Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2019-20

A total of 85,726 people were proceeded against in Scottish criminal courts in 2019-20, a fall of 4% from 89,725 proceedings in 2018-19 The number of convictions was 75,251 in 2019-20, which is also a fall of 4% from 78,488 in 2018-19. This continues the general downward trend of the last ten years,

Table 18c People given RPWs, by main crime/offence and age and sex, 2019-20[1]

        (Number)         (percent)
Main crime or offence Under 21 21-30 31-40 over 40 Total Under 21 21-30 31-40 over 40 Total
All crimes and offences 4,995  6,450  4,669  6,237  22,351  100   100   100   100   100  
All crimes 2,867  3,604  2,309  2,485  11,265  57   56   49   40   50  
 Non-sexual crimes of violence -   -   *   -   *  
  Homicide etc  -   -   -   -   -  
  Attempted murder and serious assault  -   -   -   -   -  
  Robbery  -   -   *   -   *  
  Domestic Abuse (Scotland) Act -   -   -   -   -  
  Other non-sexual crimes of violence -   -   *   -   *  
 Sexual crimes 11  19  *   -   *   *   *  
  Rape and attempted rape  -   -   -   -   -  
  Sexual assault  -   -   -   -   -  
  Crimes associated with prostitution  *   -   -   -   *  
  Other sexual crimes  11  18  *   -   *   *   *  
 Crimes of dishonesty 616  878  1,013  1,485  3,992  12   14   22   24   18  
  Housebreaking  15  24  *   *   *   *   *  
  Theft by opening lockfast places  14  *   *   *   *   *  
  Theft from a motor vehicle -   -   *   -   *  
  Theft of a motor vehicle *   -   -   -   *  
  Shoplifting 367  543  721  1,088  2,719  7   8   15   17   12  
  Other theft 139  221  221  308  889  3   3   5   5   4  
  Fraud 85  105  64  70  324  2   2   1   1   1  
  Other dishonesty 20  *   *   *   *   *  
 Fire-raising, vandalism, etc. 286  245  144  195  870  6   4   3   3   4  
  Fire-raising  *   -   *   *   *  
  Vandalism etc.  282  245  143  191  861  6   4   3   3   4  
 Other crimes 1,961  2,481  1,145  794  6,381  39   38   25   13   29  
  Crimes against public justice  28  47  64  57  196  1   1   1   1   1  
  Handling offensive weapons  -   -   -   -   -  
  Drugs  1,933  2,433  1,081  735  6,182  39   38   23   12   28  
  Other crime  -   *   -   *   *  
All offences 2,128  2,846  2,360  3,752  11,086  43   44   51   60   50  
 Miscellaneous offences 2,111  2,747  2,298  3,694  10,850  42   43   49   59   49  
  Common assault  454  644  515  903  2,516  9   10   11   14   11  
  Breach of the peace etc.  927  1,334  1,249  2,056  5,566  19   21   27   33   25  
  Drunkenness and other disorderly conduct 482  386  313  429  1,610  10   6   7   7   7  
  Urinating etc. 163  218  104  103  588  3   3   2   2   3  
  Other miscellaneous  85  165  117  203  570  2   3   3   3   3  
 Motor vehicle offences 17  99  62  58  236  *   2   1   1   1  
  Dangerous and careless driving  17  *   *   *   *   *  
  Driving under the influence  -   -   -   -   -  
  Speeding  -   -   -   -   -  
  Unlawful use of motor vehicle  12  92  59  48  211  *   1   1   1   1  
  Vehicle defect offences  -   -   -   -   -  
  Seat belt offences -   -   -   -   -  
  Mobile phone offences -   -   -   -   -  
  Other motor vehicle offences  -   *   *   *   *  

1. Excludes a small number of records where age and / or sex are unknown.



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