
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2013-14

This bulletin forms part of the Scotttish Government series of statistical on the criminal justice system.

4. Bulletin Tables

Table 1 Summary of known action, 2004-05 to 2013-14

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Crimes and offences recorded by the police
Crimes 438 418 419 386 377 338 323 314 273 270
Offences1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 501
Crimes and offences cleared up by the police
Crimes 195 191 199 185 185 167 157 155 140 139
Offences1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 472
Police disposals
Anti-social behaviour fixed penalty notices n/a n/a n/a n/a 48 61 54 54 55 55
Formal adult warnings n/a n/a n/a n/a 8 8 8 8 8 7
Crimes and offences dealt with by:
Offence referrals to Reporter to Children's Panel2 35 37 34 30 25 21 16 12 8 7
Procurator Fiscal action
Total criminal reports received (COPFS cases) 309 320 316 307 285 276 266 276 281 294
Fiscal fines (CHS people)3,4 n/a n/a n/a n/a 38 36 36 42 48 47
Fiscal fines (COPFS cases)4,5 23 18 21 19 37 34 33 41 46 47
Fiscal fixed penalties (CHS people)3 n/a n/a n/a n/a 18 19 20 21 22 23
Fiscal fixed penalties (COPFS cases)5 10 10 14 15 20 18 20 21 22 24
Compensation orders (CHS people)4,5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 2 2 1 1 1
Compensation orders (COPFS cases)3,5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 2 2 1 1 1
Combined fiscal fines/compensation orders (CHS people)3,4 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 2 2 3 2 2
Combined fiscal fines/compensation orders (COPFS cases)4,5 n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 2 2 3 2 2
Fiscal warnings (COPFS cases) 32 33 27 25 15 14 13 12 13 8
No action (COPFS cases) 61 49 44 44 32 30 29 32 35 28
Other non-court disposals6 11 11 12 10 9 8 8 8 10 13
People proceeded against in court 144 142 149 149 141 136 131 125 117 122

1. Since 2013-14, not all offence categories are comparable with previous years data. Please see Annex 2 of the Recorded Crime in Scotland, 2013-14 publication for further information.

2. Shows the number of offence referrals received by the Children's Reporter in each year. A referral may relate to more than one offence. Please note that the data definitions around this measure have been changed to exclude cases which are jointly referred to the Children's Reporter and the Procurator Fiscal, since these cases will be included in the Procurator Fiscal action totals. This change has been applied retrospectively to historical data

3. Number of people with main penalty as recorded on the Police Scotland's Criminal History System (CHS). The combined number of fiscal fines and fixed penalties is underestimated by around 2,700 in 2008-09 and 500 in 2009-10.

4. Figures relate to cases which were closed as offer paid/accepted/deemed accepted.

5. Number of cases of highest disposal as recorded on the Crown Office Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) information system.

6. Includes cases diverted from prosecution, e.g. to the Children's Reporter, cases transferred within COPFS and cases rolled up with other ongoing cases.

Table 2a People proceeded against in court by main crime/offence and outcome of court proceedings, 2013-14

Main crime or offence1 PNGA2,3 or deserted 4 Acquitted not guilty Acquitted not proven Charge proved Total
All crimes and offences 9,685 5,318 1,116 105,549 121,668
All crimes 4,582 1,716 472 36,158 42,928
Non-sexual crimes of violence 280 425 149 1,782 2,636
Homicide etc 2 10 7 90 109
Attempted murder and serious assault 151 326 113 1,029 1,619
Robbery 73 46 18 441 578
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 54 43 11 222 330
Sexual crimes 80 214 92 1,053 1,439
Rape and attempted rape 4 80 43 87 214
Sexual assault 22 81 34 235 372
Crimes associated with prostitution 9 6 1 169 185
Other sexual crimes 45 47 14 562 668
Crimes of dishonesty 1,704 324 48 12,546 14,622
Housebreaking 195 38 6 1,034 1,273
Theft by opening lockfast places 50 12 4 216 282
Theft from a motor vehicle 23 1 - 142 166
Theft of a motor vehicle 155 12 3 269 439
Shoplifting 504 35 - 6,517 7,056
Other theft 449 113 16 2,572 3,150
Fraud 103 34 7 681 825
Other dishonesty 225 79 12 1,115 1,431
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 352 146 22 2,500 3,020
Fire-raising 14 9 8 128 159
Vandalism etc. 338 137 14 2,372 2,861
Other crimes 2,166 607 161 18,277 21,211
Crimes against public justice 1,099 280 61 9,691 11,131
Handling offensive weapons 185 180 60 1,697 2,122
Drugs 873 145 39 6,713 7,770
Other crime 9 2 1 176 188
All offences 5,103 3,602 644 69,391 78,740
Miscellaneous offences 3,370 2,836 556 29,133 35,895
Common assault 1,540 1,669 319 11,203 14,731
Breach of the peace etc. 1,455 896 178 13,723 16,252
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 26 1 1 85 113
Urinating etc. 6 - - 41 47
Other miscellaneous 343 270 58 4,081 4,752
Motor vehicle offences 1,733 766 88 40,258 42,845
Dangerous and careless driving 120 170 35 3,574 3,899
Driving under the influence 73 131 23 4,087 4,314
Speeding 106 47 3 14,117 14,273
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 879 76 4 8,507 9,466
Vehicle defect offences 118 10 1 1,610 1,739
Seat belt offences 52 13 - 2,537 2,602
Mobile phone offences 101 204 14 3,094 3,413
Other motor vehicle offences 284 115 8 2,732 3,139

1. Excludes people against whom proceedings are started but which are dropped before they reach court.

2. Plea of not guilty accepted.

3. Includes cases where proceedings are dropped after a person has been called to court, e.g. if witnesses cannot be traced.

4. Deserted simpliciter i.e. trial is permanently abandoned by the Procurator Fiscal

Table 2b People proceeded against in court by main crime/offence and percentage outcome of court proceedings, 2013-14

Main crime or offence1 PNGA2,3 or deserted 4 Acquitted not guilty Acquitted not proven Charge proved Total Not proven as % of all acquitted
All crimes and offences 8 4 1 87 100 17
All crimes 11 4 1 84 100 22
Non-sexual crimes of violence 11 16 6 68 100 26
Homicide etc 2 9 6 83 100 41
Attempted murder and serious assault 9 20 7 64 100 26
Robbery 13 8 3 76 100 28
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 16 13 3 67 100 20
Sexual crimes 6 15 6 73 100 30
Rape and attempted rape 2 37 20 41 100 35
Sexual assault 6 22 9 63 100 30
Crimes associated with prostitution 5 3 1 91 100 14
Other sexual crimes 7 7 2 84 100 23
Crimes of dishonesty 12 2 * 86 100 13
Housebreaking 15 3 * 81 100 14
Theft by opening lockfast places 18 4 1 77 100 25
Theft from a motor vehicle 14 1 - 86 100 -
Theft of a motor vehicle 35 3 1 61 100 20
Shoplifting 7 * - 92 100 -
Other theft 14 4 1 82 100 12
Fraud 12 4 1 83 100 17
Other dishonesty 16 6 1 78 100 13
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 12 5 1 83 100 13
Fire-raising 9 6 5 81 100 47
Vandalism etc. 12 5 * 83 100 9
Other crimes 10 3 1 86 100 21
Crimes against public justice 10 3 1 87 100 18
Handling offensive weapons 9 8 3 80 100 25
Drugs 11 2 1 86 100 21
Other crime 5 1 1 94 100 33
All offences 6 5 1 88 100 15
Miscellaneous offences 9 8 2 81 100 16
Common assault 10 11 2 76 100 16
Breach of the peace etc. 9 6 1 84 100 17
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 23 1 1 75 100 50
Urinating etc. 13 - - 87 100 -
Other miscellaneous 7 6 1 86 100 18
Motor vehicle offences 4 2 * 94 100 10
Dangerous and careless driving 3 4 1 92 100 17
Driving under the influence 2 3 1 95 100 15
Speeding 1 * * 99 100 6
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 9 1 * 90 100 5
Vehicle defect offences 7 1 * 93 100 9
Seat belt offences 2 * - 98 100 -
Mobile phone offences 3 6 * 91 100 -
Other motor vehicle offences 9 4 * 87 100 -

1. Excludes people against whom proceedings are started but which are dropped before they reach court.

2. Plea of not guilty accepted.

3. Includes cases where proceedings are dropped after a person has been called to court, e.g. if witnesses cannot be traced.

4. Deserted simpliciter i.e. trial is permanently abandoned by the Procurator Fiscal

Table 3 People with a charge proved by type of court, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Type of court 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All court types1 129,733 128,204 134,413 133,608 125,895 121,042 115,576 108,388 101,013 105,549
High court 2,3 974 885 908 861 810 771 702 732 703 661
Sheriff solemn 3,670 3,967 4,682 5,195 4,532 4,222 4,020 4,138 4,303 4,228
Sheriff summary 77,196 75,989 80,503 79,981 73,898 65,585 61,573 60,677 56,239 55,347
Justice of the Peace court 4,5 47,891 47,358 48,319 47,569 46,632 50,448 49,281 42,841 39,768 45,313
Per cent
Type of court 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All court types1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
High court 2,3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sheriff solemn 3 3 3 4 4 3 3 4 4 4
Sheriff summary 60 59 60 60 59 54 53 56 56 52
Justice of the Peace court 4,5 37 37 36 36 37 42 43 40 39 43
Index: 2004-05=100
Type of court 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All court types1 100 99 104 103 97 93 89 84 78 81
High court 2,3 100 91 93 88 83 79 72 75 72 68
Sheriff solemn 100 108 128 142 123 115 110 113 117 115
Sheriff summary 100 98 104 104 96 85 80 79 73 72
Justice of the Peace court 4,5 100 99 101 99 97 105 103 89 83 95

1. Includes court type unknown.

2. Includes cases remitted to the High court from the Sheriff court.

3. The figures for 2013-14, and to an extent earlier years, may be underestimates due to late recording of high court disposals. See Annex notes B17 to B20.

