Criminal justice social work statistics in Scotland: 2013-14

An annual publication of statistics on community payback and other social work orders, including breaches and terminations of orders, as well as criminal justice social work (CJSW) reports and other areas of CJSW.

Table 31 Voluntary throughcare and throughcare addiction services: 2009-10 to 2013-14

  Cases commenced Individuals receiving assistance
2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Voluntary throughcare (including addiction services) 2,683 2,725 2,625 2,597 2,489 2,433 2,350 2,428 2,464 2,327
Throughcare addiction services 1,523 1,515 1,486 1,320 1,180 1,414 1,375 1,390 1,267 1,109
Males 1,192 1,189 1,194 1,014 926 1,124 1,083 1,115 969 877
Under 21s serving sentences under 31 days 15 19 36 3 14 7 16 35 2 14
Females 331 326 292 306 254 290 292 275 298 232
Serving sentences under 31 days 16 9 25 15 14 15 9 25 14 6


Email: Alan Fleming

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