Criminal proceedings in Scotland 2017-2018

Summary of offences dealt with by courts, sentencing outcomes and characteristics of convicted offenders. Additional information on non-court penalties issued by the Police and Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service.

Table 10(c) Average length of custodial sentence in days, by main crime/offence, 2008-09 to 2017-181,2

Main crime or offence 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 % change 2016-17 to 2017-18
All crimes and offences 263 281 277 289 284 295 287 291 314 318 1
All crimes 306 327 318 336 333 350 339 345 379 382 1
Non-sexual crimes of violence 906 903 875 947 891 971 971 899 955 951 -*
Homicide etc 2,329 2,201 2,264 2,206 2,392 2,335 2,022 1,913 1,899 2,405 27
Attempted murder and serious assault 886 915 919 993 876 955 998 913 987 949 -4
Robbery 807 761 813 834 804 907 927 770 830 790 -5
Other non-sexual crimes of violence 510 529 271 484 446 676 443 756 675 846 25
Sexual crimes 1,339 1,279 1,212 1,250 1,278 1,238 1,324 1,249 1,230 1,274 4
Rape and attempted rape 2,543 2,280 2,090 2,264 2,450 2,507 2,381 2,549 2,502 2,567 3
Sexual assault 1,090 1,210 1,383 1,215 1,078 871 887 1,021 941 986 5
Crimes associated with prostitution 403 183 185 540 - 1,089 - 1,096 - 882 -
Other sexual crimes 1,069 916 805 832 807 873 843 706 743 720 -3
Crimes of dishonesty 142 151 154 165 166 168 181 193 206 209 1
Housebreaking 223 242 255 267 266 315 382 423 451 443 -2
Theft by opening lockfast places 150 171 169 190 214 198 231 215 254 233 -8
Theft from a motor vehicle 146 162 172 156 154 161 169 185 192 179 -7
Theft of a motor vehicle 158 159 151 182 174 216 198 213 235 257 9
Shoplifting 98 101 105 116 114 113 116 115 118 119 1
Other theft 137 156 159 167 162 165 191 188 192 192 -
Fraud 224 226 236 220 270 262 250 332 334 387 16
Other dishonesty 143 164 133 164 171 176 190 199 181 187 3
Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 176 198 194 220 213 226 235 240 272 257 -6
Fire-raising 447 470 555 702 496 511 641 553 628 530 -16
Vandalism etc. 128 158 144 145 159 184 174 190 208 204 -2
Other crimes 268 294 300 285 285 302 264 264 302 284 -6
Crimes against public justice 96 102 112 116 113 121 120 128 129 133 3
Handling offensive weapons 260 269 289 312 343 375 369 364 392 353 -10
Drugs 544 575 575 542 578 604 517 476 539 518 -4
Other crime 183 659 155 260 258 343 310 641 597 408 -32
All offences 162 167 177 184 178 179 178 188 190 196 3
Miscellaneous offences 159 164 174 181 175 177 174 183 187 190 2
Common assault 181 195 202 212 206 206 216 215 219 226 3
Breach of the peace etc. 109 115 123 136 135 142 138 145 146 142 -3
Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 38 31 33 73 97 35 40 60 152 21 -86
Other miscellaneous, including urinating 326 283 243 216 210 205 168 234 246 279 13
Motor vehicle offences 176 188 202 207 202 203 218 229 220 240 9
Dangerous and careless driving 230 241 289 283 261 275 315 324 281 307 9
Driving under the influence 142 137 130 145 146 141 151 156 141 158 12
Speeding - - - - - - - - - - -
Unlawful use of motor vehicle 174 189 204 207 207 200 200 202 215 220 2
Vehicle defect offences - - - - - - - - - 42 -
Other vehicle 80 123 152 100 93 97 118 60 128 104 -19

1. Average sentence lengths exclude life sentences and indeterminate detention.
2. Figures for some categories dealt with by the High Court - including homicide, rape and major drug cases - may be underestimated slightly due to late recording of disposals - see annex B16 to B18.


Email: Ian Volante

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