
Creating Places: A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland

This statement sets out the comprehensive value good design can deliver.

Stage 2: Data and evidence gathering, involvement and consultation

Include here the results of your evidence gathering (including framing exercise), including qualitative and quantitative data and the source of that information, whether national statistics, surveys or consultations with relevant equality groups.

Characteristic [1] Evidence gathered and Strength/quality of evidence Source Gaps identified and action taken
  • Need to make easier access to enjoyable outdoor environment for older people to maintain well-being, healthy living and mental health.
  • Should provide information on facilities that cater for older people.
  • Need to promote co-ordination between policies covering the built environment, health, and economic growth.
  • Walkable neighbourhoods and less car-centric places are important to older people.
  • Shift in healthcare - needs to be more understanding of older people's needs whilst living in the community (particularly access to outdoors)
  • Documentation on architecture and design should be visually accessible for older people
I'DGO Research & OPENspace Research Centre, University of Edinburgh Policy seeks to embed good design across a number of different policy areas, including health.

"Designing Streets" promotes walkable places, this to be further emphasised in policy

Better understanding of design implications of helping people stay at home: requires better awareness/training of designers/clients

Policy will be presented as EBook to assist those with visual impairment.
  • Sustainability: supporting older people in their communities
Guide Dogs for the Blind/MACS Need to be cautious about using exemplars from elsewhere: need to understand what Scotland needs in 10-15 years. Need Scottish exemplars: everyday examples as well as prestige projects.
  • Need to design spaces which are accessible for all by engaging people in the design process.
[Chambers McMillan quotes a range of published research findings to support views.]
Chambers McMillan Important that policy says positive things about 'least restrictive' placemaking and creation of richer environments.

Charrette approach to engaging people in design will be promoted in the policy.
  • Disability access should not be understood as simply "wheelchair access".
  • Accessibility needs to be taken account of at planning stage.
  • We should be designing places and buildings to support health and well- being for all.
  • More attention needs to be paid to the colours/materials used in streetscaping.
  • Should provide information on facilities that cater for wheelchair users .
  • Planners/designers need to take long term view of buildings they create to avoid the need for costly retrofit which undermines original concept.
  • Low level access to buildings should be the norm.
  • Local community groups and disability groups should be involved more in the design process
[consultation response draws on empirical evidence from members] …………………………………………………….
  • Procurement processes should take account of accessibility issues
  • Community engagement should be a proper partnership
  • Policy needs to support cross-disciplinary research, development and training
Scottish Disability Equality Forum, Inclusion Scotland and Independent Living in Scotland

Centre for Inclusive Living, Perth & Kinross

Council on Disability (Stirling District) Sue Sadler, Robert White and Claire Hyland
Policy will support the promotion of accessible places and the importance for designers to be aware of the wider implications of their proposals on people with a disability.

Policy supports involvement of communities, and all interested groups, in the design process, through charrettes and other mechanisms.

As part of the policy preparation, colleagues conducting procurement review have been approached to determine how good, accessible design should be central to procurement processes.

Policy promotes the need for community participation and for this to be meaningful Policy makes commitments to promote research outputs, many of which will have direct relationships to access and equality issues.
  • The bias towards construction is a gendered issue, in that scarce resources are disproportionately being directed to male dominated sectors
  • Accessibility to historic buildings needs to be addressed
Council on Disability (Stirling District) Construction sector is subject to same equal opportunities legislation as all other sectors. Placemaking supports a wide range of sectors - including architects, planners, surveyors. The focus of the policy will be on design quality and therefore the ability to influence gender balance within the construction sector will be limited. However, the policy will contains commitments on the promotion of architecture and placemaking to a wide audience and this may encourage increased female interest and involvement in the design and construction sector.

Policy commits to taking forward recommendations from Historic Scotland's Heritage Review
GENERAL Importance of taking an intelligent approach to designing for people. Need flexibility and choice of access means. Glasgow School of Art Use exemplars for design of places to help think about designing for the widest possible range of users. Representatives from disability and equality groups have indicated their willingness to be involved in projects and initiatives that emerge from the policy.
Designer needs to understand thinking behind design guidance. Mackintosh School of Architecture SG should help to promote research projects that help change behaviours in design /production to make universally accessible.
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