Cultural engagement in Scotland 2023: Scottish Household Survey findings

This report provides evidence on cultural engagement in Scotland in 2023. It draws on data from the Scottish Household Survey to explore attitudes and behaviours for different people and places across Scotland.

Satisfaction with Local Authority cultural services (2023)

This section presents the reported levels of satisfaction (including users and non-users of these services) for three different types of Local Authority cultural service (libraries, museums and galleries, theatres or concert halls).

In 2023, around under nine out of ten users were satisfied with Local Authority libraries (91%), museums and galleries (90%), and theatres and concert halls (88%). Satisfaction with libraries has maintained since 2022. However, satisfaction with theatres and concert halls has increased (from 85% in 2022 to 88% in 2023) as has satisfaction with museums and galleries (87% in 2022 to 90% in 2023). (Table 9.53 in supporting excel workbook).

Satisfaction levels for ‘all adults’ (Table 9.40 in supporting excel workbook) are generally lower than among service users. This is because non-service users are included, who may express no opinion about the service. Although satisfaction amongst all adults was lower (39% for libraries, 42% for museums and galleries and 42% for theatres and concert halls) levels of satisfaction amongst all adults has increased for all three services since 2022 unlike for users.



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