
Crofting consultation 2017: analysis report

Analysis report of the crofting consultation 2017.


1. Ri faighinn aig:

1. Available at:

2. The consultation paper can be found at:

3. Responses can be found at:

4. Scottish Government Crofting Policy:

5. Existing legislation does not require a link between grazing or agriculture and land use. What is required is ‘purposeful use’ which includes a range non-agricultural and agricultural activities.

6. There are already requirements in law to ensure the assignee or successor are required to meet certain conditions.

7. This is a requirement already in law for certain assignations.

8. As noted earlier, all responses which are to be published can be found on the Scottish Government’s website.

9. The first priority was awarded 7 points, with points then awarded on a sliding scale and with the seventh priority awarded one point. Please note that as not all respondents used the full scale this approach will give a small relative weighting to issues tending to be awarded the higher priorities.


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