
Criminal proceedings in Scotland 2016-17: statistics

Statistics on criminal proceedings concluded in Scottish courts and alternatives to prosecution, issued by the police and by the Crown Office.

8. Headlines in court sentencing

( Tables 7 and 8)

The main types of penalty or sentence given to those found guilty in Scottish Courts are custodial sentences, community sentences and financial penalties. Sections 9-12 provide statistics on these types of punishments. In addition, for less serious cases or where it is felt the main punishment types are not suitable, the individual found guilty can be " admonished" (given a verbal warning from the sheriff). A full listing of the range of court disposals is outlined in Annex D.

Of all people convicted during 2016-17:

  • 49% were issued financial penalties (44,999);
  • 20% were issued community sentences (18,600); and
  • 13% were issued custodial sentences (12,690).

A further 17% of people were issued other sentences (16,045), which are mostly admonishments.

Chart 7: Sentences imposed, 2007-08 and 2016-17

Chart 7: Sentences imposed, 2007-08 and 2016-17


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