Criminal Proceedings in Scotland 2015-16

Summary of proceedings dealt with by courts, sentencing outcomes and characteristics of convicted offenders.

Table 16: Undertakings to appear in court, by gender and age, 2009-10 - 2015-161,2

2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total Number Percentage of total
Male 20,661 79 21,384 78 20,244 77 17,328 76 16,642 75 12,738 76 11,769 75
Female 5,461 21 5,912 22 5,953 23 5,489 24 5,465 25 4,015 24 3,870 25
Not known 3 * 1 * 4 * 1 * 3 * 4 * 2 *
Under 21 6,499 25 6,297 23 5,484 21 4,244 19 3,992 18 2,812 17 2,542 16
21-30 8,807 34 9,468 35 8,978 34 7,824 34 7,203 33 5,356 32 4,829 31
31-40 5,251 20 5,629 21 5,712 22 5,086 22 5,095 23 3,918 23 3,686 24
Over 40 5,568 21 5,903 22 6,027 23 5,664 25 5,820 26 4,671 28 4,584 29
Not known 1 * - - - - - - - - - - - -
Total 26,126 100 27,297 100 26,201 100 22,818 100 22,110 100 16,757 100 15,641 100

1. Gender and date of birth were added to the main collection of bail data from 2009-10.
2. Excludes modifications to existing bail orders. People counted once only where more than one bail order on the same day.


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