
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2019-20

A total of 85,726 people were proceeded against in Scottish criminal courts in 2019-20, a fall of 4% from 89,725 proceedings in 2018-19 The number of convictions was 75,251 in 2019-20, which is also a fall of 4% from 78,488 in 2018-19. This continues the general downward trend of the last ten years,

Table 15 Bail-related Offences[1] with a conviction, 2010-11 to 2019-20

  2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 % change 2018-19 to 2019-20
All bail-related offences: 8,261    8,860    8,462    8,003    8,547    8,589    7,702    7,000    6,504    6,800    5
Bail-related offences as a percentage of bail orders made 18    19    19    17    18    19    18    19    19    23    25
High Court 27    20    16    26    38    20    18    20    18    33    83
Sheriff Solemn 227    209    224    236    330    344    309    243    354    384    8
Sheriff Summary[2] 7,527    8,105    7,878    7,429    7,836    7,883    7,073    6,430    5,956    6,176    4
Justice of the Peace[3] 480    526    344    312    343    342    302    307    176    207    18
Under 21 2,051    2,146    1,811    1,412    1,355    1,384    1,302    969    820    857    5
21-30 3,111    3,290    3,169    2,936    3,043    2,994    2,671    2,359    2,248    2,111    -6
31-40 1,777    1,999    1,987    2,050    2,262    2,301    2,084    2,105    1,993    2,198    10
41-100 1,322    1,425    1,495    1,605    1,887    1,910    1,645    1,567    1,443    1,634    13
Male 7,215    7,758    7,267    6,939    7,413    7,364    6,597    5,972    5,578    5,780    4
Female 1,046    1,102    1,195    1,064    1,134    1,225    1,105    1,028    926    1,020    10
Main result of proceedings:                      
Custody 2,083    2,220    2,117    2,018    2,147    2,013    1,659    1,621    1,623    1,446    -11
Community 1,464    1,520    1,685    1,644    1,811    1,853    1,794    1,507    1,296    1,568    21
Monetary 1,818    1,922    1,679    1,508    1,555    1,509    1,342    1,160    1,097    1,109    1
Other 2,896    3,198    2,981    2,833    3,034    3,214    2,907    2,712    2,488    2,677    8

1. Bail related offences include breach of bail conditions and failure to appear in court.
2. Includes any remaining cases seen in the stipendiary magistrates court in Glasgow.
3. Includes District courts up to 2009-10.



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