
Neonatal care levels criteria: framework for practice

Describes a clear service delivery framework across NHS Scotland defining levels of neonatal care including repatriation.

11. Authors

Members of Perinatal Subgroup of the Implementation of Best Start


Jim Crombie, Deputy Chief Executive, NHS Lothian

Rod Harvey, Medical Director, NHS Highland (until 2019)

Andrew Murray, Medical Director, NHS Forth Valley (from 2020)


Jenny Boyd, Consultant Obstetrician, NHS Fife (until 2020)

Alan Cameron, Consultant Obstetrician and Fetal Medicine Specialist, NHS GG&C (until 2020)

Kate Burley, Associate Director for National Strategic Networks, NHS NSS (from 2018 to 2020)

Shetty Bushan, Lead Clinician and Consultant Neonatologist, NHS Tayside / Chair, National Neonatal Consultants Forum

Morag Campbell, Clinical Director for Paediatric Critical Care / Consultant Neonatologist, NHS GG&C (until 2020)

Lyn Clyde, Head of Midwifery, NHS Lanarkshire (until 2019)

Laura Boyce, Head of Midwifery, NHS Dumfries and Galloway (from 2022) – shared apt. with Mary Ross-Davie, Head of Midwifery, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (since 2022)

Fiona Collins, Network Manager, West of Scotland Neonatal MCN – shared apt. with Cathy Grieve, Network Manager, North of Scotland MCN (until 2019)

Sarah Cooper, Consultant Obstetrician, Maternal and Fetal Medicine Specialist, NHS Lothian (until 2020)

Philine Van Der Heide, Consultant Paediatrician NHS Highland LNU and SCU Representative Consultant Forum (since 2022)

Tara Fairley, Clinical Director, Women’s and Children’s / Consultant Obstetrician, NHS Grampian

Allan Jackson, Consultant Neonatologist, Scottish Ambulance Service, Neonatal Transport Service

Lesley Jackson, Clinical Lead National Neonatal Network / Consultant Neonatologist, NHS GG&C

Caroline Lee Davey, Chief Executive, Bliss

Corinne Love, Senior Medical Officer, Scottish Government

Una MacFadyen, Consultant Paediatrician, NHS Forth Valley (until 2020)

Carsten Mandt, Senior Programme Manager Scottish Perinatal Network, NHS NSS (since 2018)

Jan McClean, Director, Regional Planning (until 2020)

Liz McGrady, Consultant Anaesthetist, NHS GG&C (until 2019)

Edile Murdoch, Clinical Director Women’s and Children’s / Consultant Neonatologist, NHS Lothian (until 2020)

Colin Peters, Consultant Neonatologist / Clinical Director, NHS GG&C (since 2022)

Ben Stenson, Consultant Neonatologist, NHS Lothian (since 2022)

Alison Wright, Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, NHS Tayside / Chair of the Scottish Neonatal Nurses Group



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