Criminal justice social work statistics in Scotland: 2013-14

An annual publication of statistics on community payback and other social work orders, including breaches and terminations of orders, as well as criminal justice social work (CJSW) reports and other areas of CJSW.

Table 13 Timescales for first direct contact and induction / case management meeting for community payback orders commenced: 2011-12 to 2013-14

2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Total 10,228 16,057 18,599
Time between order imposed and first contact
Within 1 working day 7,319 11,992 13,803
Over 1 - 5 working days 1,255 1,517 1,813
Over 5 working days 961 1,639 1,880
Not known/applicable 693 909 1,103
Time between order imposed and first induction/case management meeting
Within 5 working days 7,484 11,978 13,977
Over 5 - 10 working days 833 1,272 1,669
Over 10 working days 734 1,205 1,562
Not known/applicable 1,177 1,602 1,391
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Time between order imposed and first contact
Within 1 working day 76.8 79.2 78.9
Over 1 - 5 working days 13.2 10.0 10.4
Over 5 working days 10.1 10.8 10.7
Time between order imposed and first induction/case management meeting
Within 5 working days 82.7 82.9 81.2
Over 5 - 10 working days 9.2 8.8 9.7
Over 10 working days 8.1 8.3 9.1

Notes: Orders where the client did not/was unable to comply or transferred from another jurisdiction are included in the 'not known/applicable' category. These cases are not included in the percentage figures. The first induction/case management meeting involves clarifying health and safety procedures, requirements and expectations, and drawing up a case management plan.


Email: Alan Fleming

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