
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2015-16

Summary of proceedings dealt with by courts, sentencing outcomes and characteristics of convicted offenders.

Table 15: Bail-related Offences1 with a conviction, 2006-07 to 2015-16

2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 % change
2014-15 to 2015-16
All bail-related offences: 7,438 8,025 9,098 8,363 8,261 8,860 8,462 8,003 8,548 8,563 0
Bail-related offences as a percentage of bail orders made 12 13 17 17 18 19 19 17 18 19
High Court 34 35 35 15 27 20 16 26 114 169 48
Sheriff Solemn 332 352 275 222 227 209 224 236 330 341 3
Sheriff Summary 6,836 7,436 8,227 7,459 7,334 7,946 7,643 7,188 7,528 7,693 2
Justice of the Peace 236 202 561 667 673 685 579 553 576 360 -38
Under 21 2,560 2,639 2,580 2,292 2,051 2,146 1,811 1,412 1,352 1,378 2
21-30 2,486 2,773 3,394 3,081 3,111 3,290 3,169 2,936 3,043 2,981 -2
Over 30 2,392 2,613 3,124 2,990 3,099 3,424 3,482 3,655 4,153 4,204 1
Male 6,622 7,145 7,911 7,316 7,215 7,758 7,267 6,939 7,413 7,342 -1
Female 816 880 1,187 1,047 1,046 1,102 1,195 1,064 1,135 1,221 8
Main result of proceedings:
Custody 2,174 2,268 2,275 2,197 2,083 2,220 2,117 2,018 2,147 2,010 -6
Community 1,461 1,625 1,795 1,473 1,464 1,520 1,685 1,644 1,809 1,845 2
Monetary 1,703 1,889 2,267 1,916 1,818 1,922 1,679 1,508 1,560 1,511 -3
Other 2,100 2,243 2,761 2,777 2,896 3,198 2,981 2,833 3,032 3,197 5

1. Bail related offences include breach of bail conditions and failure to appear in court.


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