
Criteria for the Healthcare Retail Standard

Document details the criteria, rationale and scope of the Healthcare Retail Standard for all retail providers operating in the NHS in Scotland.


1. This document sets out criteria for the Healthcare Retail Standard ( HRS). It is the third version, published in October 2016.

2. Chief Executive Letter ( CEL) 01 (2012) sets out the vision under the health promoting health service that " every healthcare contact is a health improvement opportunity". On food and health, boards were required to:

" develop a consistent approach to healthy eating for all food service providers across the NHS. Caterers will be required to follow Healthyliving Award ( HLA) criteria at the point of contract (re)negotiation and retailers will be required to join the Scottish Grocers Federation ( SGF) Healthyliving Programme ( HLP) and meet their Gold Standard criteria at the point of contract (re)negotiation."

3. The criteria set in this document form the HRS that retailers now need to follow as outlined in Section E of the Chief Medical Officer letter (2015) 19 of 9 October 2015 [1] . Timescales for compliance are detailed in that document. Practical guidance on how retailers can meet the criteria in this document will be produced by the Scottish Grocers Federation ( SGF) Healthy Living Programme.

4. This document has been developed with the kind assistance of NHS Health Scotland, NHS National Services Scotland, Food Standards Scotland and the Scottish Grocers Federation with images courtesy of the Royal Voluntary Service and SGF Healthy Living Programme.


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