
Crofting law reform proposals: consultation analysis

Analysis of the responses received to our crofting consultation 2024 - proposals for crofting law reform. The consultation ran from 6 June to 2 September 2024.


1. All percentages referenced in this executive summary are based on those answering the respective closed question.

2. During data checks two pairs of duplicate responses were identified. Each pair was combined into one response, using the closed question answers from the latter record in each case.

3. Assignation is the term used to describe the transfer of a croft tenancy from a tenant crofter, referred to as the 'assignor' or 'outgoing tenant', to a person of their choice referred to as the 'assignee' or 'proposed new tenant'.

4. To maintain respondent confidentiality, organisation responses have only been broken down into two categories of ‘Crofting organisations’ and ‘Other’

5. Section 25(1B) of the Crofters (Scotland) Act 1993

6. Sheep stock clubs are sheep flocks held in common ownership on a defined area of land and farmed for collective benefit.

7. ‘Greenwashing’ is the act of making false or misleading statements about the environmental benefits of a product or practice

8. For instance, those that required ownership of the croft to be held in the company’s name.

9. The landlord of a tenanted croft who wishes to remove land from crofting tenure must make an application to the Scottish Land Court. This is called resumption and has the same effect as decrofting.

10. Responses are published on the Scottish Government’s consultation website



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