
Criminal justice social work statistics in Scotland: 2015-2016

National-level information on criminal justice social work activity in Scotland, including data on criminal justice social work services and social work orders.

Table 31 Fiscal work orders commenced by age, gender, employment status, ethnicity and length of orders: 2015-16

  Number Percentage
Total 508 100.0
Age group 2
16-17 27 5.3
18-20 107 21.1
21-25 132 26.0
26-30 83 16.3
31-40 99 19.5
Over 40 60 11.8
Male 409 80.5
Female 99 19.5
Employment status
Full-time education 29 5.7
Employed/self employed 214 42.1
Unemployed 151 29.7
Government training scheme 3 0.6
Economically inactive 3 24 4.7
Other 87 17.1
Ethnicity 4
White 375 96.9
Asian 6 1.6
African, Caribbean or Black 3 0.8
Mixed 0 -
Other 3 0.8
Not known/provided 121  
Length of order
20 hours 93 18.3
Over 20 and under 30 hours 3 0.6
30 hours 267 52.6
40 hours 99 19.5
50 hours 46 9.1

1. Fiscal work orders were introduced nationally on 1 April 2015, having been piloted in a small number of local authority areas since June 2008.

2. Age is at commencement of case.

3. Includes those who are retired, supported by family, caring for home/family or long-term sick/disabled.

4. The percentages for ethnicity represent the proportions of cases where the ethnicity was known.


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