Creating Hope Together – Year 2 Delivery plan (2024-26)

Year 2 delivery plan of Creating Hope Together, Scotland's suicide prevention strategy for 2024 to 2026.

Outcome 3

Everyone affected by suicide is able to access high quality, compassionate, appropriate and timely support - which promotes wellbeing and recovery. This applies to all children, young people and adults who experience suicidal thoughts and behaviour, anyone who cares for them, and anyone affected by suicide in other ways.

Short term outcome: There is increased knowledge about, and equitable implementation of, appropriate, high quality, effective support; particularly focussing on reducing the inequalities that affect suicidal behaviour.


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Indicative budget to support delivery

5.1 consider ways to adapt DBI

This was not a priority action for 2023/24

  • Explore opportunities to ensure DBI is considered for everyone with thoughts of suicide or who has attempted suicide where the person is assessed by frontline services as appropriate for referral to DBI

Spring 2024

Utilise academic research and engage with policy team leads and DBI central team to explore opportunities and understand potential to develop DBI

SG policy team

DBI central team AAG


5.2 – respond to the diverse needs of communities

Worked across outcomes to identify an approach which will support development of tests of change in communities and which is led by those communities

Developed and tested a workshop based approach to building connections with organisations and groups supporting communities impacted by stigma, discrimination and wider social determinants.

  • Utilise action research approach to work with communities of place and interest and establish tests of change which will influence our approach across outcomes
  • Continue developing and growing work on building connections with groups and organisations working alongside communities impacted by groups impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants of suicide.

Spring 2024

  • Work with all outcome leads to commission Scottish Community Development Centre to work with two communities of place and two communities of interest using community-led action research to identify approaches that reduce the number of deaths by suicide among those at higher risk.

Winter 2024/5

  • Develop and promote three TSC practice stories illustrating culturally sensitive support for communities impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants.
  • Develop and promote a TSC podcast exploring TSC and culturally sensitive support for communities impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants.

Throughout 2024/25

  • Co-produce and deliver a series of Building Connections workshops, to build and deepen connections with organisations and groups working alongside communities impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants.

Scottish Community Development Centre

Diverse communities of interest and identity

Community Planning partnership(s) /Third Sector Interface’s Organisations supporting people impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants of suicide


5.3 Build new peer support capability

Developed monitoring/evaluation framework for Scottish Recovery Network (SRN) project

Agreed approach to capturing information about existing peer support provision

Co-designed bespoke training on peer support for suicide prevention

Delivered a workshop at Suicide Prevention Conference on Peer support

Enhance peer support resources through SRN programme of work to include:

  • Launch and roll out of training
  • Development of practice guides
  • Deliver programme of network events

Throughout 2024/25

Growing and enhancing peer support across Scotland to prevent suicide through:

  • Developing relationships with Local Suicide Prevention Leads & Partners to build understanding of the value of peer support and consider ways to make available locally
  • Ensure peer support addresses the needs of diverse communities
  • Co-deliver events in different regions
  • Share resources, learning and practice
  • Co-deliver events to develop networks & understanding of peer support and suicide prevention
  • Launch training resource
  • National Event – Winter 2024

Scottish Recovery Network

Local Suicide Prevention Leads. Third sector and community based organisations.


5.4 Develop resources to support families, friends, carers / unpaid carers

Links to 4.6

Engaged with unpaid carers and young carers organisations to explore and review existing resources and identify gaps

  • Develop and publish accessible resources to support families and carers

Spring/summer 2024

  • Build on engagement work to date including previous links made between unpaid carers and NES regarding updating materials to fit with unpaid carer experiences
  • Change Mental Health to continue engagement and work with carers organisations to create national resources to support local suicide prevention work undertaken by local carers organisations
  • Connect with Carers Policy team in Scottish Government
  • Ensure resources are included on the portal, to allow access to family, friends and carers
  • Will ensure connection with work to implement NCISH recommendations which will include a focus on carer involvement

Unpaid adult and unpaid young carers organisations

Change Mental Health NES Family support organisations


5.6 Prevent suicidal behaviour in CYP

  • Utilised existing sources of information and evidence to agree plan to address gaps in knowledge around children and young people
  • Survey of organisations working with CYP to fill gaps in understanding
  • Engaged with YAG to build understanding of priorities for action
  • Reviewed academic evidence of effective interventions to support CYP
  • Ensured suicide prevention is included in the programme of work taken forward by the CYP Joint Strategic Board
  • Bring together all evidence gathered over year one into a single report which sets out recommendations for action
  • Work with members of the CYP Joint Strategic Board to ensure the recommendations on suicide prevention are considered and form part of their work
  • Progress work focussed on care experienced Children ensuring, where appropriate connection is made at local level with the relevant leads
  • Continue to explore available data which builds understanding of risk in CYP including outputs from the Child Death Hub Reviews work

