
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2015-16

Summary of proceedings dealt with by courts, sentencing outcomes and characteristics of convicted offenders.

Table 4(b): People convicted by main crime/offence, 2006-07 to 2015-16

Main crime or offence 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-161 % change 2014-15 to 2015-16 All offences proved, 2015-16 2
All crimes and offences 134,416 133,608 125,893 121,041 115,581 108,424 101,018 105,656 106,622 99,950 -6 134,362
All crimes 48,810 48,642 46,799 43,552 42,288 40,671 36,978 36,202 36,525 35,721 -2 48,118
Non-sexual crimes of violence 2,461 2,750 2,659 2,463 2,540 2,461 2,143 1,803 1,739 1,765 1 1,969
Homicide etc 121 136 116 118 117 111 115 93 80 84 5 91
Attempted murder and serious assault 1,496 1,732 1,709 1,511 1,419 1,365 1,285 1,043 1,049 1,112 6 1,204
Robbery 529 548 563 533 526 606 520 448 385 379 -2 436
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 315 334 271 301 478 379 223 219 225 190 -16 238
Sexual crimes 857 727 914 832 756 784 865 1,060 1,152 1,156 0 2,135
Rape and attempted rape 60 49 42 57 36 49 77 91 124 104 -16 178
Sexual assault 186 145 182 159 160 151 204 236 276 279 1 713
Crimes associated with prostitution 306 253 333 250 245 200 142 169 145 86 -41 90
Other sexual crimes 305 280 357 366 315 384 442 564 607 687 13 1,154
Crimes of dishonesty 18,382 17,728 17,429 15,951 15,613 14,772 13,250 12,579 12,538 11,580 -8 15,596
Housebreaking 2,025 1,867 1,860 1,604 1,540 1,498 1,365 1,037 982 853 -13 1,121
Theft by opening lockfast places 398 389 349 312 284 291 247 218 212 197 -7 284
Theft from a motor vehicle 408 447 387 297 270 250 200 143 112 100 -11 199
Theft of a motor vehicle 851 776 733 572 483 450 373 272 321 298 -7 570
Shoplifting 8,548 8,457 8,287 8,098 7,853 7,267 6,500 6,532 6,944 6,583 -5 8,400
Other theft 3,430 3,260 3,113 2,768 2,871 2,961 2,720 2,577 2,343 2,091 -11 2,820
Fraud 1,356 1,337 1,438 1,142 1,067 811 624 681 603 544 -10 965
Other dishonesty 1,366 1,195 1,262 1,158 1,245 1,244 1,221 1,119 1,021 914 -10 1,237
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 5,438 5,392 4,375 3,836 3,362 3,016 2,583 2,504 2,445 2,229 -9 2,808
Fire-raising 251 224 244 190 159 146 133 130 133 115 -14 142
Vandalism etc. 5,187 5,168 4,131 3,646 3,203 2,870 2,450 2,374 2,312 2,114 -9 2,666
Other crimes 21,672 22,045 21,422 20,470 20,017 19,638 18,137 18,256 18,651 18,991 2 25,610
Crimes against public justice 9,018 9,825 10,350 9,744 9,822 10,170 9,767 9,670 10,022 10,195 2 14,236
Handling offensive weapons 3,547 3,405 3,516 2,838 2,445 2,265 1,709 1,684 1,586 1,493 -6 1,855
Drugs 8,904 8,547 7,318 7,699 7,531 6,990 6,449 6,720 6,872 7,152 4 9,337
Other crime 203 268 238 189 219 213 212 182 171 151 -12 182
All offences 85,606 84,966 79,094 77,489 73,293 67,753 64,040 69,454 70,097 64,229 -8 86,244
Miscellaneous offences 40,492 39,610 34,165 31,508 29,187 29,470 28,587 29,169 31,131 31,660 2 44,503
Common assault 13,717 13,834 13,647 12,966 12,600 12,762 11,648 11,213 11,768 12,079 3 16,439
Breach of the peace etc. 18,104 17,494 16,003 14,077 12,114 12,544 12,961 13,731 15,588 16,298 5 23,205
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 3,363 3,432 898 705 624 309 220 306 250 148 -41 398
Urinating etc. 473 514 81 47 43 20 32 41 43 29 -33 70
Other miscellaneous 4,835 4,336 3,536 3,713 3,806 3,835 3,726 3,878 3,482 3,106 -11 4,391
Motor vehicle offences 45,114 45,356 44,929 45,981 44,106 38,283 35,453 40,285 38,966 32,569 -16 41,741
Dangerous and careless driving 3,774 3,967 3,696 3,405 3,167 2,858 2,811 3,574 3,414 3,572 5 4,130
Driving under the influence 8,066 7,820 7,222 6,232 5,351 5,287 4,735 4,091 3,681 3,539 -4 4,038
Speeding 13,395 14,156 13,589 14,357 12,955 12,381 12,034 14,125 14,008 12,365 -12 12,667
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 13,450 13,609 12,740 12,175 11,052 9,001 7,855 8,515 8,305 6,331 -24 11,233
Vehicle defect offences 1,707 1,414 1,483 1,662 1,723 1,504 1,243 1,611 1,580 1,534 -3 2,532
Seat belt offences 1,211 1,010 1,257 2,199 2,673 1,982 2,052 2,539 2,172 481 -78 595
Mobile phone offences 814 1,197 2,265 2,856 3,603 2,641 2,663 3,096 3,163 2,279 -28 2,389
Other motor vehicle offences 2,697 2,183 2,677 3,095 3,582 2,629 2,060 2,734 2,643 2,468 -7 4,157

1. Figures for some categories dealt with by the high court - including homicide, rape and major drug cases - may be underestimated due to late recording of disposals - see annex notes B16 to B19.
2. Number of individual offences relating to people with a charge proved, whether or not the main crime/offence involved.


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