4. Includes the stipendiary magistrates court in Glasgow.

5. Includes District courts up to 2009-10 - more details in annex E.9-12.

Table 4(a) People with a charge proved by main crime/offence, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Main crime or offence 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 1 % change 2012-13 to 2013-14 All offences proved, 2013-14 2
All crimes and offences 129,733 128,204 134,413 133,608 125,895 121,042 115,576 108,388 101,013 105,549 4 138,722
All crimes 46,219 44,882 48,798 48,640 46,805 43,570 42,301 40,651 36,996 36,158 -2 47,764
Non-sexual crimes of violence 2,429 2,459 2,461 2,749 2,658 2,462 2,539 2,438 2,136 1,782 -17 1,961
Homicide etc 143 111 121 136 116 118 117 111 113 90 -20 92
Attempted murder and serious assault 1,376 1,561 1,496 1,731 1,709 1,511 1,418 1,352 1,283 1,029 -20 1,087
Robbery 610 512 529 548 562 532 526 596 517 441 -15 526
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 300 275 315 334 271 301 478 379 223 222 0 256
Sexual crimes 839 864 855 727 915 831 756 784 864 1,053 22 1,769
Rape and attempted rape 70 61 60 49 42 57 36 49 77 87 13 148
Sexual assault 197 185 184 145 182 158 160 151 204 235 15 528
Crimes associated with prostitution 229 292 306 254 335 250 245 200 142 169 19 176
Other sexual crimes 343 326 305 279 356 366 315 384 441 562 27 917
Crimes of dishonesty 19,610 17,997 18,381 17,728 17,429 15,951 15,614 14,772 13,250 12,546 -5 16,436
Housebreaking 2,372 2,074 2,025 1,867 1,860 1,604 1,540 1,498 1,365 1,034 -24 1,303
Theft by opening lockfast places 458 366 398 389 349 312 284 291 247 216 -13 306
Theft from a motor vehicle 649 489 408 447 387 297 270 250 200 142 -29 229
Theft of a motor vehicle 942 847 851 776 733 572 484 450 373 269 -28 583
Shoplifting 8,427 8,162 8,548 8,457 8,287 8,098 7,853 7,267 6,500 6,517 0 8,071
Other theft 3,668 3,289 3,430 3,260 3,113 2,768 2,871 2,961 2,720 2,572 -5 3,248
Fraud 1,537 1,457 1,355 1,337 1,438 1,142 1,065 811 624 681 9 1,252
Other dishonesty 1,557 1,313 1,366 1,195 1,262 1,158 1,247 1,244 1,221 1,115 -9 1,444
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 5,028 5,000 5,438 5,392 4,375 3,836 3,362 3,016 2,584 2,500 -3 3,145
Fire-raising 192 192 251 224 244 190 159 146 134 128 -4 160
Vandalism etc. 4,836 4,808 5,187 5,168 4,131 3,646 3,203 2,870 2,450 2,372 -3 2,985
Other crimes 18,313 18,562 21,663 22,044 21,428 20,490 20,030 19,641 18,162 18,277 1 24,453
Crimes against public justice 7,280 7,347 9,018 9,825 10,349 9,744 9,821 10,169 9,767 9,691 -1 13,465
Handling offensive weapons 3,447 3,500 3,550 3,422 3,539 2,863 2,465 2,278 1,734 1,697 -2 2,027
Drugs 7,555 7,606 8,892 8,529 7,302 7,694 7,525 6,981 6,449 6,713 4 8,753
Other crime 31 109 203 268 238 189 219 213 212 176 -17 208
All offences 83,514 83,322 85,615 84,968 79,090 77,472 73,275 67,737 64,017 69,391 8 90,958
Miscellaneous offences 35,957 38,083 40,501 39,612 34,159 31,491 29,168 29,453 28,564 29,133 2 40,695
Common assault 12,138 12,919 13,717 13,834 13,647 12,968 12,600 12,757 11,649 11,203 -4 14,999
Breach of the peace etc. 16,172 16,894 18,104 17,494 16,004 14,077 12,113 12,544 12,961 13,723 6 19,747
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 311 293 261 235 129 146 160 124 102 85 -17 186
Urinating etc. 257 345 473 514 81 47 43 20 32 41 28 92
Other miscellaneous 7,079 7,632 7,946 7,535 4,298 4,253 4,252 4,008 3,820 4,081 7 5,671
Motor vehicle offences 47,557 45,239 45,114 45,356 44,931 45,981 44,107 38,284 35,453 40,258 14 50,263
Dangerous and careless driving 3,774 3,620 3,774 3,967 3,696 3,405 3,167 2,858 2,811 3,574 27 3,956
Driving under the influence 7,997 7,970 8,066 7,820 7,222 6,232 5,351 5,287 4,735 4,087 -14 4,537
Speeding 13,512 12,252 13,395 14,156 13,589 14,357 12,955 12,381 12,034 14,117 17 14,422
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 16,592 14,703 13,450 13,609 12,741 12,175 11,053 9,002 7,855 8,507 8 14,068
Vehicle defect offences 1,786 1,652 1,707 1,414 1,483 1,662 1,723 1,504 1,243 1,610 30 2,781
Seat belt offences 978 1,234 1,211 1,010 1,257 2,199 2,673 1,982 2,052 2,537 24 2,744
Mobile phone offences 251 631 814 1,197 2,266 2,856 3,603 2,641 2,663 3,094 16 3,314
Other motor vehicle offences 2,667 3,177 2,697 2,183 2,677 3,095 3,582 2,629 2,060 2,732 33 4,441

1. Figures for some categories dealt with by the High Court - including homicide, rape and major drug cases - may be underestimated due to late recording of disposals - see Annex notes B17 to B20.

2. Number of individual offences relating to people with a charge proved, whether or not the main crime/offence involved. Breaches of social work orders are not counted as individual offences.

Table 4(b) People with a charge proved by main crime/offence, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Index: 2004-05=100
Main crime or offence 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-141
All crimes and offences 100 99 104 103 97 93 89 84 78 81
All crimes 100 97 106 105 101 94 92 88 80 78
Non-sexual crimes of violence 100 101 101 113 109 101 105 100 88 73
Homicide etc 100 78 85 95 81 83 82 78 79 63
Attempted murder and serious assault 100 113 109 126 124 110 103 98 93 75
Robbery 100 84 87 90 92 87 86 98 85 72
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 100 92 105 111 90 100 159 126 74 74
Sexual crimes 100 103 102 87 109 99 90 93 103 126
Rape and attempted rape 100 87 86 70 60 81 51 70 110 124
Sexual assault 100 94 93 74 92 80 81 77 104 119
Crimes associated with prostitution 100 128 134 111 146 109 107 87 62 74
Other sexual crimes 100 95 89 81 104 107 92 112 129 164
Crimes of dishonesty 100 92 94 90 89 81 80 75 68 64
Housebreaking 100 87 85 79 78 68 65 63 58 44
Theft by opening lockfast places 100 80 87 85 76 68 62 64 54 47
Theft from a motor vehicle 100 75 63 69 60 46 42 39 31 22
Theft of a motor vehicle 100 90 90 82 78 61 51 48 40 29
Shoplifting 100 97 101 100 98 96 93 86 77 77
Other theft 100 90 94 89 85 75 78 81 74 70
Fraud 100 95 88 87 94 74 69 53 41 44
Other dishonesty 100 84 88 77 81 74 80 80 78 72
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 100 99 108 107 87 76 67 60 51 50
Fire-raising 100 100 131 117 127 99 83 76 70 67
Vandalism etc. 100 99 107 107 85 75 66 59 51 49
Other crimes 100 101 118 120 117 112 109 107 99 100
Crimes against public justice 100 101 124 135 142 134 135 140 134 133
Handling offensive weapons 100 102 103 99 103 83 72 66 50 49
Drugs 100 101 118 113 97 102 100 92 85 89
Other crime 100 352 655 865 768 610 706 687 684 568
All offences 100 100 103 102 95 93 88 81 77 83
Miscellaneous offences 100 106 113 110 95 88 81 82 79 81
Common assault 100 106 113 114 112 107 104 105 96 92
Breach of the peace etc. 100 104 112 108 99 87 75 78 80 85
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 100 94 84 76 41 47 51 40 33 27
Urinating etc. 100 134 184 200 32 18 17 8 12 16
Other miscellaneous 100 108 112 106 61 60 60 57 54 58
Motor vehicle offences 100 95 95 95 94 97 93 81 75 85
Dangerous and careless driving 100 96 100 105 98 90 84 76 74 95
Driving under the influence 100 100 101 98 90 78 67 66 59 51
Speeding 100 91 99 105 101 106 96 92 89 104
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 100 89 81 82 77 73 67 54 47 51
Vehicle defect offences 100 92 96 79 83 93 96 84 70 90
Seat belt offences 100 126 124 103 129 225 273 203 210 259
Mobile phone offences 100 251 324 477 903 1,138 1,435 1,052 1,061 1,233
Other motor vehicle offences 100 119 101 82 100 116 134 99 77 102

1. Figures for some categories dealt with by the High Court - including homicide, rape and major drug cases - may be underestimated slightly due to late recording of disposals - see Annex notes B17 to B20

Table 5 Numbers of people with a charge proved per 1,000 population by gender and age, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Type of accused1 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All People2,3
Total4 31 31 32 32 30 29 28 25 24 25
Under 165 * * * * * * * * * *
16 32 38 38 33 29 22 17 15 11 8
17 80 83 93 86 70 57 47 38 30 25
18 98 100 107 104 86 70 62 52 42 37
19 96 95 99 99 83 71 65 55 46 43
20 90 88 93 92 79 73 65 56 47 46
21-25 83 79 81 80 71 67 60 56 51 49
26-30 69 67 67 67 65 60 57 54 51 52
31-40 42 42 44 43 44 44 44 41 40 42
Over 406 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 15
Total4 54 53 56 55 52 49 47 43 40 42
Under 165 * 1 * 1 * * * * * *
16 55 66 67 58 49 38 30 26 19 14
17 139 143 160 148 120 96 81 64 50 42
18 170 174 184 178 149 120 104 91 71 63
19 169 167 171 167 142 123 112 95 81 74
20 155 154 162 159 133 125 110 97 80 79
21-25 139 133 138 135 120 112 101 97 87 85
26-30 116 110 112 112 107 98 93 91 86 88
31-40 71 71 74 74 75 75 74 69 67 71
Over 406 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 22 22 25
Total4 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8
Under 165 * * * * * * * * * *
16 6 8 7 7 7 5 4 3 3 2
17 17 20 21 20 17 16 11 10 8 7
18 21 22 26 25 20 18 18 13 11 10
19 22 20 23 26 21 17 16 15 12 12
20 24 20 22 23 21 19 18 15 14 13
21-25 26 24 24 23 21 20 18 16 15 14
26-30 23 23 22 22 22 21 19 18 17 17
31-40 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 14 13 15
Over 406 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 4 4 5

1. A person who had a charge proved more than once within an individual year will be counted more than once .

2. Figures in the table are calculated as ratios per 1,000 overall Scottish population.

3. Includes sex not known; excludes companies.

4. Includes age not known; uses mid-year population estimate for those aged 8-70.

5. Uses mid-year population estimate for those aged 8-15.

6. Uses mid-year population estimate for those aged 41-70.

Table 6(a) Males1 with a charge proved by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

