
Culture strategy for Scotland consultation: analysis of responses - summary

Report summarising analysis of the feedback to the public consultation on a draft Culture Strategy for Scotland.

Delivering “A Culture Strategy for Scotland”

The final culture strategy will highlight where individuals, communities, and organisations are already working towards the vision, ambition and aims of the draft strategy.

Question 12: Please provide details of any examples of good work and best practice, from Scotland or internationally, that you think could be included in the final strategy? We are interested in a range of different approaches.

Many respondents gave an example at Question 12, sometimes noting that they saw the organisations, initiatives or projects they cited as representing good practice or more generally as doing good work. Summary information on the suggestions made is set out at Annex 2 of the Full Analysis report.

There was considerable diversity and range in the examples given. They included local projects or organisations, local and national festivals, wider Scottish-based initiatives (often as an integral part of programmes run by organisations), as well as examples of national and international co-operation and collaboration.

In terms of specific organisations and projects identified, many of these reflect themes highlighted in the consultation document around widening access and working across policy areas. They included, for example, links to: education, children and young people; health, wellbeing and patient or carer groups; and minority or marginalised groups.

Question 13: What can you or your organisation do to support the vision, aims, ambitions and actions of the strategy?

A number of organisations reported that their current work is very much in line with the vision and ambitions set out in the draft strategy. Respondents sometimes referred to their own organisation’s strategies, policies and actions as embracing key concepts such as widening access, working in partnerships, collaborating and extending and diversifying audiences.

Some respondents referred to existing activities or programmes which they felt were delivering important and relevant work, including in relation to health, education, volunteering and engaging marginalised communities. Otherwise the range of activities and wider work very much reflected the diversity reported in answer to Question 12.

Others also commented on the role that they, or others, can play in delivering the draft strategy, including as partners, artists, consultants or volunteers. Those highlighting this potential ranged from retired professionals with culture-related expertise through to organisations representing the views and interests of their members to the Scottish Government.

Finally, some respondents made a commitment to continuing to provide awards and grants to support artists and/or cultural development in Scotland, including in new activity areas. There were also commitments to continuing to provide opportunities for internships, residencies, traineeships and apprenticeships.

Question 14: What do you think success for the strategy will look like?

A wide variety of views were expressed about what is likely to constitute success for the draft strategy, and what success will look like, with some respondents giving an overall vision of what success would look like for them. Comments often focused on themes around inclusion and engaged communities.

Respondents often thought success would be represented by culture having a much higher profile and increased perceived value across all policy areas and levels of government in Scotland. It was seen as critical that this objective is communicated to all key decision makers and influencers.

Education was the policy area most often mentioned, with further comments including that from the earliest age, children should have a real understanding of what cultural experiences are, and confidence in their right to access and engage with them.

For some, existing culture provision in Scotland is too focused on high-end outputs that are a crucial part of the national culture offer but that appeal mostly to visitors and tourists. There was a call for priorities and activities to be focused more on Scotland’s citizens and diverse communities, including those with disabilities (including British Sign Language users), living in remote rural areas, and specific cultural communities including Gaelic, Scots and Doric speakers. Shifting the gender balance of those accessing and attending cultural activities was also mentioned.


Email: Donna Stewart

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