Creating Hope Together – Year 2 Delivery plan (2024-26)

Year 2 delivery plan of Creating Hope Together, Scotland's suicide prevention strategy for 2024 to 2026.

Outcome 4

Our approach to suicide prevention is well planned and delivered, through close collaboration between national, local and sectoral partners. Our work is designed with lived experience insight, practice, data, research and intelligence. We improve our approach through regular monitoring, evaluation and review.

Short term outcome: People, who may be suicidal or affected by suicide in any way, have more equitable access to appropriate, high quality, effective support - to prevent suicide and promote wellbeing and recovery; particularly focussed on reducing the inequalities that affect suicidal behaviour.


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next – milestones

Who with

Allocated budget to support delivery

6.1 – suicide action plans in high risk settings

  • Developed a clearer understanding of current suicide prevention planning across high risk settings
  • Developed a clearer understanding of how to effectively support organisations to further develop and embed suicide prevention planning
  • Work with leaders in and across key settings to ensure existing plans are up to date and new plans developed (internal and outward facing), based on current evidence and good practice.
  • Support evaluation and monitoring and, where appropriate, develop and test tools/review systems
  • Facilitate sharing of learning national to local and vice versa – and across key settings.

Summer 2024

  • Work with identified high risk settings to further develop and improve their suicide action plans in partnership with those with lived experience, workforce and strategic leadership teams (initial focus with SPS and Police Scotland)
  • Develop suicide prevention action plan framework with
    • the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations for use by local housing sector
    • Kibble for use in the care experience sector
  • Work with Matter of Focus to develop monitor and evaluation guidance for use by local suicide prevention leads and stakeholders in high risk settings
  • Lead work with Matter of Focus to embed outcome focused recording and reporting as part of national activities, with clear indicators showing progress against short term outcomes

Autumn/Winter 2024/25

  • In addition to the targeted approach to suicide prevention action plans in high risk settings, identify employers across public and private sectors to develop and test a suicide prevention focus as part of the mentally flourishing workplace framework


Scottish Prison Service

Police Scotland

Scottish Federation of Housing Associations

Kibble and other care experience stakeholders

The Promise Scotland

Lived experience panel/peer support groups

Matter of Focus as commissioned contractor


Local suicide prevention leads

Local suicide prevention groups

Suicide Prevention Scotland leadership team

Suicide Prevention Scotland delivery leads


Employment and Mental Health Learning Network

Scottish Business in the Community

Local suicide prevention leads


(staffing costs from core PHS budget)

6.2 Further develop guidelines on suicide clusters

  • Local areas supported to utilise the cluster response guidance (published in November 2022) in response to identified clusters
  • Develop specific guidance for children and young people, drawing on the use of the guidance on suicide clusters

Summer 2024

  • Share learning from use of current guidance
  • Explore potential of early warning system for new and emerging methods
  • Work with stakeholders to develop additional guidance on cluster responses involving children and young people
  • Connect to planned tests of change in communities


Local suicide prevention stakeholders

CYP Participation Network / YAG?

Supported through core PHS staffing

Short term outcome: Lived experience insight and other sources of data and intelligence are more effectively collected, shared and used in planning, design, implementation and evaluation of suicide prevention interventions.


What we did in 2023/24

Year two activities

What next - milestones

Who with

Allocated budget to support delivery

6.3 – lived experience model

  • Established lived and living experience steering group
  • Recruited new lived and living experience panel and held induction day for them
  • Recruited new Youth Advisory Group members
  • All groups actively involved in delivery plan developments and events
  • Active involvement of the refreshed Lived and Living Experience Panel and the Youth Advisory Group in shaping the design and delivery of CHT activities
  • Continue to provide opportunities for lived experience groups to promote suicide prevention messaging through the United to Prevent Suicide social movement (see action 4.1)
  • Capitalise on the momentum generated by the UtPS campaigns to support the further development of the social movement
  • Build membership of Youth Advisory Group to enhance the CYP lived experience voice.
  • Continued safeguarding and enabling support for people to actively contribute to the Youth Advisory Group and LLEP.
  • Lived Experience Steering Group continued oversight of lived experience inputs and direction of travel across the Delivery Plan activities and wider work.

Summer 2024

  • Lived and living experience steering group review of LLE inclusion in Creating Hope Together activities
  • Series of podcasts promoting the involvement of lived experience in national and local suicide prevention activities

Autumn/Winter 2024/25

  • Reflecting learning to date, explore the potential for a co-ordinated lived experience approach across and within Suicide Prevention Scotland – which will include existing suicide prevention Lived Experience groups (LLEP and YAG), social movement and connection to other lived experience groups across mental health
  • Ensure that this includes diverse and intersectional experiences


Children in Scotland



UtPS movement membership

Outcome Leads/Delivery Leads

Separate funding for LLEP paid to SAMH and for YAG paid to Children in Scotland to support lived experience involvement

