
Criminal proceedings in Scotland 2016-17: statistics

Statistics on criminal proceedings concluded in Scottish courts and alternatives to prosecution, issued by the police and by the Crown Office.

Table 6(b) Females[1] convicted by main crime/offence and age, 2016-17

Main crime or offence (Number) (Per cent)
Under 21 21-30 31-40 over 40 Total Under 21 21-30 31-40 over 40 Total
All crimes and offences 1,218 4,660 4,959 5,005 15,842 100 100 100 100 100
All crimes 396 1,666 2,061 1,387 5,510 33 36 42 28 35
Non-sexual crimes of violence 25 72 76 34 207 2 2 2 1 1
Homicide etc. - 3 5 3 11 - * * * *
Attempted murder and serious assault 21 37 23 17 98 2 1 * * 1
Robbery 3 5 17 3 28 * * * * *
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 1 27 31 11 70 * 1 1 * *
Sexual crimes 2 11 58 10 81 * * 1 * 1
Rape and attempted rape - - - - - - - - - -
Sexual assault - 1 1 3 5 - * * * *
Crimes associated with prostitution - 8 47 4 59 - * 1 * *
Other sexual crimes 2 2 10 3 17 * * * * *
Crimes of dishonesty 94 762 1,048 695 2,599 8 16 21 14 16
Housebreaking 3 12 9 3 27 * * * * *
Theft by opening lockfast places - 7 1 3 11 - * * * *
Theft from a motor vehicle - 1 - - 1 - * - - *
Theft of a motor vehicle 3 5 8 4 20 * * * * *
Shoplifting 53 541 796 476 1,866 4 12 16 10 12
Other theft 21 115 135 100 371 2 2 3 2 2
Fraud 9 50 66 75 200 1 1 1 1 1
Other dishonesty 5 31 33 34 103 * 1 1 1 1
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 40 96 59 53 248 3 2 1 1 2
Fire-raising 1 3 2 8 14 * * * * *
Vandalism etc. 39 93 57 45 234 3 2 1 1 1
Other crimes 235 725 820 595 2,375 19 16 17 12 15
Crimes against public justice 186 452 426 356 1,420 15 10 9 7 9
Handling offensive weapons 16 34 34 20 104 1 1 1 * 1
Drugs 27 227 346 206 806 2 5 7 4 5
Other crime 6 12 14 13 45 * * * * *
All offences 822 2,994 2,898 3,618 10,332 67 64 58 72 65
Miscellaneous offences 595 1,625 1,458 1,612 5,290 49 35 29 32 33
Common assault 337 783 635 610 2,365 28 17 13 12 15
Breach of the peace etc. 205 692 638 675 2,210 17 15 13 13 14
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct - 6 5 2 13 - * * * *
Urinating etc. - - 1 - 1 - - * - *
Other miscellaneous 53 144 179 325 701 4 3 4 6 4
Motor vehicle offences 227 1,369 1,440 2,006 5,042 19 29 29 40 32
Dangerous and careless driving 52 146 130 292 620 4 3 3 6 4
Driving under the influence 45 179 176 342 742 4 4 4 7 5
Speeding 48 430 476 653 1,607 4 9 10 13 10
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 55 402 433 434 1,324 5 9 9 9 8
Vehicle defect offences 3 35 44 47 129 * 1 1 1 1
Seat belt offences - 11 4 12 27 - * * * *
Mobile phone offences 6 68 73 38 185 * 1 1 1 1
Other motor vehicle offences 18 98 104 188 408 1 2 2 4 3

1. Excludes companies and gender not known.


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