appropriate

Autumn 2024

  • Hold a roundtable event to disseminate findings and plan delivery of recommendations

AAG Scottish Government COSLA Other key partners identified through the work

Funding above will support action 2.1 and 2.2

Short term outcome: Traditional media (including their online content) increasingly recognise and implement best practice in reporting, discussing and portraying suicide


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Indicative budget to support delivery

3.1 – media reporting

  • Delivered a series of training sessions for professionals working across media
  • Delivered media training to elected local members in Inverness
  • Training session to members of the Scottish Rural Mental Health Forum.
  • Working with partners, deliver training sessions to local suicide prevention stakeholders to increase confidence
  • Increase media industry training and engagement
  • Develop plan for college and university engagement
  • Increase monitoring of media reporting

Throughout 2024/25

  • Strengthen relationships with media industry
  • Training and engagement plan for colleges and university media students
  • Ongoing monitoring of reporting on suicide

Media industry Media and journalism students and trainees Spokespeople who may speak about suicide publicly

£ 37,616



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