(Number) (Per cent)
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
All crimes and offences 9,182 30,679 48,035 87,896 100 100 100 100
All crimes 4,208 11,243 15,055 30,506 46 37 31 35
Non-sexual crimes of violence 296 721 541 1,558 3 2 1 2
Homicide etc 3 30 49 82 * * * *
Attempted murder and serious assault 188 453 301 942 2 1 1 1
Robbery 96 185 116 397 1 1 * *
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 9 53 75 137 * * * *
Sexual crimes 97 209 618 924 1 1 1 1
Rape and attempted rape 14 25 48 87 * * * *
Sexual assault 18 41 175 234 * * * *
Crimes associated with prostitution - 8 50 58 - * * *
Other sexual crimes 65 135 345 545 1 * 1 1
Crimes of dishonesty 977 3,275 5,597 9,849 11 11 12 11
Housebreaking 187 346 468 1,001 2 1 1 1
Theft by opening lockfast places 39 63 105 207 * * * *
Theft from a motor vehicle 15 56 68 139 * * * *
Theft of a motor vehicle 77 105 63 245 1 * * *
Shoplifting 239 1,419 3,054 4,712 3 5 6 5
Other theft 274 781 1,077 2,132 3 3 2 2
Fraud 28 173 258 459 * 1 1 1
Other dishonesty 118 332 504 954 1 1 1 1
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 554 956 715 2,225 6 3 1 3
Fire-raising 36 34 35 105 * * * *
Vandalism etc. 518 922 680 2,120 6 3 1 2
Other crimes 2,284 6,082 7,584 15,950 25 20 16 18
Crimes against public justice 1,367 3,083 3,824 8,274 15 10 8 9
Handling offensive weapons 319 604 648 1,571 3 2 1 2
Drugs 580 2,362 3,038 5,980 6 8 6 7
Other crime 18 33 74 125 * * * *
All offences 4,974 19,436 32,980 57,390 54 63 69 65
Miscellaneous offences 3,073 8,856 11,993 23,922 33 29 25 27
Common assault 1,377 3,509 4,039 8,925 15 11 8 10
Breach of the peace etc. 1,419 4,392 6,036 11,847 15 14 13 13
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 5 26 41 72 * * * *
Urinating etc. 3 15 22 40 * * * *
Other miscellaneous 269 914 1,855 3,038 3 3 4 3
Motor vehicle offences 1,901 10,580 20,987 33,468 21 34 44 38
Dangerous and careless driving 359 931 1,669 2,959 4 3 3 3
Driving under the influence 214 1,049 2,024 3,287 2 3 4 4
Speeding 414 3,300 8,259 11,973 5 11 17 14
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 560 2,390 3,823 6,773 6 8 8 8
Vehicle defect offences 98 499 802 1,399 1 2 2 2
Seat belt offences 114 926 1,244 2,284 1 3 3 3
Mobile phone offences 43 873 1,662 2,578 * 3 3 3
Other motor vehicle offences 99 612 1,504 2,215 1 2 3 3

1. Excludes companies and gender not known.

Table 6(b) Females1 with a charge proved by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

(Number) (Per cent)
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
All crimes and offences 1,431 5,647 10,490 17,568 100 100 100 100
All crimes 514 2,005 3,132 5,651 36 36 30 32
Non-sexual crimes of violence 27 96 101 224 2 2 1 1
Homicide etc - 4 4 8 - * * *
Attempted murder and serious assault 14 30 43 87 1 1 * *
Robbery 10 19 15 44 1 * * *
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 3 43 39 85 * 1 * *
Sexual crimes 2 38 89 129 * 1 1 1
Rape and attempted rape - - - - - - - -
Sexual assault - 1 - 1 - * - *
Crimes associated with prostitution 1 30 80 111 * 1 1 1
Other sexual crimes 1 7 9 17 * * * *
Crimes of dishonesty 139 963 1,594 2,696 10 17 15 15
Housebreaking 3 14 16 33 * * * *
Theft by opening lockfast places - 3 6 9 - * * *
Theft from a motor vehicle - 2 1 3 - * * *
Theft of a motor vehicle 5 8 11 24 * * * *
Shoplifting 71 647 1,087 1,805 5 11 10 10
Other theft 39 166 235 440 3 3 2 3
Fraud 14 69 139 222 1 1 1 1
Other dishonesty 7 54 99 160 * 1 1 1
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 41 104 130 275 3 2 1 2
Fire-raising 6 3 14 23 * * * *
Vandalism etc. 35 101 116 252 2 2 1 1
Other crimes 305 804 1,218 2,327 21 14 12 13
Crimes against public justice 253 498 666 1,417 18 9 6 8
Handling offensive weapons 26 47 53 126 2 1 1 1
Drugs 17 241 475 733 1 4 5 4
Other crime 9 18 24 51 1 * * *
All offences 917 3,642 7,358 11,917 64 64 70 68
Miscellaneous offences 646 1,719 2,802 5,167 45 30 27 29
Common assault 376 823 1,079 2,278 26 15 10 13
Breach of the peace etc. 200 653 1,023 1,876 14 12 10 11
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 1 2 10 13 * * * *
Urinating etc. - 1 - 1 - * - *
Other miscellaneous 69 240 690 999 5 4 7 6
Motor vehicle offences 271 1,923 4,556 6,750 19 34 43 38
Dangerous and careless driving 47 147 421 615 3 3 4 4
Driving under the influence 33 184 583 800 2 3 6 5
Speeding 73 606 1,465 2,144 5 11 14 12
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 65 503 1,161 1,729 5 9 11 10
Vehicle defect offences 9 59 112 180 1 1 1 1
Seat belt offences 16 102 135 253 1 2 1 1
Mobile phone offences 11 182 323 516 1 3 3 3
Other motor vehicle offences 17 140 356 513 1 2 3 3

1. Excludes companies and gender not known.

Table 7 People with a charge proved by main penalty, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Main penalty 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 % change
2012-13 to 2013-14
Total1 129,733 128,204 134,413 133,608 125,895 121,042 115,576 108,388 101,013 105,549 4
Custody 15,011 15,082 16,758 16,761 16,944 15,801 15,314 15,921 14,783 14,101 -5
Prison 12,306 12,155 13,489 13,593 13,905 13,017 13,121 13,703 13,066 12,768 -2
Young offenders institution 2,685 2,903 3,245 3,142 3,017 2,753 2,168 2,202 1,690 1,311 -22
Other custody 20 24 24 26 21 22 12 6 10 5 -50
Order for life-long restriction - - - - 1 9 13 10 17 17 -
Community sentence 15,316 15,973 16,077 16,709 17,922 16,350 15,617 16,934 17,264 18,231 6
Community payback order - - - - - - 461 10,380 14,940 16,317 9
Community service order 4,850 5,183 5,286 5,601 5,784 5,471 5,308 2,642 479 141 -71
Probation 8,623 8,785 8,614 9,002 9,912 8,893 7,935 2,305 293 82 -72
Restriction of liberty order 1,097 1,136 1,179 1,155 1,143 931 831 845 919 1,074 17
Drug treatment & testing order 713 758 865 822 885 808 806 642 608 610 0
Supervised attendance order 2 33 99 112 129 198 247 276 120 25 7 -72
Community reparation order - 11 15 - - - - - - - -
Anti-social behaviour order - 1 6 - - - - - - - -
Financial penalty 84,932 82,194 84,820 83,345 73,993 72,491 67,575 59,320 53,429 57,812 8
Fine 83,237 80,723 83,445 82,020 72,840 71,452 66,491 58,395 52,661 56,938 8
Compensation order 1,695 1,471 1,375 1,325 1,153 1,039 1,084 925 768 874 14
Other sentence1 14,474 14,955 16,758 16,793 17,036 16,400 17,070 16,213 15,537 15,405 -1
Insanity, hospital, guardianship order 95 115 65 20 16 15 19 24 32 19 -41
Admonition3 13,744 14,175 15,967 16,084 16,399 15,687 16,421 15,577 15,011 14,834 -1
Absolute discharge, no order made 403 401 413 430 412 523 460 472 361 458 27
Remit to children's hearing 221 260 313 259 209 175 170 140 133 94 -29
Average amount of penalty4
Custody (days)5 238 229 232 248 263 284 278 287 284 292
Fine6,7 (£) 217 211 213 219 229 217 215 241 245 224
Compensation order 7, 8(£) 247 282 335 322 378 394 391 426 439 442

1. Includes a small number of sentences unknown for the years 2004-05 and 2005-06. 2. Of first instance. 3. Includes a small number of court cautions and dog-related disposals. 4. Excludes indeterminate/not known sentences. 5. Figures for 2013-14 may be underestimates due to delayed reporting. 6. Excludes company fines. 7. Excludes a small number of large fines. 8. As main or secondary penalty.

Main penalty 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Custody 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 15 15 13
Prison 9 9 10 10 11 11 11 13 13 12
Young offenders institution 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Other custody * * * * * * * * * *
Order for life-long restriction - - - - * * * * * *
Community sentence 12 12 12 13 14 14 14 16 17 17
Community payback order - - - - - - * 10 15 15
Community service order 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 2 * *
Probation 7 7 6 7 8 7 7 2 * *
Restriction of liberty order 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Drug treatment & testing order 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Supervised attendance order * * * * * * * * * *
Financial penalty 65 64 63 62 59 60 58 55 53 55
Fine 64 63 62 61 58 59 58 54 52 54
Compensation order 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Other sentence 11 12 12 13 14 14 15 15 15 15
Insanity, hospital, guardianship order * * * * * * * * * *
Admonition 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 14
Absolute discharge, no order made * * * * * * * * * *
Remit to children's hearing * * * * * * * * * *

Table 8(a) People with a charge proved by main crime/offence and main penalty, 2013-14

