Creating Hope Together – Year 2 Delivery plan (2024-26)

Year 2 delivery plan of Creating Hope Together, Scotland's suicide prevention strategy for 2024 to 2026.

Outcome 2

Our communities have a clear understanding of suicide, risk factors and its prevention, so that people and organisations are more able to respond in helpful and informed ways when they, or others, need support.

Short term outcome: People are better informed about suicide, and able to respond more confidently and appropriately to people who may be suicidal or affected by suicide; particularly focussed on reducing the inequalities that affect suicidal behaviour


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Indicative budget to support delivery

4.1 – social movement, campaigns, and anti-stigma

  • Maintained United to Prevent Suicide (UtPS) digital channels and advertising
  • Developed new @_FCUnited campaign
  • Engaged with LLEP and YAG to consider approach to future campaigns and social movement
  • Develop campaigns which align with strategic delivery
  • Utilise evidence to enhance social movement

Summer/Autumn 2024

  • Work with partners including See Me to facilitate the production of a Suicide Prevention Scotland-wide approach to reducing stigma associated with suicide
  • UtPS Campaigns Complete the FC United campaign launched in March 2024. In consultation with the movement and partners, identify and deliver a campaign targeting a new group at higher risk of suicide which is evidence informed (to include an investigation of a potential workplace campaign).
  • Capitalise on momentum and evidence generated to date through UtPS- Social Movement, which will include:
    • Review evaluations of the movement, identify the strategic considerations, and produce options for consultation with the movement (to optimise the value of the movement to the public and aligned with the “Creating Hope Together” vision)
    • Set up consultation events including with organisations and groups supporting people impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants of suicide, children and young people, as well as the movement at large to determine the direction the movement will develop in.
    • Consider ways to engage with employers/workplaces & identify appropriate vehicle to do this.
    • Deliver face to face activation events across Scotland.
  • Develop and implement a strategic approach to identifying and prioritising suicide prevention campaigns both for the whole population and for groups at higher risk of suicide and in alignment with the priorities of Creating Hope Together.

Studio Something/FC United


Lived Experience

Strategic outcome leads and delivery leads

YAG/Children in Scotland

Employers Network

See Me anti-stigma


4.2 – suicide prevention learning approach

  • Worked with all SOLs to design an approach to community-led action research to support tests of change work
  • Developed facilitator resources which support delivery of the informed and skilled level Ask, Tell, Respond resources
  • Continued delivery of learning resources such as Ask, Tell, Respond, safeTALK and ASIST
  • Agree and deliver an approach to learning across Scotland which includes continued targeting and delivery of existing learning resources such as Ask, Tell, Respond, safeTALK and ASIST

Summer/Autumn 2024

  • Using the recommendations from the Learning Review Report, develop an implementation plan to take forward the review’s findings for suicide prevention
  • Design approach with delivery partners and begin implementation
  • Work with other outcome leads to engage expert support to designing the test of change, to ensure a unified approach.
  • Work with Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC) and outcome leads to identify two geographic communities and two communities of interest/identity at a higher risk of suicide, to develop and deliver a test of change using community led action research which will include a focus on locations of concern, access to means, help seeking, stigma, discrimination, learning resources and systems to support a targeted approach
  • Develop clear and transparent criteria for the test of change selection groups, considering factors such as communities affected by rural location, high deprivation and discrimination.

Throughout 2024/25

  • Embedding existing Ask, Tell, Respond and other Mental Health Improvement & Suicide Prevention (MHISP) resources within the workforce including:
  • Develop the Ask/Tell/Respond Facilitators’ community network as a platform to inform evaluation of the Ask/Tell/Respond resources
  • Roll out further Masterclass delivery to skilled and enhanced level suicide prevention practitioners.
  • Ongoing and further refresh of MHISP Knowledge and Skills Framework.
  • Development of two further educational resources – Inequalities and Mental Health and Assessment of Suicide Risk in Mental Health.
  • Select core quality assured/inclusive learning and facilitator resources to meet target audience needs of adults and children/young people (individuals, families/friends/practitioners) to be linked via the Online Portal
  • In line with recommendations from the learning review, develop approach to delivery of suicide prevention learning programmes
  • Provide opportunities for trainer and facilitator development across programmes

Consider adaptation for families, carers/unpaid carers, communities


Penumbra/ Change MH Samaritans Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)

£2500 (plus core funding for NES and PHS of £398,000 to support learning resources)


Suicide prevention included in Whole school approach to mental health and school curriculum

This was not a priority action for 2023/24

  • Develop an approach to suicide prevention in education settings based on available evidence and resources

