
Criminal Proceedings in Scotland, 2019-20

A total of 85,726 people were proceeded against in Scottish criminal courts in 2019-20, a fall of 4% from 89,725 proceedings in 2018-19 The number of convictions was 75,251 in 2019-20, which is also a fall of 4% from 78,488 in 2018-19. This continues the general downward trend of the last ten years,

Table 20 People given COPFS disposals by disposal type, 2010-11 to 2019-20[1]

2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 % change 18-19 to 19-20
All COPFS disposals 60,099    67,378    87,591    82,357    63,116    62,461    41,823    41,835    35,620    36,426    2
 Fiscal fine 35,604    42,212    47,969    47,259    36,314    34,477    21,825    22,693    18,460    18,354    -1
 Fiscal fixed penalty 20,357    21,068    21,669    23,467    15,488    10,748    8,430    6,546    6,977    7,955    14
 Fiscal warning -    -    14,526    8,863    8,698    14,041    8,665    9,390    6,216    5,650    -9
 Fiscal combined fine + compensation 2,195    2,715    2,334    1,930    1,986    2,671    2,217    1,979    3,180    3,841    21
 Fiscal compensation 1,838    1,323    1,023    783    597    506    669    1,216    779    616    -21
 Fiscal fixed penalties (Pre-SJR) 105    60    70    55    33    18    17    11    8    10    25

1. Due to the way they were recorded by COPFS, Fiscal Warning statistics are unavailable before 2012-13.



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