Main crime or offence Prison Young offenders Institution Other custody Order for lifelong restriction Community payback order Community service order Probation Restriction of liberty order Drug treatment & testing order Supervised attendance order1 Fine Compensation order Insanity, hospital, guardianship order Admonition Absolute discharge/ no order made Remit to children's hearing Total2
All crimes and offences 12,768 1,311 5 17 16,317 141 82 1,074 610 7 56,938 874 19 14,834 458 94 105,549
All crimes 8,719 874 5 17 8,112 41 61 663 547 4 9,434 529 12 6,965 124 51 36,158
Non-sexual crimes of violence 902 162 3 11 448 4 2 45 18 - 93 18 3 64 5 4 1,782
Homicide etc 77 2 - - 8 - - 1 - - - - 1 1 - - 90
Attempted murder and serious assault 507 95 3 7 287 2 - 33 5 - 62 15 2 10 - 1 1,029
Robbery 267 62 - 3 72 1 1 7 10 - 6 3 - 4 2 3 441
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 51 3 - 1 81 1 1 4 3 - 25 - - 49 3 - 222
Sexual crimes 334 18 1 5 383 1 43 10 1 - 130 2 5 109 8 3 1,053
Rape and attempted rape 68 8 - 4 5 - - - - - - - - - 1 1 87
Sexual assault 100 6 1 - 91 - 14 4 - - 10 2 3 2 1 1 235
Crimes associated with prostitution 5 - - - 10 - - - - - 62 - - 91 1 - 169
Other sexual crimes 161 4 - 1 277 1 29 6 1 - 58 - 2 16 5 1 562
Crimes of dishonesty 3,781 215 - - 2,637 33 9 208 362 - 2,531 223 - 2,509 22 16 12,546
Housebreaking 506 64 - - 233 2 - 35 52 - 51 13 - 73 2 3 1,034
Theft by opening lockfast places 77 13 - - 41 1 - 7 8 - 33 7 - 28 - 1 216
Theft from a motor vehicle 52 4 - - 32 - - 5 9 - 13 7 - 20 - - 142
Theft of a motor vehicle 62 6 - - 103 1 - 12 2 - 55 1 - 25 - 2 269
Shoplifting 1,853 59 - - 1,105 - - 58 201 - 1,457 59 - 1,715 6 4 6,517
Other theft 720 49 - - 627 2 1 45 50 - 567 86 - 411 9 5 2,572
Fraud 151 9 - - 182 16 7 18 5 - 168 42 - 80 3 - 681
Other dishonesty 360 11 - - 314 11 1 28 35 - 187 8 - 157 2 1 1,115
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 307 65 1 - 641 1 3 47 9 - 761 279 - 363 16 7 2,500
Fire-raising 32 15 1 - 56 - - 7 2 - 5 - - 6 3 1 128
Vandalism etc. 275 50 - - 585 1 3 40 7 - 756 279 - 357 13 6 2,372
Other crimes 3,395 414 - 1 4,003 2 4 353 157 4 5,919 7 4 3,920 73 21 18,277
Crimes against public justice 1,763 281 - 1 2,186 - 2 200 36 2 2,397 6 2 2,758 40 17 9,691
Handling offensive weapon 553 96 - - 567 1 - 63 19 - 209 1 1 178 5 4 1,697
Drugs 1,024 32 - - 1,198 1 2 85 102 2 3,287 - - 952 28 - 6,713
Other crime 55 5 - - 52 - - 5 - - 26 - 1 32 - - 176
All offences 4,049 437 - - 8,205 100 21 411 63 3 47,504 345 7 7,869 334 43 69,391
Miscellaneous offences 3,710 417 - - 7,199 97 19 348 59 1 9,763 324 7 6,860 286 43 29,133
Common assault 1,598 215 - - 3,194 8 5 173 24 - 3,431 202 2 2,210 123 18 11,203
Breach of the peace etc. 1,703 172 - - 3,123 1 1 127 31 - 4,617 79 5 3,720 127 17 13,723
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 1 - - - 5 - - - - - 47 - - 31 1 - 85
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 408 30 - - 877 88 13 48 4 1 1,668 43 - 899 35 8 4,122
Motor vehicle offences 339 20 - - 1,006 3 2 63 4 2 37,741 21 - 1,009 48 - 40,258
Dangerous and careless driving 70 14 - - 177 1 - 14 - - 3,221 3 - 68 6 - 3,574
Driving under the influence 73 - - - 541 2 1 24 2 1 3,410 - - 33 - - 4,087
Speeding - - - - 6 - - - - - 14,049 - - 59 3 - 14,117
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 189 6 - - 267 - 1 19 2 1 7,371 18 - 600 33 - 8,507
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - - - - 1,515 - - 92 3 - 1,610
Other motor vehicle offences 7 - - - 15 - - 6 - - 8,175 - - 157 3 - 8,363

1. Of first instance

2. Includes a small number of charges where the main penalty is not known.

Table 8(b) People with a charge proved by main crime/offence and main penalty, 2013-14

Row percentages Column percentages
Main crime or offence Custody Community sentence Monetary Other Total Custody Community sentence Monetary Other Total
All crimes and offences 13 17 55 15 100 100 100 100 100 100
All crimes 27 26 28 20 100 68 52 17 46 34
Non-sexual crimes of violence 60 29 6 4 100 8 3 * * 2
Homicide etc 88 10 - 2 100 - - - - -
Attempted murder and serious assault 59 32 7 1 100 4 2 * * 1
Robbery 75 21 2 2 100 2 * * * *
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 25 41 11 23 100 * * * * *
Sexual crimes 34 42 13 12 100 3 2 * 1 1
Rape and attempted rape 92 6 - 2 100 1 * - * *
Sexual assault 46 46 5 3 100 1 1 * * *
Crimes associated with prostitution 3 6 37 54 100 * * * 1 *
Other sexual crimes 30 56 10 4 100 1 2 * * 1
Crimes of dishonesty 32 26 22 20 100 28 18 5 17 12
Housebreaking 55 31 6 8 100 4 2 * 1 1
Theft by opening lockfast places 42 26 19 13 100 1 * * * *
Theft from a motor vehicle 39 32 14 14 100 * * * * *
Theft of a motor vehicle 25 44 21 10 100 * 1 * * *
Shoplifting 29 21 23 26 100 14 7 3 11 6
Other theft 30 28 25 17 100 5 4 1 3 2
Fraud 23 33 31 12 100 1 1 * 1 1
Other dishonesty 33 35 17 14 100 3 2 * 1 1
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 15 28 42 15 100 3 4 2 3 2
Fire-raising 38 51 4 8 100 * * * * *
Vandalism etc. 14 27 44 16 100 2 3 2 2 2
Other crimes 21 25 32 22 100 27 25 10 26 17
Crimes against public justice 21 25 25 29 100 15 13 4 18 9
Handling offensive weapons 38 38 12 11 100 5 4 * 1 2
Drugs 16 21 49 15 100 7 8 6 6 6
Other crime 34 32 15 19 100 * * * * *
All offences 6 13 69 12 100 32 48 83 54 66
Miscellaneous offences 14 27 35 25 100 29 42 17 47 28
Common assault 16 30 32 21 100 13 19 6 15 11
Breach of the peace etc. 14 24 34 28 100 13 18 8 25 13
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 1 6 55 38 100 * * * * *
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 11 25 42 23 100 3 6 3 6 4
Motor vehicle offences 1 3 94 3 100 3 6 65 7 38
Dangerous and careless driving 2 5 90 2 100 1 1 6 * 3
Driving under the influence 2 14 83 1 100 1 3 6 * 4
Speeding - * 100 * 100 - * 24 * 13
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 2 3 87 7 100 1 2 13 4 8
Vehicle defect offences - - 94 6 100 - - 3 1 2
Other motor vehicle offences * * 98 2 100 * * 14 1 8

Table 8(c) People with a charge proved by gender, main crime/offence and main penalty, 2013-14

Main crime or offence Male Female
Total1 (percentages) Total1 (percentages)
Custody Community sentence Monetary Other Custody Community sentence Monetary Other
All crimes and offences 87,896 15 17 55 13 17,568 7 17 53 23
All crimes 30,506 29 26 28 17 5,651 15 28 25 33
Non-sexual crimes of violence 1,558 65 26 7 3 224 30 51 4 16
Homicide etc 82 89 9 - 2 8 75 25 - -
Attempted murder and serious assault 942 61 30 8 1 87 41 55 1 2
Robbery 397 79 17 2 2 44 45 50 2 2
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 137 36 35 14 15 85 6 49 7 38
Sexual crimes 924 39 46 11 4 129 2 12 22 65
Rape and attempted rape 87 92 6 - 2 - - - - -
Sexual assault 234 46 46 5 3 1 - 100 - -
Crimes associated with prostitution 58 5 3 71 21 111 2 7 19 72
Other sexual crimes 545 30 57 9 4 17 - 35 41 24
Crimes of dishonesty 9,849 36 26 21 17 2,696 17 27 25 31
Housebreaking 1,001 56 31 6 7 33 30 33 6 30
Theft by opening lockfast places 207 42 26 18 14 9 33 33 22 11
Theft from a motor vehicle 139 40 32 14 14 3 33 33 - 33
Theft of a motor vehicle 245 27 44 20 9 24 8 42 29 21
Shoplifting 4,712 34 21 23 23 1,805 18 22 25 36
Other theft 2,132 33 28 25 15 440 14 31 29 26
Fraud 459 26 30 32 11 222 18 40 27 14
Other dishonesty 954 35 33 17 15 160 22 46 21 12
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 2,225 16 28 42 13 275 6 25 38 31
Fire-raising 105 39 51 4 6 23 30 48 4 17
Vandalism etc. 2,120 15 27 44 14 252 4 23 41 33
Other crimes 15,950 22 24 34 20 2,327 12 27 25 36
Crimes against public justice 8,274 23 25 26 27 1,417 11 26 20 43
Handling offensive weapons 1,571 39 38 13 10 126 23 41 9 27
Drugs 5,980 16 20 50 13 733 12 26 38 24
Other crime 125 40 29 15 16 51 20 41 14 25
All offences 57,390 7 13 69 11 11,917 3 12 66 18
Miscellaneous offences 23,922 16 27 36 22 5,167 7 25 29 38
Common assault 8,925 18 31 33 17 2,278 8 27 29 36
Breach of the peace etc. 11,847 15 25 35 25 1,876 8 17 29 46
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 72 1 3 63 33 13 - 23 15 62
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 3,078 13 21 44 21 1,000 4 38 31 28
Motor vehicle offences 33,468 1 3 94 2 6,750 * 2 94 3
Dangerous and careless driving 2,959 3 6 89 2 615 * 3 94 3
Driving under the influence 3,287 2 14 83 1 800 * 13 85 1
Speeding 11,973 - * 100 * 2,144 - - 99 1
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 6,773 3 4 86 7 1,729 * 1 90 8
Vehicle defect offences 1,399 - - 95 5 180 - - 90 10
Other motor vehicle offences 7,077 * * 98 2 1,282 - * 98 2