Autum/winter 2024

  • Engage with mental health in schools working group
  • Explore curriculum Health & Wellbeing best practice case studies - work with Education Scotland and the Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES)
  • Engage with providers of suicide prevention work in schools across the UK to learn from evidence and practice in school settings
  • Share/signpost CYP resources for teaching/youth work on the portal.
  • Liaise with local areas leading work on CYP including Perth & Kinross and North Ayrshire Suicide Prevention leads - to investigate their CYP work in schools/youth settings and identify platforms to share learning/experience with other teaching/youth work professionals



Education Scotland

Association of Directors of Education Scotland


Children in Scotland

Universities/College Bodies

Youth Link Scotland

Association of Managers of Student Services in Higher Education (AMOSHE) Scottish Social Services Council


4.5 embed suicide prevention in pre-registration training

This was not a priority action for 2023/24

  • Initiate mapping of stakeholders for pre-registration training within relevant professions

Autumn/Winter 2024

  • Undertake and complete mapping exercise to identify all relevant stakeholders
  • Use this mapping and our wider understanding to identify priority professions for focus
  • Engage with NES and professional bodies to build understanding of pre-registration requirements with initial focus on the priority professions




4.6 – Online portal

  • Surveyed stakeholders and potential users to identify needs and expectations for portal
  • Developed design brief

Develop and deliver an accessible online portal as a gateway to improve access to information and resources to support everyone affected by suicide. This includes:

  • People at risk of suicide or in crisis (adults & children and young people throughout the lifespan)
  • Families and carers affected by suicide
  • Professionals who support those at risk of suicide and who lead suicide prevention in their communities will be able to access and share relevant suicide prevention learning and information.

The needs of groups impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants of suicide, and other populations at higher risk of suicide will be considered throughout the portal design/content.

Spring/summer 2024

  • Utilise feedback from all stakeholders to inform tender brief to be prepared and issued by end April 2024
  • Complete tender process/Select Developer and begin Portal development c. May 2024
  • Devise comms strategy for portal pre and post launch
  • Secure budget & recruit Project Assistant to support Project Manager in portal development
  • Identify organisation/lead to administer, maintain and further develop the portal after launch

Spring 2025 (TBC)

Launch portal following consultation and testing with stakeholders/delivery partners



Developer (TBC)



Organisations with expertise in supporting groups at a higher risk of suicide


4.7 Accessible information to communities

This was not a priority action for 2023/24

  • Provide reliable and easily digestible information in different formats about suicide and suicide prevention to communities of place and interest

Autumn/winter 2024

  • Identify and work with organisations representing communities of population, interest and identity to understand culturally appropriate information/language/accessibility needs
  • Identify existing and develop new resources where required to meet community needs in particular including communities impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and the wider social determinants of suicide.
  • Identify channels/formats to distribute information so that it is visible and accessible, giving consideration to the needs of groups impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants of suicide. The new online portal as an example will reflect the needs of people at a higher risk of suicide and provide a gateway to relevant information for individuals, families/carers and professionals.

Organisations supporting groups impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants of suicide Organisations supporting individuals at higher risk of suicide

£2500 (will also connect to work on community led action research)

Short term outcome: People are more confident and able to seek help for themselves or others who may be suicidal/at higher suicidal risk or affected by suicide and are able to do so without experiencing stigma; particularly focussed on reducing the inequalities that affect suicidal behaviour.


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Allocated budget to support delivery

4.8 – improve understanding of help-seeking and help giving

  • Commissioned AAG to undertake rapid review of help-seeking and help giving
  • Reviewed evidence from Samaritans West Highland and Skye project
  • Engaged with LLEP and YAG
  • Gather, analyse, contextualise and share evidence on help-seeking and help-giving from academic, lived and living experience and professional sources, to help shape and inform all relevant stakeholders’ suicide prevention strategy and activity.

Summer/autumn 2024

  • Prepare a Phase 1 report to contextualise the findings from the AAG rapid review and the learning from the West Highland and Skye Remote and Isolated Workers project
  • Share with the Suicide Prevention Scotland Network, SOLs and other relevant public/private/third sector and SG policy teams to assist with understanding the implications for their respective work.
  • Set up series of consultation events/meetings to gather views/experiences from LLEP, YAG and UtPS
  • Integrate lived experience data with AAG/West Highland & Skye project into a final report to inform NES/PHS and adapt learning resources as required
  • Identify opportunities for improving understanding of help-seeking through work committed to across the action plan.
  • Identify potential research that could be undertaken to fill gaps in the understanding of help-seeking and help giving
  • Build learning into tests of change work across outcomes







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