Criminal justice social work statistics: 2019 to 2020

National-level information, as well as some local authority breakdowns, on criminal justice social work activity in Scotland. Also includes data on justice social work services and social work orders, as well as characteristics of the individuals involved.

Table 34 Structured deferred sentences imposed by age and gender: 2018-19 to 2019-20

2018-19 2019-20
Total 817 885
Age group1 16-172 49
18-20 151
21-25 113
26-30 105
31-40 253
Over 40 214
Gender Males 575 660
Females 242 225
Total 100.0 100.0
Age group1 16-172 5.5
18-20 17.1
21-25 12.8
26-30 11.9
31-40 28.6
Over 40 24.2
Gender Males 70.4 74.6
Females 29.6 25.4

1. Information by age group first collected in 2019-20.

2. May include a small number of under 16s.



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