1. Excludes a small number of companies.

Table 9 Percentage of people with a charge proved receiving custodial sentences by main crime/offence, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Main crime or offence 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All crimes and offences 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 15 15 13
All crimes 23 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 27
Non-sexual crimes of violence 51 50 54 51 55 58 53 60 59 60
Homicide etc 92 88 93 96 98 91 82 83 81 88
Attempted murder and serious assault 50 46 52 48 53 56 53 61 56 59
Robbery 61 66 70 66 71 73 72 78 78 75
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 17 25 22 25 19 27 27 21 23 25
Sexual crimes 26 28 26 24 24 31 26 27 34 34
Rape and attempted rape 93 90 98 92 98 93 94 94 92 92
Sexual assault 49 51 46 47 52 62 46 45 48 46
Crimes associated with prostitution * 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 - 3
Other sexual crimes 17 28 24 22 23 27 28 24 28 30
Crimes of dishonesty 29 28 28 28 29 29 30 31 32 32
Housebreaking 47 45 50 47 45 49 53 54 54 55
Theft by opening lockfast places 31 35 36 34 36 37 38 40 45 42
Theft from a motor vehicle 37 37 43 40 45 39 41 45 42 39
Theft of a motor vehicle 23 22 27 22 27 24 27 29 31 25
Shoplifting 28 28 26 26 27 26 27 28 28 29
Other theft 26 26 24 26 27 29 28 28 30 30
Fraud 11 14 17 18 21 21 23 24 29 23
Other dishonesty 24 26 27 25 27 29 31 33 32 33
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 15 15 15
Fire-raising 24 35 27 36 31 30 35 41 47 38
Vandalism etc. 8 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14
Other crimes 17 19 20 21 22 22 21 22 22 21
Crimes against public justice 18 20 22 22 20 22 20 21 21 21
Handling offensive weapons 22 26 30 29 30 32 31 35 38 38
Drugs 14 13 13 15 19 19 19 19 17 16
Other crime 42 45 37 35 31 27 26 32 35 34
All offences 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 6
Miscellaneous offences 9 9 10 10 12 12 13 15 15 14
Common assault 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 16
Breach of the peace etc. 9 10 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 14
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 3 2 2 - 2 3 1 3 3 1
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 2 2 2 3 7 5 6 10 10 11
Motor vehicle offences 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Dangerous and careless driving 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 2
Driving under the influence 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Speeding - - - - - - - - - -
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 5 6 6 5 5 3 3 4 3 2
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - - - -
Other motor vehicle offences 1 * * * * * * * * *

Table 10(a) People receiving a custodial sentence by main crime/offence and length of sentence, 2013-14

(Numbers) (Percentages)
Main crime or offence Total1,2 Up to 3 months Over 3 months to 6 months Over 6 months to 2 years Over 2 years to less than 4 years 4 years and over Life Indeterminate Detention Average length of sentence (days)3,4 Up to 3 months Over 3 months to 6 months Over 6 months to 2 years Over 2 years to less than 4 years 4 years and over including life etc
All crimes and offences 14,079 4,126 5,214 3,539 697 450 46 - 292 29 37 25 5 4
All crimes 9,593 2,847 3,088 2,528 649 432 46 - 345 30 32 26 7 5
Non-sexual crimes of violence 1,064 7 49 512 251 198 46 - 956 1 5 48 24 23
Homicide etc 79 - - 2 6 25 46 - 2,207 - - 3 8 90
Attempted murder and serious assault 602 2 13 323 157 106 - - 941 * 2 54 26 18
Robbery 329 2 24 162 82 59 - - 887 1 7 49 25 18
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 54 3 12 25 6 8 - - 779 6 22 46 11 15
Sexual crimes 352 10 31 125 61 125 - - 1,216 3 9 36 17 36
Rape and attempted rape 76 - 1 4 2 69 - - 2,471 - 1 5 3 91
Sexual assault 106 2 12 48 24 20 - - 859 2 11 45 23 19
Crimes associated with prostitution 5 - - 2 1 2 - - 1089 - - 40 20 40
Other sexual crimes 165 8 18 71 34 34 - - 872 5 11 43 21 21
Crimes of dishonesty 3,996 1,427 1,733 762 65 8 - - 168 36 43 19 2 *
Housebreaking 570 44 210 272 38 5 - - 315 8 37 48 7 1
Theft by opening lockfast places 90 23 40 26 1 - - - 190 26 44 29 1 -
Theft from a motor vehicle 56 17 24 15 - - - - 161 30 43 27 - -
Theft of a motor vehicle 68 12 27 29 - - - - 203 18 40 43 - -
Shoplifting 1,912 892 886 134 - - - - 113 47 46 7 - -
Other theft 769 236 354 171 8 - - - 166 31 46 22 1 -
Fraud 160 22 74 57 7 - - - 262 14 46 36 4 -
Other dishonesty 371 181 118 58 11 3 - - 176 49 32 16 3 1
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 372 123 137 93 18 1 - - 217 33 37 25 5 *
Fire-raising 47 3 4 32 7 1 - - 490 6 9 68 15 2
Vandalism etc. 325 120 133 61 11 - - - 177 37 41 19 3 -
Other crimes 3,809 1,280 1,138 1,036 254 100 - - 300 34 30 27 7 3
Crimes against public justice 2,044 1,089 759 185 9 1 - - 121 53 37 9 * *
Handling offensive weapons 649 30 164 414 41 - - - 374 5 25 64 6 -
Drugs 1,056 149 184 423 202 98 - - 603 14 17 40 19 9
Other crime 60 12 31 14 2 1 - - 239 20 52 23 3 2
All offences 4,486 1,279 2,126 1,011 48 18 - - 180 29 47 23 1 *
Miscellaneous offences 4,127 1,231 1,965 862 48 17 - - 178 30 48 21 1 *
Common assault 1,813 355 874 548 29 5 - - 206 20 48 30 2 *
Breach of the peace etc. 1,875 752 866 240 14 1 - - 142 40 46 13 1 *
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 1 1 - - - - - - 40 100 - - - -
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 438 123 225 74 5 11 - - 211 28 51 17 1 3
Motor vehicle offences 359 48 161 149 - 1 - - 204 13 45 42 - *
Dangerous and careless driving 84 4 27 52 - 1 - - 275 5 32 62 - 1
Driving under the influence 73 20 45 8 - - - - 141 27 62 11 - -
Speeding - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 195 19 88 88 - - - - 200 10 45 45 - -
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other motor vehicle offences 7 5 1 1 - - - - 97 71 14 14 - -

1. Includes a small number of cases where sentence length is unknown

2. Excludes a small number of cases which resulted in detention of a child aged under 16.

3. Excludes life sentences, indeterminate detention and orders for life long restriction.

4. Average sentence length figures for some categories may be underestimated slightly due to late recording of some High Court disposals.

Table 10(b) People receiving a custodial sentence by gender, main crime/offence and length of sentence, 2013-141,2

Main crime or offence Male Female
Total 3 (Percentages) Total 3 (Percentages)
Up to 3 months Over 3 months to 6 months Over 6 months to 2 years Over 2 years to less than 4 years 4 years and over including life etc Up to 3 months Over 3 months to 6 months Over 6 months to 2 years Over 2 years to less than 4 years 4 years and over including life etc
All crimes and offences 12874 29 37 26 5 3 1205 37 39 19 3 1
All crimes 8759 29 32 27 7 5 834 39 34 20 5 2
Non-sexual crimes of violence 998 1 4 48 24 23 66 - 8 56 21 15
Homicide etc 73 - - 3 8 90 6 - - - - 100
Attempted murder and serious assault 567 * 2 54 25 18 35 - 6 46 37 11
Robbery 309 1 7 47 27 19 20 - 10 90 - -
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 49 6 22 45 10 16 5 - 20 60 20 -
Sexual crimes 350 3 9 35 17 35 2 - - 50 - 50
Rape and attempted rape 76 - 1 5 3 91 - - - - - -
Sexual assault 106 2 11 45 23 19 - - - - - -
Crimes associated with prostitution 3 - - 33 33 33 2 - - 50 - 50
Other sexual crimes 165 5 11 43 21 21 - - - - - -
Crimes of dishonesty 3525 34 44 20 2 * 471 45 39 14 1 *
Housebreaking 560 7 37 48 7 1 10 30 30 30 10 -
Theft by opening lockfast places 87 25 45 29 1 - 3 33 33 33 - -
Theft from a motor vehicle 55 31 42 27 - - 1 - 100 - - -
Theft of a motor vehicle 66 18 38 44 - - 2 - 100 - - -
Shoplifting 1594 45 48 7 - - 318 54 38 8 - -
Other theft 707 30 46 23 1 - 62 39 44 18 - -
Fraud 120 13 46 37 4 - 40 15 48 33 5 -
Other dishonesty 336 51 32 13 2 1 35 23 26 37 11 3
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 355 34 37 24 5 * 17 6 35 47 12 -
Fire-raising 40 8 10 65 15 3 7 - - 86 14 -
Vandalism etc. 315 38 40 19 3 - 10 10 60 20 10 -
Other crimes 3531 33 30 28 7 3 278 39 32 21 6 3
Crimes against public justice 1893 53 37 9 * * 151 60 33 7 1 -
Handling offensive weapons 620 4 25 65 6 - 29 14 41 41 3 -
Drugs 968 14 17 40 19 9 88 10 27 38 17 8
Other crime 50 14 56 24 4 2 10 50 30 20 - -
All offences 4115 28 47 23 1 * 371 32 52 16 1 -
Miscellaneous offences 3761 30 47 21 1 * 366 32 51 16 1 -
Common assault 1627 19 48 31 2 * 186 27 52 20 1 -
Breach of the peace etc. 1733 40 46 13 1 * 142 43 51 6 1 -
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 1 100 - - - - - - - - - -
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 400 29 52 15 1 3 38 16 50 34 - -
Motor vehicle offences 354 13 44 42 - * 5 20 80 - - -
Dangerous and careless driving 83 5 31 63 - 1 1 - 100 - - -
Driving under the influence 70 27 61 11 - - 3 33 67 - - -
Speeding - - - - - - - - - - - -
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 194 10 45 45 - - 1 - 100 - - -
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - - - - - -
Other motor vehicle offences 7 71 14 14 - - - - - - - -

1. Excludes a small number of cases which resulted in detention of a child aged under 16.

2. Excludes orders for lifelong restriction

3. Includes a small number of cases where sentence length is unknown.

Table 10(c) Average length of custodial sentence in days, by main crime/offence, 2004-05 to 2013-141

