
Criminal justice social work statistics: 2020 - 2021

Mainly national-level information on criminal justice social work activity in Scotland in the first full year affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Includes data on justice social work services and social work orders, as well as characteristics of the individuals involved.

Table 8 Community payback orders commenced by age, gender, employment status and ethnicity: 2016-17 to 2020-21

2016-174 2017-184 2018-194,5 2019-204,5 2020-215,6
Total 19,200 17,882 16,469 16,800 8,169
Age group1
16-17 615 532 438 349 151
18-20 2,061 1,839 1,595 1,559 676
21-25 3,751 3,161 2,859 2,816 1,245
26-30 3,419 3,115 3,000 3,008 1,483
31-40 5,142 5,078 4,736 5,133 2,515
Over 40 4,212 4,157 3,841 3,935 2,099
Male 16,360 15,166 14,056 14,299 6,987
Female 2,840 2,716 2,413 2,501 1,182
Employment status
Full-time education 353 277 264 279 157
Employed/self employed 4,325 4,247 4,076 4,142 1,755
Unemployed 11,099 10,246 9,263 9,707 4,908
Government training scheme 52 55 32 33 25
Economically inactive2 2,025 1,951 1,804 1,899 1,023
Other3 321 456 431 147 52
Not known 1,025 650 599 593 249
White 17,299 16,030 14,512 15,082 6,990
Asian 220 218 250 243 102
African, Caribbean or Black 124 136 125 142 58
Mixed 64 52 52 48 23
Other 192 209 182 179 72
Not known/provided 1,301 1,237 1,348 1,106 924
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Age group1
16-17 3.2 3.0 2.7 2.1 1.8
18-20 10.7 10.3 9.7 9.3 8.3
21-25 19.5 17.7 17.4 16.8 15.2
26-30 17.8 17.4 18.2 17.9 18.2
31-40 26.8 28.4 28.8 30.6 30.8
Over 40 21.9 23.2 23.3 23.4 25.7
Male 85.2 84.8 85.3 85.1 85.5
Female 14.8 15.2 14.7 14.9 14.5
Employment status
Full-time education 1.8 1.6 1.7 1.7 2.0
Employed/self employed 22.5 24.6 25.7 25.6 22.2
Unemployed 57.8 59.5 58.4 59.9 62.0
Government training scheme * * * * *
Economically inactive2 10.5 11.3 11.4 11.7 12.9
Other 1.7 2.6 2.7 0.9 0.7
Ethnicity (where known)
White 96.6 96.3 96.0 96.1 96.5
Asian 1.2 1.3 1.7 1.5 1.4
African, Caribbean or Black 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.8
Mixed * * * * *
Other 1.1 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0

1. Age is at commencement of order. Figures may include a small number of under 16s.

2. Includes those who are retired, supported by family, caring for home/family or long-term sick/disabled.

3. An exercise was conducted for 2019-20 and 2020-21 which asked councils to look further at orders where the employment status was originally being classified under "other". As a result, a number of orders were reclassified and the number of "others" was substantially lower than in previous years.

4. Figures for the years 2016-17 to 2019-20 have been revised from those previously published due to the receipt of updated information from some councils.

5. The figures for males for 2018-19, 2019-20 and 2020-21 include, respectively, 5, 2 and 1 orders with gender "other".

6. Figures for 2020-21 include estimates for Renfrewshire.



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