
Creating Places: A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland

This statement sets out the comprehensive value good design can deliver.


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Architecture and planning

Everyone responsible for Scotland's built and natural environment must recognise that architecture and places are not simply elements of the planning process - they are among the most important outcomes that the process exists to support, and their quality should be a priority.

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Investment: decisions informed by place

Communities and places benefit from investment decisions that consider all impacts - societal, environmental as well as economic. Decisions should prioritise long-term benefits. The public sector should set an example by ensuring high design standards are adhered to in public procurement.

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Developing our potential

All areas of policy and practice should utilise and promote design as a tool to deliver value, sustainable outcomes and high quality. Scotland's design heritage and design talent should be celebrated and the next generation developed and promoted.

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Design for a low carbon economy

Low carbon design and planning should be a priority. Project clients, commissioners, designers and approvers should encourage design innovation and take advantage of locally sourced materials to facilitate sustainable development. A 're-use not replace' approach should be considered first when dealing with our existing built environment.

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Cultural connections

Creative responses should be taken to enhancing and preserving our existing built heritage. The development of creative places and culture-led regeneration should be encouraged as an effective approach to delivering sustainable, high quality environments.

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Engagement and empowerment

Design processes should harness the knowledge of communities and encourage active participation in the design process wherever appropriate, to deliver accessible, quality places.

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The role of Architecture and Design Scotland

Architecture and Design Scotland is a champion for good architecture, design, placemaking and planning. It will work to help deliver Scottish Ministers' policies and objectives for the built and natural environment for the benefit of the people of Scotland.

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