
Creative Industries Leadership Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Creative Industries Advisory Group.


The main meeting of CILG will be held 4 times a year. Two meetings will be co-chaired by Ministers and the other two by industry. The meetings in spring and autumn will be co-chaired by the Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Fair Work and Culture alongside an industry co-chair. The Minister for Business, Innovation and Energy will also be a member. At these meetings other relevant Ministers can attend to speak to or participate in agenda items relating to their portfolio. 

CILG will be co-chaired by a representative from the creative industries, who will act as industry co-chair at each of the main meetings of CILG. The industry co-chair can also chair working groups, or appoint co-chairs or CILG members as working group chairs. 

Membership of CILG will include practitioners, decision makers and leaders from the creative industries, with proven experience, influence and impact. Members do not need to represent the whole sector, and not all sectors need be represented. With the exception of appointees from the trade unions and guilds, members are not representatives of the organisations for which they work. 

Relevant creative, economic, skills, higher and further education and other public agencies will be invited as observers on the main group. 

Membership of the group will be reviewed regularly to ensure it is focused and concise.

Where members have failed to attend for three or more meetings of the main group, unless they have reasonable excuse, they will be asked to step down as members. 

Working groups 

CILG will be supported by a number of short-life working groups. They will consider specific issues of strategic importance to the growth and development of the sector, and be developed on the basis of industry demand and policy direction/opportunity. 

The working groups will report to the main group to support its focus. It is expected that the working groups will bring forward short updates to the main meeting along with update paper(s). Update reports will be delivered by industry members.

Each working group will have a terms of reference, work plan and timescale of operation and the ability to continue their lifespan; all of these will be agreed by the working group and the main CILG group. 

Each working group will be chaired/co-chaired by a member of CILG who will be responsible for ensuring that it reports to the main CILG as expected. Membership of working groups will be drawn from the main CILG and from wider organisations as needs require, with the chair/co-chair determining this in consultation with members and secretariat. Working groups, at the discretion of the chair, may establish and manage short-life task groups as necessary to undertake their work. 

Focus of working groups

The focus of the working groups will be agreed by CILG. 


The main group of CILG will meet four times a year. Working groups will meet as frequently as necessary to conduct their business in order to ensure continuity with the overarching purpose of CILG.

Meetings of CILG and its working groups can meet virtually or in person. The Scottish Government will provide venues and refreshments for meetings. Facilities will be made available for remote meetings. 

Participants are encouraged to have free and frank discussions. The group will operate under Chatham House rule and any code of conduct applying to the group. Scottish Ministers, special advisers and the Permanent Secretary are covered by the terms of the Lobbying (Scotland) Act 2016.

A summary of the discussions and action points will be published on the Scottish Government website after the contents have been agreed by Ministers and members.

Any public communication by an individual member or group of members regarding the group's discussion and activities should be shared for agreement in advance with the Secretariat and other members.

Membership is on a voluntary, non-remunerated basis. Appointment is not a public appointment and is not subject to the public appointments process. 

Self-employed members will be remunerated for travel expenses in line with Scottish Government rates and conditions of payment. 

Members will be expected to read papers for meetings and prepare for each meeting in advance. Meetings of the main group will usually last for two hours. Where they are not held by virtual means they will have a pre-meet refreshment and the opportunity for members to meet and discuss. There will be opportunities for tours of meeting venues either before or after the formal meeting. 

Relations with other industry groups 

CILG, or some of its members, may meet with other Scottish Government Industry Leadership Groups to discuss cross-cutting issues, sharing practices and learning, particularly in relation to COVID-19 recovery activities and the move to net zero. 

Opportunities for wider sector development 

CILG will create and update a sector asset register identifying key areas of skills and competencies to enable faster, more informed response to opportunities for inward investment and to collective national challenges. 


All of the work of CILG will be aligned to, and measured by, the National Performance Framework. It will be focused on impact rather than activity. 


Scottish Government will provide the secretariat for the Leadership Group. Secretariat for the working groups will be agreed with the co-chairs and the Scottish Government. Scottish Government partners can also provide secretariat for the working groups. 

Review of CILG 

The purpose, impact, effectiveness and future of CILG will be reviewed towards the end of an industry co-chair’s term of office. 

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