Crofting community right to buy: Company Limited by Guarantee (CLBG) - model template

Template to enable a crofting community to form a Company Limited by Guarantee.

This model Company Limited by Guarantee template has been created to enable a crofting community to form a Company Limited by Guarantee, for the purposes of exercising the right to buy land, a tenants interest in land and sporting interests, under Part 3 of the Land Reform (Scotland) Act 2003.

The model template can also be used by crofting communities looking to form a Company Limited by Guarantee for the purposes of submitting an application to the Scottish Land Fund.

On completion of the model template form, a community body must send its Articles of Association to the mailbox.  A review of the governing document will then be undertaken and this process may take up to four to six weeks to complete.

Once the Scottish Government has completed its review and a compliance letter has been issued to the community body, the community body must then send its Articles of Association to Companies House, to complete the formation of its company.



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