6.4 – improve recording of suicide deaths and attempts

  • Developed summary of national datasets and gap mapping – building on previous data and intelligence scoping to support delivery and enable reporting of progress against outcomes
  • Continued to quality assure data by undertaking comparison between NRS confirmed and Police Scotland suspected suicide data to ensure accuracy and identify discrepancies
  • Explored the potential for data sharing between partners in key settings (e.g. education, police, social work, admission to and from liberation from SPS) on suicidal behaviour among young people
  • Facilitated improved linkages with existing datasets – e.g. bring together ScotSID, more timely data, NRS, unscheduled care, prescribing with wider inequalities datasets e.g. GBV, alcohol and drugs (potentially ongoing)
  • Review current systems recording suicide deaths and attempts across different owners to assess gaps and potential solutions which support better integration of data, to achieve a greater understanding of the contributing factors for suicide in Scotland
  • Bring together different data sources to provide improved picture of suicide (e.g. from helplines, assessment processes; routine datasets etc) in order to drive tailored and responsive action.
  • Develop localised and themed analyses of ScotSID datasets that highlight key characteristics of service users and what supports change
  • Work with data providers/users/ Mental Health Equality and Human Rights Forum and other partners to explore how best to provide improved data on inequalities in suicide and develop opportunities to utilise this data to inform practice and improvements

We will improve our understanding of suicide and of actions which can support suicide prevention through:

Summer 24

  • Continue to undertake comparisons between NRS confirmed and PS/PHS more timely data to ensure accuracy and identify where any improvements are needed
  • Work with academic and practice stakeholders to review data gaps identified in the mapping review and identify ways to overcome these gaps – through integrated datasets, shared agreements
  • Work with A&E, inpatient care and unscheduled care stakeholders on methods to identify and record suicidal behaviour (linking to self harm data developments as appropriate)
  • Explore the potential for data sharing between partners in key settings (e.g. education, police, social work, admission to and from liberation from Scottish Prison Service) on suicidal behaviour among young people
  • Work with equalities focus groups to identify what and how to record data

Autumn/Winter 2024/25

  • Facilitate improved linkages with existing datasets – e.g. bring together ScotSID, more timely data, NRS, unscheduled care, prescribing with wider determinants datasets e.g. Gender Based Violence, commercial determinants, gambling


Third Sector

Mental Health Equalities and Human Rights Forum (MHEHRF) and wider inequality groups


Data linkage costs across 2024/25 and 2025/26 TBC

6.5 Horizon scanning

AAG along with delivery partners developed first horizon scanning report focussed on safety planning

  • AAG will work with partners to deliver six monthly horizon scanning reports
  • Share learning from horizon scanning across outcome and delivery leads to help design and deliver future programmes of work
  • Share horizon scanning learning with local leads to support delivery of work at a local level
  • Full AAG will collate all current research being undertaken in Scotland and share with NDL & SOLs; this will then be shared with wider Suicide Prevention Scotland community


Strategic Outcome Leads

Suicide Prevention Scotland Delivery Leads

Suicide Prevention Scotland Delivery Collective

Separate funding of £139,511k to University of Glasgow to support AAG function

6.6 – roll out suicide reviews and learning system

  • Worked with 9 local authority areas to implement the QES recording system and support a learning approach to suicide reviews
  • Connected with HIS on their work around significant adverse reviews relating to suicide
  • Connected with HIS and the Care Inspectorate around their Child Death Hub work
  • Continue to roll out the suicide review system, with ongoing learning from the early adopters shared with other local areas ensuring connection with developments in the approach to public protection

Summer 2024

  • Early adopters fully engaged in system application
  • Peer support mechanism established for early adopters
  • Development of PHS data extraction arrangements and required resource secured

Autumn/Winter 2024

  • Further roll out to all 9 areas initiated (as stepped approach)

Share ongoing learning from testing of suicide reviews across national and local level


Local suicide prevention leads and stakeholder partners

QES as commissioned contractor

Statutory partners likely to include Local authorities, Health Boards, Police Scotland


Core PHS staffing to support development and implementation


6.7 Build capacity, disseminate information and share learning on suicide prevention between and across sectors

Events held included for

  • organisations working with marginalised communities
  • third sector/ charitable organisations
  • local suicide prevention leads
  • people working across different sectors

Engaged suicide prevention network to agree approach to future network sessions

Monthly local suicide prevention leads drop in meetings

Support for local areas through the suicide prevention implementation leads and capacity building leads

Bi-monthly newsletter

Regular blogs, publications and updates through suicide prevention medium page and social media

  • Series of learning events at national, regional and local levels to be developed (and sectoral)
  • The Academic Advisory Group continues to provide evidence informed resources to support the Delivery Plan implementation

Summer 2024

  • Develop a calendar series of learning events across the Delivery Plan activities
  • Map out existing academic activities across Scotland (and beyond) and explore potential for re-establish SIREN

Autumn/Winter 2024/25

Programme of learning events

Strategic Outcome Leads

Suicide Prevention Scotland Delivery Leads

Suicide Prevention Scotland Delivery Collective




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