
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2011-12

This bulletin forms part of the Scottish Government series of statistical bulletins on the criminal justice system.

Table 28 Females given fiscal fixed penalties by main crime/offence and age, 2011-12

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
Total1 160 1,302 2,896 4,358 100 100 100 100
Serious Driving Offences - - - - - - - -
Speeding 43 480 1,241 1,764 27 37 43 40
Signal and Direction Offences 25 194 464 683 16 15 16 16
Lighting, Construction & Use Offences 11 48 81 140 7 4 3 3
Documentation Offences 41 275 601 917 26 21 21 21
Other Motor Vehicle Offences2 40 305 508 853 25 23 18 20
Non-Motor Vehicle Offences3 - - 1 1 - - * *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and/or gender are unknown.
2. Contains a number of other offences, however around one-third of fixed penalties given for this group were for mobile phone offences and one-third for seatbelt offences.
3. Contains bicycle offences and roadworks offences.


Email: Howard Hooper

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