Main crime or offence 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2
All crimes and offences 238 229 232 248 262 283 277 286 283 292
All crimes 279 271 277 295 306 326 317 332 332 345
Non-sexual crimes of violence 884 882 905 926 905 903 876 933 886 956
Homicide etc 2,191 1,927 1,957 2,630 2,329 2,201 2,304 2,206 2,367 2,207
Attempted murder and serious assault 870 892 898 877 886 914 920 978 877 941
Robbery 666 726 818 727 804 761 813 819 798 887
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 601 770 566 658 510 529 271 484 446 779
Sexual crimes 1,254 1,034 1,224 1,291 1,342 1,271 1,216 1,255 1,281 1,216
Rape and attempted rape 1,960 2,191 2,074 2,682 2,543 2,280 2,090 2,264 2,450 2,471
Sexual assault 960 830 1,133 948 1,099 1,185 1,397 1,229 1,078 859
Crimes associated with prostitution 365 395 96 284 403 183 185 540 - 1,089
Other sexual crimes 1,011 622 710 764 1,060 916 805 832 807 872
Crimes of dishonesty 128 128 133 137 142 151 154 165 166 168
Housebreaking 193 211 211 228 223 242 256 267 266 315
Theft by opening lockfast places 148 111 127 132 150 171 169 190 214 190
Theft from a motor vehicle 126 135 129 122 146 162 176 156 154 161
Theft of a motor vehicle 120 120 135 133 158 159 151 183 174 203
Shoplifting 97 93 90 94 98 101 106 116 114 113
Other theft 134 124 119 128 137 156 159 167 163 166
Fraud 150 180 245 206 224 226 230 220 270 262
Other dishonesty 102 126 146 167 143 165 137 164 171 176
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 140 138 168 188 176 198 194 220 214 217
Fire-raising 450 385 507 469 447 470 555 702 502 490
Vandalism etc. 103 92 112 142 128 158 144 145 159 177
Other crimes 273 240 230 254 268 294 300 283 286 300
Crimes against public justice 91 85 78 90 96 102 112 116 113 121
Handling offensive weapons 111 118 161 218 261 271 288 312 348 374
Drugs 629 584 548 559 545 576 575 538 578 603
Other crime 326 159 221 215 183 659 155 260 256 239
All offences 139 133 133 142 162 173 177 183 177 180
Miscellaneous offences 126 122 125 134 159 171 173 181 175 178
Common assault 161 154 156 160 181 208 202 212 206 206
Breach of the peace etc. 85 80 83 87 109 115 122 136 135 142
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 27 30 38 - 45 32 29 76 97 40
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 153 224 224 293 318 284 244 216 202 211
Motor vehicle offences 171 165 157 170 176 188 202 207 202 204
Dangerous and careless driving 233 261 212 233 230 241 289 283 261 275
Driving under the influence 131 112 105 124 142 137 130 145 146 141
Speeding - - - - - - - - - -
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 165 161 161 168 174 189 204 207 207 200
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - - - -
Other vehicle 396 96 95 115 80 123 152 100 93 97

1. Average sentence lengths exclude life sentences, indeterminate detention and orders of lifelong restriction.

2. Figures for some categories dealt with by the high court - including homicide, rape and major drug cases - may be underestimated slightly due to late recording of disposals - see Annex notes B17 to B20

Table 11 People with a charge proved by main penalty, gender and age1, 2013-14

Male Female Companies
Main penalty Total All males Under 16 16 to 20 21 to 30 Over 30 All females Under 16 16 to 20 21 to 30 Over 30
Total 105,549 87,896 15 9,167 30,679 48,035 17,568 1 1,430 5,647 10,490 85
Custody 14,101 12,895 4 1,230 4,995 6,666 1,206 1 82 488 635 -
Community sentence 18,231 15,218 3 2,629 5,662 6,924 3,013 - 340 1,024 1,649 -
Monetary 57,812 48,452 1 3,698 16,489 28,264 9,282 - 521 2,774 5,987 78
Other sentence 15,405 11,331 7 1,610 3,533 6,181 4,067 - 487 1,361 2,219 7
Row per cent
Male Female Companies
Main penalty Total All males Under 16 16 to 20 21 to 30 Over 30 All females Under 16 16 to 20 21 to 30 Over 30
Total 100 83 * 9 29 46 17 * 1 5 10 *
Custody 100 91 * 9 35 47 9 * 1 3 5 -
Community sentence 100 83 * 14 31 38 17 - 2 6 9 -
Financial penalty 100 84 * 6 29 49 16 - 1 5 10 *
Other sentence 100 74 * 10 23 40 26 - 3 9 14 *
Column per cent
Male Female Companies
Main penalty Total All males Under 16 16 to 20 21 to 30 Over 30 All females Under 16 16 to 20 21 to 30 Over 30
Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Custody 13 15 27 13 16 14 7 100 6 9 6 -
Community sentence 17 17 20 29 18 14 17 - 24 18 16 -
Financial penalty 55 55 7 40 54 59 53 - 36 49 57 92
Other sentence 15 13 47 18 12 13 23 - 34 24 21 8

1. Includes a small number of cases where age and sex are unknown.

Table 12 People with a charge proved by main penalty, gender and age, 2004-05 to 2013-14

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 % change 12-13 to 13-14
Total1 129,235 127,843 134,113 133,353 125,881 121,038 115,556 108,303 100,897 105,464 5
Males4 Total 108,460 107,804 113,511 112,788 106,301 101,614 97,027 90,866 84,342 87,896 4
Under 21 23,205 24,185 25,639 24,525 20,535 17,328 15,144 13,130 10,358 9,182 -11
21-30 39,337 38,079 40,404 41,222 38,899 37,315 35,174 32,742 30,336 30,679 1
Over 30 45,912 45,537 47,466 47,041 46,867 46,971 46,708 44,994 43,646 48,035 10
Females4 Total 20,775 20,039 20,602 20,565 19,580 19,424 18,529 17,437 16,555 17,568 6
Under 21 2,909 2,937 3,264 3,306 2,830 2,511 2,228 1,952 1,616 1,431 -11
21-30 7,652 7,387 7,401 7,387 7,313 7,010 6,572 5,989 5,872 5,647 -4
Over 30 10,214 9,715 9,935 9,872 9,437 9,903 9,727 9,496 9,067 10,490 16
Custody2,3 15,010 15,082 16,758 16,761 16,944 15,801 15,313 15,921 14,783 14,101 -5
Males4 Total 13,809 13,939 15,583 15,486 15,591 14,521 14,011 14,553 13,495 12,895 -4
Under 21 2,521 2,803 3,070 2,986 2,856 2,601 2,014 2,049 1,588 1,234 -22
21-30 6,478 6,030 6,684 6,864 6,718 6,154 6,074 6,043 5,487 4,995 -9
Over 30 4,809 5,106 5,829 5,636 6,017 5,766 5,923 6,461 6,420 6,666 4
Females Total 1,201 1,143 1,175 1,275 1,353 1,280 1,302 1,368 1,288 1,206 -6
Under 21 191 125 200 182 182 175 168 160 116 83 -28
21-30 611 563 592 615 682 581 588 620 598 488 -18
Over 30 399 455 383 478 489 524 546 588 574 635 11
Community sentence2,3 15,316 15,973 16,077 16,709 17,921 16,350 15,617 16,934 17,264 18,231 6
Males4 Total 12,821 13,355 13,566 13,886 14,955 13,484 12,979 14,087 14,396 15,218 6
Under 21 3,914 4,158 4,486 4,471 4,608 3,640 3,446 3,292 2,743 2,632 -4
21-30 4,832 4,920 4,878 4,935 5,303 5,037 4,697 5,246 5,590 5,662 1
Over 30 4,075 4,277 4,202 4,480 5,044 4,807 4,836 5,549 6,063 6,924 14
Females4 Total 2,495 2,618 2,511 2,823 2,966 2,866 2,638 2,847 2,868 3,013 5
Under 21 529 532 633 667 593 559 453 433 428 340 -21
21-30 1,042 1,126 926 1,092 1,176 1,013 1,020 1,014 1,063 1,024 -4
Over 30 924 960 952 1,064 1,197 1,294 1,165 1,400 1,377 1,649 20
Monetary2,3 84,468 81,862 84,541 83,105 73,980 72,487 67,558 59,243 53,317 57,734 8
Males4 Total 71,134 69,505 72,051 71,058 63,241 61,480 57,350 50,260 45,143 48,452 7
Under 21 13,765 14,029 14,646 13,597 9,886 8,462 7,070 5,365 4,061 3,699 -9
21-30 24,840 23,884 25,214 25,791 23,102 22,258 20,357 17,798 15,810 16,489 4
Over 30 32,524 31,589 32,189 31,670 30,253 30,760 29,922 27,097 25,270 28,264 12
Females4 Total 13,334 12,357 12,490 12,047 10,739 11,007 10,208 8,983 8,174 9,282 14
Under 21 1,494 1,507 1,572 1,569 1,206 1,061 909 746 530 521 -2
21-30 4,611 4,254 4,253 4,140 3,754 3,818 3,381 2,907 2,705 2,774 3
Over 30 7,229 6,596 6,663 6,338 5,779 6,128 5,916 5,330 4,939 5,987 21
Other sentence2,3 14,441 14,926 16,737 16,778 17,036 16,400 17,068 16,205 15,533 15,398 -1
Males4 Total 10,696 11,005 12,311 12,358 12,514 12,129 12,687 11,966 11,308 11,331 *
Under 21 3,005 3,195 3,437 3,471 3,185 2,625 2,614 2,424 1,966 1,617 -18
21-30 3,187 3,245 3,628 3,632 3,776 3,866 4,046 3,655 3,449 3,533 2
Over 30 4,504 4,565 5,246 5,255 5,553 5,638 6,027 5,887 5,893 6,181 5
Total 3,745 3,921 4,426 4,420 4,522 4,271 4,381 4,239 4,225 4,067 -4
Under 21 695 773 859 888 849 716 698 613 542 487 -10
21-30 1,388 1,444 1,630 1,540 1,701 1,598 1,583 1,448 1,506 1,361 -10
Over 30 1,662 1,704 1,937 1,992 1,972 1,957 2,100 2,178 2,177 2,219 2

1. Includes people with sentence unknown.

2. Sentence type breakdowns exclude people with gender unknown.

3. Sentence type breakdowns exclude companies.

4. Gender totals include people with age unknown.

Table 13 Bail orders made by type of court1,2, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Type of court 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All court types3 52,884 56,260 62,294 60,362 52,593 47,922 46,221 47,606 44,039 47,196
High court 348 297 434 305 279 261 252 299 207 271
Sheriff court 46,827 50,315 55,454 54,093 47,545 43,135 41,711 42,664 39,919 43,233
Justice of the Peace court4 5,709 5,643 6,406 5,964 4,768 4,521 4,255 4,640 3,908 3,692
Per cent
Type of court 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All court types3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
High court 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
Sheriff court 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 91 92
Justice of the Peace court4 11 10 10 10 9 9 9 10 9 8
Index: 2004-05=100
Type of court 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
All court types3 100 106 118 114 99 91 87 90 83 89
High court 100 85 125 88 80 75 72 86 59 78
Sheriff court 100 107 118 116 102 92 89 91 85 92
Justice of the Peace court4 100 99 112 104 84 79 75 81 68 65

1. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders, persons counted once only where more than one bail order on same day.

2. The recording of bail orders has improved over time, so some caution is needed when comparing changes from earlier years.

3. Total includes some records where court type is not assigned.

4. Includes District courts up to 2009-10 and the Stipendiary Magistrates court - more details in annex E9- E11.

Table 14 Bail orders made by gender and age, 2009-10 to 2013-14

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total
Male 40,468 84 39,019 84 39,981 84 36,782 84 39,490 84
Female 7,448 16 7,201 16 7,620 16 7,254 16 7,703 16
Under 21 10,153 21 9,630 21 8,930 19 6,973 16 6,752 14
21-30 17,917 37 17,001 37 17,774 37 16,431 37 16,924 36
Over 30 19,850 41 19,589 42 20,902 44 20,634 47 23,518 50
Total1,2,3 47,921 100 46,221 100 47,606 100 44,039 100 47,196 100

1. Totals contains a small number of bail orders where gender and/or age are unknown.

2. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders. People counted once only where more than one bail order on same day.

