Criminal justice social work statistics in Scotland: 2013-14

An annual publication of statistics on community payback and other social work orders, including breaches and terminations of orders, as well as criminal justice social work (CJSW) reports and other areas of CJSW.

Table 10 Community payback order requirements: 2011-12 to 2013-14

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Unpaid work or other activity 7,776 12,785 14,879
Offender supervision 6,382 8,816 9,413
Conduct1 2,360 1,610 1,147
Programme 809 1,047 1,178
Alcohol treatment 536 398 400
Compensation 350 609 606
Drug treatment 236 183 167
Mental health treatment 74 97 65
Residence 51 37 45
Unpaid work or other activity 76.0 79.6 80.0
Offender supervision 62.4 54.9 50.6
Conduct1 23.1 10.0 6.2
Programme 7.9 6.5 6.3
Alcohol treatment 5.2 2.5 2.2
Compensation 3.4 3.8 3.3
Drug treatment 2.3 1.1 0.9
Mental health treatment 0.7 0.6 *
Residence * * *

Notes: 2011-12 figures are based on an aggregate return and may include extra requirements issued after the initial imposition of the order. This is not the case for figures based on the unit-level return from 2012-13 onward. The difference is not thought to be substantive.

1. The fall in the use of the conduct requirement after 2011-12 is due to a 2012 appeal court judgement that conduct requirements must be specific and include more than general conditions to stay out of trouble or to refrain from committing another criminal offence. This will have an impact on the level of supervision requirements as orders with a conduct requirement should also include supervision.


Email: Alan Fleming

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