Spring 2024

  • Consider analysis of information gathering on themes drawn from the data submitted on CYP needs about suicide prevention and use it to review and further develop our suicide prevention approach/ priorities for CYP.
  • Ensure themes and the intersectional experiences of CYP are considered in all work across the 4 outcomes including how to address identified barriers to support.
  • Consider CYP as a diverse group with intersectional experiences of suicide and suicide prevention within the test(s) of change under action 5.2.
  • Build suicide prevention into the workplans of the CYPJSB ensuring there is clear action identified
  • Provide opportunities for local suicide prevention and Promise Scotland leads to connect and support learning
  • Work to support suicide prevention in CYP will also be undertaken through actions 4.3, 4.4 and 5.4 and secure care settings will be included action 6.1

Children in Scotland



CYP Delivery Lead

The Promise Scotland


5.7 Develop approach to prevent suicidal behaviour in older adults

Conversation café held at March conference focussed on needs of older adults

  • Engage with organisations working with older adults to build understanding of needs
  • Undertake review of available evidence through AAG

Winter 2024

  • Build understanding of risk in older adults, intersectionality and effective interventions

Spring 2025

  • Using available evidence, develop approach to addressing risk for older adults

Age Scotland

Alzheimer Scotland Parkinson’s UK Scottish Government Policy Teams


Short term outcome: People, who may be suicidal or affected by suicide in any way, have more equitable access to appropriate, high quality, effective support - to prevent suicide and promote wellbeing and recovery; particularly focussed on reducing the inequalities that affect suicidal behaviour.


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Indicative budget to support delivery

5.8 Work in primary care

  • Established connections at national and local level and explore opportunities for TSC in Primary Care
  • Explored opportunities to build in TSC to existing mental health work across primary care
  • Published further TSC practice stories including one in primary care setting
  • Building on exploratory work from year 1, develop and begin to implement plans to promote TSC and good practice in suicide prevention to the primary care workforce.
  • Informing and contributing to the delivery of strategic action 3.3. of the Mental Health and Wellbeing Delivery Plan – to improve access to support, assessment and treatment and high quality mental health care in General Practice

Summer 2024

  • Develop and promote three TSC practice stories focused on primary care settings, highlighting the role of multi-disciplinary teams and supporting communities impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants.
  • Producing and promoting a podcast on TSC and suicide prevention in primary care.

Throughout 2024/25

  • Continue work to develop and support tests of change in key primary care settings.
  • Share progress and learning across key policy, improvement and practice networks.

Scottish Government

GP Practices

Integrated Joint Boards (IJBs)

Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs)

£10,000 (to cover work in actions 5.8/5.9/5.10)

5.9 Work in unscheduled care

  • Gathered information about current practice in unscheduled care settings
  • Delivered session at Mental Health Unscheduled Care (MHUC) event on Time Space Compassion
  • Delivered workshop on safety planning including TSC approach
  • Continue to build an understanding of and promote the principles of TSC across all HSCP/SP partnership areas, as well as examples/models of good practice.


  • Develop and promote a TSC podcast exploring and highlighting application of the principles in unscheduled acute care settings,

Throughout 2024/25

  • Share learning and practice from wider work on TSC, with MHUC Learning Network – with a particular focus on the themes of managing risk, TSC for the workforce, creating a culture of trauma informed and compassionate care, and supporting communities impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants
  • Scope and initiate work to promote and support good practice in safety planning.

Winter 2024

  • Repeat process of gathering information about current practice and TSC in unscheduled care.

Spring 2025

  • Develop and promote 3 TSC practice stories focused on MHUC settings, with a particular focus on support for communities impacted by discrimination, stigma, inequality and wider social determinants.

Scottish Government MHUC Policy Team

NHS Boards

See 5.8

5.10 Clinical care

Work to support statutory services to continuously improve the quality of clinical care

  • Engaged with NCISH/HQIP to establish areas of good practice
  • Delivered session at MH leads network on NCISH recommendations in mental health settings
  • Identified three health boards to pilot implementation of NCISH recommendations and undertake improvement work and held initial session to agree priorities for action and ways of working
  • Support improvement work to implement NCISH recommendations with an initial focus on risk management and carer involvement across three NHS Boards

Throughout 2024/25

  • Develop implementation plan for agreed priority recommendations (initial focus likely risk management and carer involvement )
  • Establish connections with Health Improvement Scotland (HIS) work around Significant Adverse Event Reviews (SAERs) and Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP)
  • Establish regular learning sessions with all NHS Board areas to ensure momentum and provide peer support

Share learning through MH leads network and MHUC learning network


TSC Implementation lead

NHS Boards

See 5.8

5.11 Bereavement support

  • Completed evaluation of pilot service
  • Explored evidence from other services across Scotland and the UK

Agreed approach to roll out of bereavement support across Scotland

  • Work with partner agencies across Scotland to establish bereavement by suicide support in 50% of NHS Board areas by April 2026 in line with evaluation recommendations and wider evidence gathered in 2023/24

Spring/summer 2024

  • Develop an implementation plan to roll-out bereavement support in line with the commitment for coverage in 50% of NHS Boards in Scotland, which sets out criteria for engaging with NHS Boards & local partners, and timelines

Autum 2024

  • Identify NHS Board areas where there are opportunities to connect with existing work or an increased need for bereavement support based on data and intelligence
  • Develop a programme of capacity building with other relevant organisations through the use of programmes such as Wave After Wave training

Penumbra and Change Mental Health

Existing bereavement support providers (locally and nationally)

NHS Boards and Local Authorities Local Suicide prevention leads




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