3. Totals include people where main offence not known and where bail was granted following the lodging of an appeal.

Table 15 Bail orders made by main charge, 2004-05 to 2013-14

Non-sexual Fire-raising Handling an Motor
crimes of Sexual Crimes of vandalism offensive Drug Other Common Breach of Miscellaneous vehicle
Year violence crimes dishonesty etc. weapon offences crimes assault the peace offences offences Unknown1 Total1,2,3,4
2004-05 4,235 1,078 12,126 3,320 2,480 3,205 6,654 7,508 6,173 2,149 3,861 21 52,884
2005-06 4,142 1,198 11,538 3,599 2,656 3,387 7,658 8,418 7,064 2,629 3,865 8 56,260
2006-07 4,203 1,163 12,415 4,067 3,197 3,775 9,011 9,769 7,748 2,490 4,318 44 62,294
2007-08 2,341 703 6,737 2,250 1,831 2,058 5,290 5,415 4,385 1,277 2,212 25,819 60,362
2008-09 - - - - - - - - - - - 52,593 52,593
2009-10 3,294 814 8,429 2,985 2,204 3,068 7,800 8,774 6,378 2,436 1,673 28 47,922
2010-11 3,420 764 8,479 2,697 2,083 2,874 7,699 8,417 5,747 2,332 1,672 19 46,221
2011-12 3,284 914 8,365 2,735 2,008 2,768 8,132 8,743 6,409 2,613 1,596 28 47,606
2012-13 2,569 1,005 7,565 2,496 1,563 2,636 7,528 7,910 6,080 2,961 1,681 35 44,039
2013-14 2,565 1,337 7,644 2,486 1,596 2,314 8,116 8,981 7,441 2,976 1,715 14 47,196
Percentage of total5
2004-05 8 2 23 6 5 6 13 14 12 4 7 * 100
2005-06 7 2 21 6 5 6 14 15 13 5 7 * 100
2006-07 7 2 20 7 5 6 14 16 12 4 7 * 100
2007-08 7 2 20 7 5 6 15 16 13 4 6 75 100
2008-09 - - - - - - - - - - - - 100
2009-10 7 2 18 6 5 6 16 18 13 5 3 * 100
2010-11 7 2 18 6 5 6 17 18 12 5 4 * 100
2011-12 7 2 18 6 4 6 17 18 13 5 3 * 100
2012-13 6 2 17 6 4 6 17 18 14 7 4 * 100
2013-14 5 3 16 5 3 5 17 19 16 6 4 * 100

1. A breakdown of bail orders by the main charge is not available for the period from 20 October 2007 to 31 March 2009.

2. The recording of bail orders has improved over time, so some caution is needed when comparing changes from earlier years.

3. Row totals do not equal the sum of the main charges for some years as bail can be granted following the lodging of an appeal

4. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders, persons counted once only where more than one bail order on same day.

5. Percentage of bail orders made where crime/offence type is known.

Table 16 Number and percentage of bail orders issued to individuals accused of crimes or offences, by gender and age, 2013-14

1 2 3 >3 Total
Female 4,547 707 253 200 5,707
Male 22,504 4,480 1,347 842 29,173
Under 21 3,145 800 298 232 4,475
21-30 9,587 1,945 583 363 12,478
Over 30 14,320 2,442 719 447 17,928
Total1,2 27,054 5,187 1,600 1,042 34,883
Per cent
1 2 3 >3 Total
Female 80 12 4 4 100
Male 77 15 5 3 100
Under 21 70 18 7 5 100
21-30 77 16 5 3 100
Over 30 80 14 4 2 100
Total1,2 78 15 5 3 100

1. Total contains a small number of bail orders where gender and/or age are unknown.

2. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders. People counted once only where more than one bail order on the same day.

Table 17 Undertakings to appear in court, by gender and age, 2009-10 to 2013-141,2

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14
Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total
Male 20,661 79 21,384 78 20,244 77 17,328 76 16,642 75
Female 5,461 21 5,912 22 5,953 23 5,489 24 5,465 25
Not known 3 * 1 * 4 * 1 * 3 *
Under 21 6,499 25 6,297 23 5,484 21 4,244 19 3,992 18
21-30 8,807 34 9,468 35 8,978 34 7,824 34 7,203 33
Over 30 10,818 41 11,532 42 11,739 45 10,748 47 10,915 49
Not known 2 * - - - - 2 * - -
Total 26,126 100 27,297 100 26,201 100 22,818 100 22,110 100

1. Gender and date of birth were added to the main collection of bail data from 2009-10.

2. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders. People counted once only where more than one bail order on the same day.

Table 18 Bail-related Offences with a Charge Proved, 2004-05 to 2013-14

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 % change 2012-13 to 2013-14
All bail-related offences: 6,100 5,996 7,438 8,025 9,098 8,363 8,261 8,860 8,462 7,987 -6
Bail-related offences as a percentage of bail orders made 12 11 12 13 17 17 18 19 19 17
High Court 38 43 34 35 35 15 27 20 16 26 63
Sheriff Solemn 233 294 332 352 275 222 227 209 224 233 4
Sheriff Summary 5,576 5,415 6,836 7,436 8,227 7,477 7,358 7,964 7,653 7,184 -6
Justice of the Peace 253 244 236 202 556 649 649 667 569 544 -4
Under 21 1,781 1,763 2,560 2,639 2,580 2,292 2,051 2,146 1,811 1,413 -22
21-30 2,344 2,177 2,486 2,773 3,394 3,081 3,111 3,290 3,169 2,928 -8
Over 30 1,975 2,056 2,392 2,613 3,124 2,990 3,099 3,424 3,482 3,646 5
Male 5,349 5,235 6,622 7,145 7,911 7,316 7,214 7,758 7,267 6,925 -5
Female 751 761 816 880 1,187 1,047 1,046 1,102 1,195 1,062 -11
Main result of proceedings:
Custody 1,476 1,717 2,174 2,268 2,275 2,197 2,083 2,220 2,117 2,015 -5
Community 1,297 1,243 1,461 1,625 1,795 1,473 1,464 1,520 1,685 1,639 -3
Monetary 1,449 1,354 1,703 1,889 2,267 1,916 1,818 1,922 1,679 1,510 -10
Other 1,878 1,682 2,100 2,243 2,761 2,777 2,896 3,198 2,981 2,823 -5

Table 19 People given police disposals by disposal type, 2008-09 to 2013-141,2

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 % change
2012-13 to 2013-14
Anti-social behaviour fixed penalty notice (ASBFPN) 48,462 61,234 54,345 53,665 54,713 55,490 1%
Police formal adult warning 7,828 8,386 7,517 8,446 8,264 7,100 -14%

1. Includes a small number of records where age and/or gender are unknown.

2. Mainly verbal warnings, but also includes prostitute warnings and community warning notices.

Table 20 Males given ASBFPNs, by main crime/offence and age, 2013-141

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
Total 12,223 19,547 15,980 47,750 100 100 100 100
Riotous behaviour while drunk in licensed premises - - - - - - - -
Refusing to leave licensed premises 131 368 295 794 1 2 2 2
Urinating etc. 2,744 6,290 4,254 13,288 22 32 27 28
Drunk & incapable 96 191 436 723 1 1 3 2
Drunk in charge of child 2 4 1 7 * * * *
Loud music etc. 53 117 74 244 * 1 * 1
Vandalism 201 157 81 439 2 1 1 1
Consuming alcohol in public place 5,260 7,228 7,310 19,798 43 37 46 41
Breach of the peace etc. 3,730 5,192 3,529 12,451 31 27 22 26
Malicious mischief 5 - - 5 * - - *
Offensive behaviour at football and threatening communications 1 - - 1 * - - *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

Table 21 Females given ASBFPNs, by main crime/offence and age, 2013-141

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
Total 2,216 2,642 2,880 7,738 100 100 100 100
Riotous behaviour while drunk in licensed premises - - - - - - - -
Refusing to leave licensed premises 20 43 77 140 1 2 3 2
Urinating etc. 167 253 123 543 8 10 4 7
Drunk & incapable 26 45 92 163 1 2 3 2
Drunk in charge of child - 2 2 4 - * * *
Loud music etc. 45 48 31 124 2 2 1 2
Vandalism 10 18 33 61 * 1 1 1
Consuming alcohol in public place 1,148 1,162 1,276 3,586 52 44 44 46
Breach of the peace etc. 800 1,071 1,246 3,117 36 41 43 40
Malicious mischief - - - - - - - -
Offensive behaviour at football and threatening communications - - - - - - - -

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

Table 22 Males given Formal Adult Warnings by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
All crimes and offences1 821 1,265 2,282 4,368 100 100 100 100
All crimes 309 333 626 1,268 38 26 27 29
Non-sexual crimes of violence 1 - - 1 * - - *
Homicide etc - - - - - - - -
Attempted murder and serious assault - - - - - - - -
Robbery - - - - - - - -
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 1 - - 1 * - - *
Sexual crimes - - - - - - - -
Rape and attempted rape - - - - - - - -
Sexual assault - - - - - - - -
Crimes associated with prostitution - - - - - - - -
Other sexual crimes - - - - - - - -
Crimes of dishonesty 249 282 586 1,117 30 22 26 26
Housebreaking - - - - - - - -
Theft by opening lockfast places 1 2 1 4 * * * *
Theft from a motor vehicle - - - - - - - -
Theft of a motor vehicle - - - - - - - -
Shoplifting 123 178 457 758 15 14 20 17
Other theft 59 66 93 218 7 5 4 5
Fraud 60 32 32 124 7 3 1 3
Other dishonesty 6 4 3 13 1 * * *
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 50 40 33 123 6 3 1 3
Fire-raising 1 - 1 2 * - * *
Vandalism etc. 49 40 32 121 6 3 1 3
Other crimes 9 11 7 27 1 1 * 1
Crimes against public justice 9 11 4 24 1 1 * 1
Handling offensive weapons - - - - - - - -
Drugs - - 3 3 - - * *
Other crime - - - - - - - -
All offences 512 932 1,656 3,100 62 74 73 71
Miscellaneous offences 512 928 1,648 3,088 62 73 72 71
Common assault 130 177 299 606 16 14 13 14
Breach of the peace etc. 101 126 275 502 12 10 12 11
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 60 193 681 934 7 15 30 21
Urinating etc. 54 113 109 276 7 9 5 6
Other miscellaneous 17 30 68 115 2 2 3 3
Alcohol byelaw offences 137 272 189 598 17 22 8 14
Litter offences 7 13 14 34 1 1 1 1
Communications act offences 6 4 13 23 1 * 1 1
Motor vehicle offences - 4 8 12 - * * *
Dangerous and careless driving - 1 - 1 - * - *
Driving under the influence - - - - - - - -
Speeding - - - - - - - -
Unlawful use of motor vehicle - 2 3 5 - * * *
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - -
Seat belt offences - 1 2 3 - * * *
Mobile phone offences - - - - - - - -
Other motor vehicle offences - - 3 3 - - * *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

