Cultural engagement in Scotland 2023: Scottish Household Survey findings

This report provides evidence on cultural engagement in Scotland in 2023. It draws on data from the Scottish Household Survey to explore attitudes and behaviours for different people and places across Scotland.

Annex D: Additional 2023 SHS Culture tables

Table 1: Percentage of adults engaged in culture in the last 12 months, 2023, Local Authority areas in Scotland
Local Authority Percentage of adults Colour range in map
Aberdeen City 91% Dark blue
Aberdeenshire 90% Dark blue
Angus 88% Medium blue
Argyll & Bute 94% Dark blue
Clackmannanshire 85% Medium blue
Dumfries & Galloway 88% Medium blue
Dundee City 93% Dark blue
East Ayrshire 88% Medium blue
East Dunbartonshire 93% Dark blue
East Lothian 96% Dark blue
East Renfrewshire 91% Dark blue
Edinburgh, City of 95% Dark blue
Falkirk 86% Medium blue
Fife 91% Dark blue
Glasgow City 81% Light blue
Highland 90% Dark blue
Inverclyde 82% Light blue
Midlothian 93% Dark blue
Moray 77% Light blue
Na h-Eileanan Siar 87% Medium blue
North Ayrshire 85% Medium blue
North Lanarkshire 83% Light blue
Orkney Islands 88% Medium blue
Perth & Kinross 93% Dark blue
Renfrewshire 86% Medium blue
Scottish Borders 89% Medium blue
Shetland Islands 88% Medium blue
South Ayrshire 88% Medium blue
South Lanarkshire 88% Medium blue
Stirling 94% Dark blue
West Dunbartonshire 85% Medium blue
West Lothian 84% Medium blue
Table 2: Percentage of adults who attended a cultural event or place (including cinema) in the last 12 months, 2023, Local Authority areas in Scotland
Local Authority Percentage of adults Colour range in map
Aberdeen City 83% Dark blue
Aberdeenshire 80% Medium blue
Angus 72% Medium blue
Argyll & Bute 83% Dark blue
Clackmannanshire 74% Medium blue
Dumfries & Galloway 74% Medium blue
Dundee City 77% Medium blue
East Ayrshire 73% Medium blue
East Dunbartonshire 86% Dark blue
East Lothian 84% Dark blue
East Renfrewshire 84% Dark blue
Edinburgh, City of 87% Dark blue
Falkirk 74% Medium blue
Fife 73% Medium blue
Glasgow City 73% Medium blue
Highland 73% Medium blue
Inverclyde 70% Light blue
Midlothian 79% Medium blue
Moray 60% Light blue
Na h-Eileanan Siar 59% Light blue
North Ayrshire 69% Light blue
North Lanarkshire 70% Light blue
Orkney Islands 70% Light blue
Perth & Kinross 81% Dark blue
Renfrewshire 75% Medium blue
Scottish Borders 78% Medium blue
Shetland Islands 76% Medium blue
South Ayrshire 75% Medium blue
South Lanarkshire 78% Medium blue
Stirling 87% Dark blue
West Dunbartonshire 70% Light blue
West Lothian 69% Light blue
Table 3: Percentage of adults who participated in a cultural activity (including reading) in the last 12 months, 2023, Local Authority areas in Scotland
Local Authority Percentage of adults Colour range in map
Aberdeen City 80% Dark blue
Aberdeenshire 71% Medium blue
Angus 76% Medium blue
Argyll & Bute 83% Dark blue
Clackmannanshire 70% Medium blue
Dumfries & Galloway 79% Dark blue
Dundee City 78% Dark blue
East Ayrshire 77% Dark blue
East Dunbartonshire 79% Dark blue
East Lothian 83% Dark blue
East Renfrewshire 76% Medium blue
Edinburgh, City of 83% Dark blue
Falkirk 71% Medium blue
Fife 78% Dark blue
Glasgow City 64% Light blue
Highland 77% Dark blue
Inverclyde 53% Light blue
Midlothian 76% Medium blue
Moray 58% Light blue
Na h-Eileanan Siar 78% Dark blue
North Ayrshire 70% Medium blue
North Lanarkshire 65% Light blue
Orkney Islands 76% Medium blue
Perth & Kinross 79% Dark blue
Renfrewshire 68% Medium blue
Scottish Borders 75% Medium blue
Shetland Islands 76% Medium blue
South Ayrshire 83% Dark blue
South Lanarkshire 75% Medium blue
Stirling 80% Dark blue
West Dunbartonshire 73% Medium blue
West Lothian 65% Light blue
Table 4 : Frequency of attendance at individual cultural events and places of culture in the last 12 months, 2023, Scotland
Cultural event / place At least once a week At least once a month At least once a year
Cinema 2% 13% 85%
Library (including mobile and online) 16% 37% 46%
Live music event 1% 9% 89%
Theatre 0% 4% 95%
Dance show / event 0% 5% 94%
Historic place 1% 10% 88%
Museum 1% 8% 91%
Art gallery 1% 8% 90%
Exhibition 1% 5% 93%
Street arts 1% 5% 94%
Culturally specific festival 0% 2% 96%
Book festival 0% 1% 98%
Archive or records office 3% 8% 88%
Streaming of a live performance 4% 16% 76%
Classical music performance 1% 7% 91%
Opera 0% 5% 93%
Comedy performance 0% 4% 95%
Table 5 : Frequency of participation in individual cultural activities in the last 12 months, 2023, Scotland
Cultural activity At least once a week At least once a month At least once a year
Read books, poetry or graphic novels / comics 77% 14% 9%
Dance 44% 26% 28%
Played a musical instrument / written music 55% 28% 16%
Taken part in a theatrical performance 21% 27% 51%
Sang in a singing group or choir 55% 26% 18%
Painting, drawing, printmaking or sculpture 37% 38% 25%
Photography 38% 41% 20%
Film- making/ video-making 25% 28% 47%
Used a computer to produce artwork or animation 37% 31% 29%
Crafts 50% 28% 21%
Creative writing 38% 37% 23%
Viewed performances online 47% 28% 25%
Viewed cultural content online 32% 29% 37%
Shared art or creative content online 32% 33% 33%
Other cultural activity 37% 30% 30%
Table 6: Percentage of adults who agree or disagree with views on culture and heritage, 2023, Scotland
Strongly agree Tend to agree Neither agree nor disagree Tend to disagree Strongly disagree No opinion
Culture and the arts make a positive difference to my life 21% 27% 24% 14% 10% 5%
Culture and the arts are not really for me 10% 19% 21% 22% 23% 5%
Culture and the arts make a positive difference to my local community 18% 34% 23% 8% 3% 15%
There are enough opportunities to get involved in culture and the arts if I want to in my local area 14% 33% 22% 12% 5% 15%
It is important that Scotland’s heritage is well looked after 58% 28% 8% 1% 0% 5%
The heritage of my local area is well looked after 35% 36% 14% 4% 2% 9%
Table 7 : Percentage of adults who agree with reasons as to why culture and arts makes a positive difference to people’s lives, 2023, Scotland
Makes me feel happy/something I really enjoy 71%
Improves my physical health and fitness 16%
Improves my mental health and wellbeing 39%
Takes my mind off my problems 17%
Allows me to socialise with other people and make new friends 27%
I am learning new skills/knowledge 24%
Helps me to feel part of my local community 17%
Make me think and opens my mind to other opinions, perspectives and cultures 24%
Other reason 2%



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