
Cultural engagement in Scotland: insights from people's experiences

This report provides insights into people's experiences and perceptions of culture and creativity. It draws on data from an online 'free-text' survey that was designed to provide wider context to the data that is available through the Scottish Household Survey.

Annex B – Sample Characteristics

504 responses were submitted to the survey during a 4-week period: 8th July until 2nd August 2024. These were all mainly from individuals, however a small number (fewer than 14) of respondents selected that they were responding as an organisation.[31]

The research team also received additional input, using the survey framework, from two disability membership networks. These organisations contacted us following the survey’s launch asking for alternate means of contributing which researchers then accommodated. One of our researchers attended an online session on 12th July with [The Assembly] – hearing from ~14 members, on 3 questions of: what do you like to do in your free time; what stops you from doing what you want to do; and how does taking part in cultural/creative activities make you feel.[32] Researchers also separately received written contributions from The Action Group, collating some of their members responses to the same three questions.

Table 2 presents a more detailed breakdown of the sample who responded through Citizen Space, including the number and percentage who identified with different demographic characteristics.

Table 2 : Detailed sample characteristics of the respondents of the online free-text survey
Local Authority Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
Aberdeen City 8 1.6%
Aberdeenshire 14 2.8%
Angus 9 1.8%
Argyll and Bute 13 2.6%
Clackmannanshire 2 0.4%
Dumfries and Galloway 14 2.6%
Dundee City 29 5.8%
East Ayrshire 5 1.0%
East Dunbartonshire 15 3.0%
East Lothian 15 3.0%
East Renfrewshire 11 2.2%
Edinburgh, City of 98 19.6%
Falkirk 9 1.8%
Fife 18 3.6%
Glasgow 80 15.9%
Highland 27 5.4%
Inverclyde 7 1.4%
Midlothian 11 2.2%
Moray 7 1.4%
Na h-Eileanan Siar 4 0.8%
North Ayrshire 7 1.4%
North Lanarkshire 11 2.2%
Orkney Islands 2 0.4%
Perth and Kinross 11 2.2%
Renfrewshire 10 2.0%
Scottish Borders 12 2.4%
Shetland Islands 4 0.8%
South Ayrshire 5 1.0%
South Lanarkshire 14 2.8%
Stirling 13 2.6%
West Dunbartonshire 2 0.4%
West Lothian 9 1.8%
Prefer not to say / not answered 8 1.6%
Age (years) Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
0-15 1 0.2%
16-24 16 3.2%
25-34 64 12.7%
35-44 84 16.7%
45-54 97 19.2%
55-64 120 23.8%
65-74 83 16.5%
75-84 26 5.2%
85+ 2 0.4%
Prefer not to say / not answered 11 2.2%
Sex Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
Female 366 72.6%
Male 114 22.6%
Prefer not to say / not answered 24 4.8%
Trans history Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
Yes 6 1.2%
No 462 91.7%
Prefer not to say / not answered 36 7.1%
Ethnicity Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
African, African Scottish or African British 1 0.2%
Asian, Asian Scottish, Asian British 2 0.4%
Chinese, Chinese Scottish, Chinese British 2 0.4%
Indian, Indian Scottish or Indian British 3 0.6%
Mixed or multiple ethnic group 9 1.8%
Pakistani, Pakistani Scottish or Pakistani British 7 1.4%
Other ethnic group 9 1.8%
White (Scottish, British, Irish) 413 81.9%
White Minorities (Polish, Gypsy Traveller) 4 0.8%
White other 36 7.1%
Prefer not to say / not answered 18 3.6%
Unpaid Carer Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
No 402 79.8%
Yes 85 16.9%
Prefer not to say / not answered 17 3.4%
Disability[33] Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
No 330 65.5%
Yes 136 27.0%
Don’t know 7 1.4%
Prefer not to say / not answered 31 6.2%
Disability reduces ability to carry-out day-to-day activities Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
Not at all 26 19.1%
Yes, a little 83 61.0%
Yes, a lot 27 19.9%
Financial situation Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
Managing very well 59 11.7%
Managing quite well 130 25.8%
Getting by alright 223 44.2%
Not managing very well 43 8.5%
Having some financial difficulties 27 5.4%
In deep financial trouble 3 0.6%
Don't know 2 0.4%
Prefer not to say / not answered 17 3.4%
Employment status Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
Full-time 186 36.9%
Not working due to illness/disability 12 2.4%
Part-time 87 17.3%
Retired 107 21.2%
Self-employed 73 14.5%
Studying 16 3.2%
Unemployed not seeking work 1 0.2%
Unemployed seeking work 5 1.0%
Other 10 2.0%
Prefer not to say / not answered 7 1.4%
Education qualifications received[34] Number of respondents Percentage of respondents
School Leaving Certificate, National Qualification Access Unit 19 3.8%
O Grade, Standard Grade, GCSE, GCE O Level, CSE, National Qualification Access 3 Cluster, Intermediate 1 or 2, National 4 or 5, Senior Certificate or equivalent 229 45.4%
GNVQ/GSVQ Foundation or Intermediate, SVQ Level 1 or 2, SCOTVEC/National Certificate Module, City and Guilds Craft, RSA Diploma or equivalent 35 6.9%
Higher Grade, Advanced Higher, CSYS, A Level, AS Level, Advanced Senior Certificate or equivalent 232 46.0%
GNVQ/GSVQ Advanced, SVQ Level 3, ONC, OND, SCOTVEC National Diploma, City and Guilds Advanced Craft, RSA Advanced Diploma or equivalent 20 4.0%
HNC, HND, SVQ Level 4, RSA Higher Diploma or equivalent 63 12.5%
First Degree, Higher Degree, SVQ Level 5 or equivalent 354 70.2%
Professional qualifications e.g. teaching, accountancy 190 37.7%
Other school examinations not already mentioned 13 2.6%
Other post-school but pre Higher education examinations not already mentioned 9 1.8%
Other Higher education qualifications not already mentioned 113 22.4%
No qualifications 7 1.4%
Prefer not to say / not answered 6 1.2%



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