
Culture strategy for Scotland consultation: analysis of responses - summary

Report summarising analysis of the feedback to the public consultation on a draft Culture Strategy for Scotland.

A vision for culture in Scotland

The consultation paper suggests that the draft strategy is bold and ambitious and is centred on the fundamental value of culture and its empowering and transformative potential. There is a commitment to long term change through greater collaboration and integration across culture, communities and policy development. The vision statements are that:

  • Culture in Scotland is innovative, inclusive and open to the wider world.
  • Cultural excellence - past, present and emerging - is celebrated and is fundamental to future prosperity and wellbeing.
  • Culture’s empowering and transformative power is experienced by everyone.

Question 1: What is your view of the vision as set out above?

Question 2: If you have any further comments on the vision, please provide them below. What do you like, or dislike, or what would you change?

Table 2: Question 1 - What is your view of the Vision as set out above?

  Support Do not support Don’t know Not answered Total
Academics, University, Higher Education or Further Education 6       6
Culture (arts, cultural heritage, creative industries) organisation, group or company 42 1 2 1 46
Faith Group       2 2
Local Authority or Culture Trust 14 1   1 16
National Collections and Performing Companies 9       9
Public Body 9   1 1 11
Representative or umbrella group 25   1 8 34
Third sector 15     1 16
Union or political party 4 1   1 6
Total organisations 124 3 4 15 146
% of organisations answering 95% 2% 3%    
Individuals 50 10 5 4 69
Individual (on behalf of a community) 1       1
Total Individuals 51 10 5 4 70
% of individuals answering 77% 15% 8%    
All respondents 175 13 9 19 216
% of all respondents 81% 6% 4% 9%  
% of all those answering 89% 7% 5%    

* If figures do not sum to 100% this is due to rounding.

A clear majority of respondents - 89% of those answering the question - supported the vision set out in the draft strategy. Organisational respondents were more likely to be supportive than individuals (95% of those answering and 77% of those answering respectively).

Views of those who supported the vision

Those who supported the vision often went on to make a broad statement of support, with further comments including that the vision is positive, inclusive, comprehensive, or ambitious. However, others suggested the draft strategy could be more ambitious or called for the draft strategy to be more inspirational, motivating or exciting.

There was some support for the ‘broad-brush’, non-prescriptive approach to describing culture, including as a range of activities experienced by communities throughout Scotland. However, the absence of a definition of culture was an issue for some respondents.

A number of respondents wished to see greater coverage or prominence given to heritage, tangible and intangible, including museums, libraries, archives and the historic environment.

The reference to cultural excellence was welcomed by some, and it was suggested that the draft strategy should acknowledge there is good work being done across the sector. However, a frequently raised perspective was that excellence implies there is a standard against which cultural activity can be judged, and that this could be seen as elitist.

Views of those who did not support the vision

Those who did not support the vision or did not know if they did, raised very similar issues to those who had offered support. These included that the vision is vague, and a definition of culture is required.

It was also felt that more emphasis should be given to the role of cultural heritage, and that if the draft strategy suggests delivery will only be achieved through creative processes, those working in the cultural heritage sector will feel excluded.

Others asked whether the delivery of the draft strategy is practical, affordable or realistic.


Email: Donna Stewart

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