
Culture strategy for Scotland consultation: analysis of responses - key themes

Report summarising the key themes raised by respondents to the public consultation on a draft Culture Strategy for Scotland.

The consultation

This report summarises key themes to emerge from the analysis of responses to the consultation on a draft, "A Culture Strategy for Scotland".

The consultation on the draft strategy opened on 27 June and closed on 19 September 2018. The consultation paper is available on the Scottish Government's website at: /publications/culture-strategy-scotland-draft-consultation/.

In total, 216 responses were available for analysis. Individual respondents were the largest single group. The largest group of organisational respondents were the culture organisations, groups or companies[1]. Respondents came from across Scotland, from Shetland in the north to Dumfries and Galloway and the Scottish Borders in the south, and from Comhairle nan Eilean Siar in the west to Fife in the east.

Comments from respondents were often extensive and detailed and the level of interest in, and commitment to, creating the best culture strategy for Scotland was clear. Some noted that they saw the current draft of the strategy as representing a good start to the process of developing the final strategy and that they would be keen to be involved in the development work going forward.

The themes raised by individuals and organisations were often very similar and there were no clear patterns among themes raised by different types of organisations.


Email: Donna Stewart

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