Table 23 Females given Formal Adult Warnings by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
All crimes and offences1 460 770 1,501 2,731 100 100 100 100
All crimes 230 347 873 1,450 50 45 58 53
Non-sexual crimes of violence - - - - - - - -
Homicide etc - - - - - - - -
Attempted murder and serious assault - - - - - - - -
Robbery - - - - - - - -
Other non-sexual crimes of violence - - - - - - - -
Sexual crimes - 2 2 4 - * * *
Rape and attempted rape - - - - - - - -
Sexual assault - - - - - - - -
Crimes associated with prostitution - 2 2 4 - * * *
Other sexual crimes - - - - - - - -
Crimes of dishonesty 215 338 858 1,411 47 44 57 52
Housebreaking - - - - - - - -
Theft by opening lockfast places - - - - - - - -
Theft from a motor vehicle - - - - - - - -
Theft of a motor vehicle - - - - - - - -
Shoplifting 132 281 735 1,148 29 36 49 42
Other theft 21 24 71 116 5 3 5 4
Fraud 60 33 51 144 13 4 3 5
Other dishonesty 2 - 1 3 * - * *
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 5 4 8 17 1 1 1 1
Fire-raising - - - - - - - -
Vandalism etc. 5 4 8 17 1 1 1 1
Other crimes 10 3 5 18 2 * * 1
Crimes against public justice 10 2 5 17 2 * * 1
Handling offensive weapons - - - - - - - -
Drugs - 1 - 1 - * - *
Other crime - - - - - - - -
All offences 230 423 628 1,281 50 55 42 47
Miscellaneous offences 229 423 626 1,278 50 55 42 47
Common assault 81 125 177 383 18 16 12 14
Breach of the peace etc. 44 80 174 298 10 10 12 11
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 19 51 161 231 4 7 11 8
Urinating etc. 8 7 6 21 2 1 * 1
Other miscellaneous 5 12 22 39 1 2 1 1
Alcohol byelaw offences 70 137 76 283 15 18 5 10
Litter offences 1 - 3 4 * - * *
Communications act offences 1 11 7 19 * 1 * 1
Motor vehicle offences 1 - 2 3 * - * *
Dangerous and careless driving - - - - - - - -
Driving under the influence - - - - - - - -
Speeding - - - - - - - -
Unlawful use of motor vehicle - - 1 1 - - * *
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - -
Seat belt offences - - - - - - - -
Mobile phone offences - - - - - - - -
Other motor vehicle offences 1 - 1 2 * - * *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

Table 24 People given COPFS disposals by disposal type, 2008-09 to 2013-14

2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 % change
2012-13 to 2013-14
All COPFS disposals 62,829 59,108 60,099 67,341 72,848 73,567 1
Fiscal fine 38,419 36,057 35,604 42,184 47,826 47,322 -1
Fiscal fixed penalty 18,092 18,592 20,357 21,067 21,638 23,486 9
Fiscal combined fine + compensation 1,405 2,030 2,195 2,713 2,326 1,942 -17
Fiscal compensation 1,992 1,985 1,838 1,322 1,021 784 -23
Fiscal fixed penalties (Pre-SJR) 2,921 444 105 55 37 33 -11

Table 25 Males given fiscal fines, by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
All crimes and offences1 4,742 10,960 16,127 31,829 100 100 100 100
All crimes 3,117 5,695 5,951 14,763 66 52 37 46
Non-sexual crimes of violence - 1 1 2 - * * *
Homicide etc - - - - - - - -
Attempted murder and serious assault - - - - - - - -
Robbery - - - - - - - -
Other non-sexual crimes of violence - 1 1 2 - * * *
Sexual crimes - 2 5 7 - * * *
Rape and attempted rape - - - - - - - -
Sexual assault - - - - - - - -
Crimes associated with prostitution - - 3 3 - - * *
Other sexual crimes - 2 2 4 - * * *
Crimes of dishonesty 298 760 1,459 2,517 6 7 9 8
Housebreaking - - - - - - - -
Theft by opening lockfast places 2 - 2 4 * - * *
Theft from a motor vehicle - - - - - - - -
Theft of a motor vehicle - - - - - - - -
Shoplifting 197 520 1,178 1,895 4 5 7 6
Other theft 71 177 211 459 1 2 1 1
Fraud 18 33 45 96 * * * *
Other dishonesty 10 30 23 63 * * * *
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 49 96 56 201 1 1 * 1
Fire-raising - - - - - - - -
Vandalism etc. 49 96 56 201 1 1 * 1
Other crimes 2,770 4,836 4,430 12,036 58 44 27 38
Crimes against public justice 73 128 111 312 2 1 1 1
Handling offensive weapons - - - - - - - -
Drugs 2,697 4,708 4,319 11,724 57 43 27 37
Other crime - - - - - - - -
All offences 1,625 5,265 10,176 17,066 34 48 63 54
Miscellaneous offences 1,503 4,295 7,996 13,794 32 39 50 43
Common assault 80 236 197 513 2 2 1 2
Breach of the peace etc. 431 868 997 2,296 9 8 6 7
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 26 57 154 237 1 1 1 1
Urinating etc. 78 229 305 612 2 2 2 2
Other miscellaneous 75 235 304 614 2 2 2 2
Alcohol byelaw offences 668 1,430 2,733 4,831 14 13 17 15
Litter offences 66 167 270 503 1 2 2 2
Communications act offences 79 1,073 3,036 4,188 2 10 19 13
Motor vehicle offences 122 970 2,180 3,272 3 9 14 10
Dangerous and careless driving - - - - - - - -
Driving under the influence - - - - - - - -
Speeding - - 3 3 - - * *
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 122 961 2,145 3,228 3 9 13 10
Vehicle defect offences - - 1 1 - - * *
Seat belt offences - 2 1 3 - * * *
Mobile phone offences - 1 - 1 - * - *
Other motor vehicle offences - 6 30 36 - * * *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

Table 26 Females given fiscal fines, by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
All crimes and offences1 830 5,299 9,352 15,482 100 100 100 100
All crimes 261 935 1,769 2,965 31 18 19 19
Non-sexual crimes of violence - - - - - - - -
Homicide etc - - - - - - - -
Attempted murder and serious assault - - - - - - - -
Robbery - - - - - - - -
Other non-sexual crimes of violence - - - - - - - -
Sexual crimes 1 1 4 6 * * * *
Rape and attempted rape - - - - - - - -
Sexual assault - - - - - - - -
Crimes associated with prostitution 1 1 3 5 * * * *
Other sexual crimes - - 1 1 - - * *
Crimes of dishonesty 86 454 1,033 1,573 10 9 11 10
Housebreaking - - - - - - - -
Theft by opening lockfast places - - 1 1 - - * *
Theft from a motor vehicle - - - - - - - -
Theft of a motor vehicle - 1 - 1 - * - *
Shoplifting 66 378 899 1,343 8 7 10 9
Other theft 13 44 75 132 2 1 1 1
Fraud 6 24 51 81 1 * 1 1
Other dishonesty 1 7 7 15 * * * *
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 7 6 14 27 1 * * *
Fire-raising - - - - - - - -
Vandalism etc. 7 6 14 27 1 * * *
Other crimes 167 474 718 1,359 20 9 8 9
Crimes against public justice 4 20 16 40 * * * *
Handling offensive weapons - - - - - - - -
Drugs 163 454 702 1,319 20 9 8 9
Other crime - - - - - - - -
All offences 569 4,364 7,583 12,517 69 82 81 81
Miscellaneous offences 542 4,045 6,814 11,402 65 76 73 74
Common assault 35 74 95 204 4 1 1 1
Breach of the peace etc. 120 234 336 690 14 4 4 4
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct - 2 31 33 - * * *
Urinating etc. 2 6 6 14 * * * *
Other miscellaneous 19 41 70 130 2 1 1 1
Alcohol byelaw offences 74 217 411 702 9 4 4 5
Litter offences 41 103 147 291 5 2 2 2
Communications act offences 251 3,368 5,718 9,338 30 64 61 60
Motor vehicle offences 27 319 769 1,115 3 6 8 7
Dangerous and careless driving - - - - - - - -
Driving under the influence - - - - - - - -
Speeding - 1 1 2 - * * *
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 27 316 767 1,110 3 6 8 7
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - -
Seat belt offences - - 1 1 - - * *
Mobile phone offences - - - - - - - -
Other motor vehicle offences - 2 - 2 - * - *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

Table 27 Males given fiscal fixed penalties by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
Total1 731 5,054 12,692 18,478 100 100 100 100
Serious driving offences2 3 7 11 21 * * * *
Speeding offences 136 1,465 4,560 6,162 19 29 36 33
Signal and direction offences 82 530 1,456 2,068 11 10 11 11
Lighting, construction & use offences 108 362 584 1,054 15 7 5 6
Documentation offences 160 840 2,057 3,057 22 17 16 17
Other motor vehicle offences3 241 1,841 4,019 6,101 33 36 32 33
Non-motor vehicle offences4 1 9 5 15 * * * *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

2. In some circumstances fiscal fixed penalties can be issued for contraventions of Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (driving without due care and attention).

3. Contains a number of other offences, however around a two thirds of fixed penalties given for this group were for mobile phone offences and a third were seatbelt offences.

4. Contains bicycle offences and road works offences.

Table 28 Females given fiscal fixed penalties by main crime/offence and age, 2013-14

Number Per cent
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total Under 21 21-30 Over 30 Total
Total1 181 1,400 3,420 5,002 100 100 100 100
Serious driving offences2 1 1 5 7 1 * * *
Speeding offences 59 445 1,283 1,787 33 32 38 36
Signal and direction offences 27 215 561 803 15 15 16 16
Lighting, construction & use offences 10 56 116 183 6 4 3 4
Documentation offences 38 269 707 1,014 21 19 21 20
Other motor vehicle offences3 46 413 745 1,204 25 30 22 24
Non-motor vehicle offences4 - 1 3 4 - * * *

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or gender are unknown.

2. In some circumstances fiscal fixed penalties can be issued for contraventions of Section 3 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (driving without due care and attention).

3. Contains a number of other offences, however around a two thirds of fixed penalties given for this group were for mobile phone offences and a third were seatbelt offences.

4. Contains bicycle offences and road works offences.


Email: Gillian Diggins

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