
Crown Estate: a consultation on the long-term management of the Crown Estate in Scotland

A consultation on the long-term management of the Crown Estate in Scotland.

Annex B: Consultation Questions

Q1: Should the future approach be changed from the duty to manage the assets on a commercial basis?



Don't know

Q2: If YES, should there be a power to take account of wider socioeconomic or other benefits?



Don't know

Q3: If YES, which assets should be managed on a commercial basis and which should be managed differently? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q4: Should the requirement on 'good management' be retained?



Don't know

Q5: Should the requirement on 'good management' be amended to take account of environmental implications in relation to the management functions?



Don't know

Q6: Should the existing Crown Estate portfolio in Scotland be preserved in its current form?



Don't know

Q7: Should Scottish Ministers' approval be required for sizeable sales?



Don't know

Q8: Should the existing policy - the general presumption against selling the seabed - be maintained?



Don't know

Q9: Do you have any other views on how the management of the Crown Estate in Scotland can ensure delivery of the duties in the Scotland Acts 1998 and 2016? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q10: How can transparency on the sale and management of the Crown Estate assets be enhanced? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q11: How can the devolution of the management of the Crown Estate contribute to community empowerment? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q12: How can the devolution of the management of the Crown Estate contribute to land reform? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q13: How can we further improve alignment with Scottish Ministers' objectives to deliver on the national outcomes? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q14: Do you have any views on the proposed application of the above principles to guide the long term framework for managing Crown Estate assets?



Don't know


Q15: Which of the three proposed options for managing Crown Estate assets in Scotland do you prefer?

Option 1 (national)

Option 2 (local)

Option 3 (hybrid)

Don't know


Q16: If OTHER, what approach to management do you propose?

Q17: Should a geographic or a functional approach guide the reform of the management of the Crown Estate in Scotland?



Don't know

Other Please Specify:

Q18: Do you have a preference for management on a geographic basis being led by either local authorities or communities?

Local authorities


Don't know

Q19: Should Scottish Ministers have the power to hand responsibility for management of the estate, or parts of it, to a particular person or persons?



Don't know

Q20: Should Scottish Ministers have a power to vary management arrangements held by other parties over time?



Don't know

Q21: Should Scottish Ministers have the power to extinguish rights currently held in the Crown Estate where management of the asset can be adequately covered by other legislation?



Q22: Do you have any views on which assets should be managed at the (i) national level (ii) by local authorities or (iii) by communities? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q23: Should local authorities or communities be expected to make a case for further devolution?



Don't know

Q24: If YES, should they demonstrate the capability to ensure appropriate management, to maintain service delivery and to deliver increased benefits?



Don't know

Q25: Replicating functions in each area is likely to lead to fragmentation of the estate which would pose significant risk to realisation of new revenue - how can these risks be avoided? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q26: Should shared services be a requirement of devolution to the local level of decision-making on property, rights and interests of the Crown Estate? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q27: What are the opportunities, if any, of further devolution? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q28: What are the challenges, if any, of further devolution? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q29: Is there a need for strategic planning and a long term investment strategy, in order to co-ordinate work to enhance the value of the estate?



Don't know

Q30: Do you have any views on the value of a national framework to guide local decision-making? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q31: Should there be consistent charging approaches between areas to avoid competition between different parts of Scotland?



Don't know

Q32: Are there any other issues that should be covered by a national framework for management of Crown Estate assets in Scotland? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q33: Should the future arrangements in Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles be considered first?



Don't know

Q34: Is a phased approach needed to introduce reforms to the management of Crown Estate assets across Scotland?



Don't know

Q35: Is there value in a pilot scheme prior to implementing reforms?



Don't know

Q36: How can people influence decisions in relation to the management of the Crown Estate assets? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q37: How should the long term governance arrangements differ from the interim arrangements? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q38: Should the future framework include flexibility for Scottish Ministers to vary the proportion of revenue retained by the manager?



Don't know

Q39: Should the arrangement where the capital value of one part of the estate can be used to enhance opportunities elsewhere in the estate be continued?



Don't know

Q40: Should the current duty of maintaining the value of the estate and the return obtained from it be continued or amended for the investment of capital proceeds?



Don't know

Q41: Should capital proceeds from a sale in one area be invested in the same area, or should there be discretion to invest anywhere in Scotland?

Invest in same area

Discretion to invest anywhere

Don't know

Q42: Should it be possible for the capital or maintenance requirements for an individual asset to be funded from another part of the estate, even if management of the assets are devolved to the local level?



Don't know

Q43: Should funding of strategic activities from Crown Estate resources continue?



Don't know

Q44: If YES, should these strategic activities be managed at the national level?



Don't know

Q45: Should the person taking on the responsibility for management of an asset normally take on the responsibility for managing the associated liabilities?



Don't know

Q46: Should the liabilities for land restoration and residual liabilities after decommissioning of marine infrastructure be managed:



Don't know

Q47: Should the costs associated with management of liabilities be included in the overheads for estate management?



Don't know

Q48: Do you have any other views on the devolution of the management or revenue of the Crown Estate? ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q49: Please tell us about any potential costs or savings that may occur as a result of the proposals, and any increase or reduction in the burden of regulation for any sector. Please be as specific as possible. ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q50: Please tell us about any potential impacts, either positive or negative, you feel any of the proposals contained in this consultation may have on the environment. Please be as specific as possible. ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q51: Are there any likely impacts the proposals contained in this consultation may have on particular groups of people, with reference to the 'protected characteristics' listed above? Please be as specific as possible. ( Please provide details in the space below)

Q52: Please tell us about any potential impacts upon the privacy of individuals that may arise as a result of any of the proposals contained in this consultation. Please be as specific as possible. ( Please provide details in the space below)


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