
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2015-16

Summary of proceedings dealt with by courts, sentencing outcomes and characteristics of convicted offenders.

Table 6(a): Males1 convicted by main crime/offence and age, 2015-16

(Number) (Per cent)
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 31-40 over 40 Total Under 21 21-30 31-40 over 40 Total
All crimes and offences 8,422 28,135 22,097 24,367 83,021 100 100 100 100 100
All crimes 3,934 10,428 8,737 6,803 29,902 47 37 40 28 36
Non-sexual crimes of violence 259 647 361 268 1,535 3 2 2 1 2
Homicide etc 8 19 16 26 69 * * * * *
Attempted murder and serious assault 190 448 218 174 1,030 2 2 1 1 1
Robbery 54 157 93 29 333 1 1 * * *
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 7 23 34 39 103 * * * * *
Sexual crimes 141 285 206 454 1,086 2 1 1 2 1
Rape and attempted rape 20 32 15 37 104 * * * * *
Sexual assault 23 58 60 135 276 * * * 1 *
Crimes associated with prostitution - 4 6 22 32 - * * * *
Other sexual crimes 98 191 125 260 674 1 1 1 1 1
Crimes of dishonesty 937 2,668 3,257 2,107 8,969 11 9 15 9 11
Housebreaking 160 268 272 130 830 2 1 1 1 1
Theft by opening lockfast places 31 37 74 39 181 * * * * *
Theft from a motor vehicle 17 28 38 16 99 * * * * *
Theft of a motor vehicle 89 135 43 20 287 1 * * * *
Shoplifting 276 1,286 1,940 1,217 4,719 3 5 9 5 6
Other theft 215 541 560 386 1,702 3 2 3 2 2
Fraud 25 117 107 117 366 * * * * *
Other dishonesty 124 256 223 182 785 1 1 1 1 1
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 426 814 405 286 1,931 5 3 2 1 2
Fire-raising 37 26 24 7 94 * * * * *
Vandalism etc. 389 788 381 279 1,837 5 3 2 1 2
Other crimes 2,171 6,014 4,508 3,688 16,381 26 21 20 15 20
Crimes against public justice 1,253 3,143 2,203 1,985 8,584 15 11 10 8 10
Handling offensive weapons 274 494 319 270 1,357 3 2 1 1 2
Drugs 630 2,358 1,966 1,377 6,331 7 8 9 6 8
Other crime 14 19 20 56 109 * * * * *
All offences 4,488 17,707 13,360 17,564 53,119 53 63 60 72 64
Miscellaneous offences 2,930 9,358 6,422 7,145 25,855 35 33 29 29 31
Common assault 1,292 3,665 2,273 2,276 9,506 15 13 10 9 11
Breach of the peace etc. 1,469 4,969 3,529 3,951 13,918 17 18 16 16 17
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 7 38 40 40 125 * * * * *
Urinating etc. 4 14 4 7 29 * * * * *
Other miscellaneous 158 672 576 871 2,277 2 2 3 4 3
Motor vehicle offences 1,558 8,349 6,938 10,419 27,264 18 30 31 43 33
Dangerous and careless driving 376 965 578 1,053 2,972 4 3 3 4 4
Driving under the influence 180 847 719 1,124 2,870 2 3 3 5 3
Speeding 376 3,011 2,697 4,504 10,588 4 11 12 18 13
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 440 1,786 1,336 1,491 5,053 5 6 6 6 6
Vehicle defect offences 63 415 357 568 1,403 1 1 2 2 2
Seat belt offences 9 150 138 140 437 * 1 1 1 1
Mobile phone offences 23 641 644 638 1,946 * 2 3 3 2
Other motor vehicle offences 91 534 469 901 1,995 1 2 2 4 2

1. Excludes companies and gender not known.


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