Criminal justice monitoring data: monthly statistics

Statistics showing the length of time to process cases in Scotland from caution to verdict.

Note: The last update of this data was at the end of January 2025 providing the indicators for December 2024. After this date this information is not held by the Scottish Government. If you require more information please contact

This data is updated each month. It is used for monitoring purposes.   

It is collected and provided by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service and Police Scotland.

What the table shows

End to end system indicator

The percentage of summary criminal cases dealt with within 26 weeks (from caution and charge to verdict)

Caution and charge to the police report

The percentage of summary cases received by Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service within 28 days (of earliest caution and charge).

Case marking

The percentage of summary cases taken and implemented by Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service within four weeks of receipt from the reporting agency


The average Sheriff Court summary waiting period in weeks (weighted) between pleading diet and trial diet.

Criminal Justice monitoring data
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