Creating Places: A policy statement on architecture and place for Scotland

This statement sets out the comprehensive value good design can deliver.

Stage 4: Decision making and monitoring

Identifying and establishing any required mitigating action

If, following the impact analysis, you have think you have identified any unlawful discrimination - direct or indirect - you must consider and set out what action will be undertaken to mitigate the negative impact. You will need to consult your legal team in SGLD at this point if you have not already done so.

Have positive or negative impacts been identified for any of the equality groups? No
Is the policy directly or indirectly discriminatory under the Equality Act 2010 [2] ? No
If the policy is indirectly discriminatory, how is it justified under the relevant legislation?
If not justified, what mitigating action will be undertaken?

Describing how Equality Impact analysis has shaped the policy making process

In this section, set out a narrative that describes how the equality impact analysis has shaped and informed your policy development. Include, for example:

The EQIA played an important role in setting out our engagement strategy throughout the consultation and drafting stages. A specific equality focus group was held at the beginning of the consultation process and then a subsequent meeting to discuss the emerging policy statement structure and content. In addition, groups representing people with a disability were prominent in the written responses and the EQIA process has ensured that the weight and content of these responses was carefully considered. All of these inputs have added value to the policy development process and reinforced the importance of promoting well designed places that consider the needs of all users.

Due in large part to engagement with specialist groups, the policy statement now contains a commitment to develop and advocate the implementation of guidance on inclusive design in the public realm. It is envisaged that this work will be co-produced with equalities groups and organisations representing people with a disability.

All of the commitments in the policy statement will be met within existing allocated budgets.

The policy statement on architecture and place is very much focussed on addressing a wide range of objectives for people and communities, other than simply dealing with the appearance of buildings. These include issues around health, social capital, community safety, local economy, climate change and culture. The EQIA process has ensured that each of these issues is informed by the requirements of all building and street users. It has emphasised the importance of architecture and placemaking as a determinant on the quality and efficiency of public service provision. The EQIA has helped to support and develop the central theme of the policy which is that the quality of our physical environment is an important factor in improving the quality of life for people an communities. Focusing on the impact on lifestyle and individuals has required that the needs of all users are properly considered.

Monitoring and Review

The policy contains an action plan which will be available online and which will be updated with information on the progress of policy delivery initiatives. As material on policy delivery becomes available, it will be added to the action plan and is intended to act as a resource of good practice.

This wider dissemination of good practice is intended to help improve the quality of design and therefore to ensure that all users' needs are considered. Commitments that directly relate to equality issues, such as the development of guidance on inclusive and accessible public realms, will be addressed through the online action plan, and resources and outputs added as and when they become available.

The monitoring will be undertaken by members of the Scottish Government architecture team.

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